Produce weed in 43 days

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Wow, just spend a hour crusing thru this thread and discovered two things. One, fdd2blk, you need to get stoned and laid and whatever else brings joy to your like. Seriouosly, I see your side of this, but you in many ways make this forum what is it today. SO Please show us your best side that I know you have. Prof MJ has his ways and so far I have seen no attempt of anything more than help. Even if his claims seem off, maybe he has discovered the magic sauce and his claims are valid? Maybe he is full of Bs, but lets give the guy some love and see what grows. Don't you get more with honey than vinegar. And Two, Prof Mj, if you are here for us, then ignore the folks who see that half empty glass. There are those of us who appreciate your help. Guide us to sucess Please.
cheech and chong are washed up has beens. after all these years that can't write one new joke? that shit was old in the 70's, now we have to hear it all over again? most of it wasn't that funny then. they are tokens. and they aren't funny. cheech bad mouthed the whole pot scene for years. now that hollywood is done with him it's all cool again? guess you go where the money is.

i'm not a pot lamb lost in the herd. i see things for what they really all. i don't buy into any of this nonsense. sorry. bongsmilie

Tells me everything I need to know about you Fdd. Had I know earlier I would have been much more serious and on point. FYI, they are promoting their "Get it legal" campaign. If they can get just one of their two remaining fans it might make diff. I'm all about people that actualy "DO" something. I'd love to have you direct me to the link where YOU have made change. I can get serious for a few moments to read it. Christ Bro, lighten up, WTF. Why are you tripping on this? Thought we had an agreement where you'd back off and let me answer a few questions while I still have a couple days off. Let's give it a try and see if we can help a few new growers, isn't that what it's about? Sorry if I offended you, time to get over it and lets chill. OK?
And your pics Skunk? They weren't those litle nugs were they? I'm sorry you can't get there, perhaps there's a touch more you can learn. Dream Big my friend. Why won't you allow yourself to think outside the box? You seem like you might be a decent grower, expand man. "You'll see it when you believe it" never will if you refuse to believe there's boundaries to push. Negative people grow negative bud, get positive and your plants will feel it, probably just crap too. We all know plants can't feel the good vibes, right? Just old hippie shit, I'll take my path and say they'll grow 10 feet in 43 days, what the hell you never know:-)

And Fdd, my gal was wondering when you planned on answering her questions?
View attachment 1022266Yes that's what I'm suggesting. These are a Sativa at 20 days in my test lab in hydro. A pure Indica would be bigger, regardless these will push 3 foot easy in 45 days. Give the plant "what it wants, when it wants it, in the amounts it wants" and it will do amazing things folks. The Prof isn't blowing smoke up your skirt, I can back my words and actions up. All I've seen from the haters and "ney sayer's" are "McBuds". They are just not up to speed, new techniques and doing things right will perform up to high standards.

no, it can't be overfeeding. You're in a recirculating system. what system is that? it's not NFT.

Nice space by the way. You've made a mistake on this grow though i think, i can see where you've snipped off leaves. Leaves that you don't even need to snip off. those runts in the middle only look around 6" high too.
To right my friend, moving on.
49307]Wow, just spend a hour crusing thru this thread and discovered two things. One, fdd2blk, you need to get stoned and laid and whatever else brings joy to your like. Seriouosly, I see your side of this, but you in many ways make this forum what is it today. SO Please show us your best side that I know you have. Prof MJ has his ways and so far I have seen no attempt of anything more than help. Even if his claims seem off, maybe he has discovered the magic sauce and his claims are valid? Maybe he is full of Bs, but lets give the guy some love and see what grows. Don't you get more with honey than vinegar. And Two, Prof Mj, if you are here for us, then ignore the folks who see that half empty glass. There are those of us who appreciate your help. Guide us to sucess Please.[/QUOTE]


Pix from a 50 plant SoG, in coco...
it's a shame i can't find my old x-mas tree cola from one of my grapefruit DWC grows. Cola as thick as my waist. I can't even remember which handle i used or which forum i posted it on though. Grapefruit was the strain.

I got lots of pix scattered about everywhere. finding them is the problem, remembering them too is another.

Do you know the average salinity tolerance of cannabis?

you also cannot seriously say that a 12" indica could stretch to 24ft. You're going way beyond the bounds of reason now. maybe you're tired?
View attachment 1022248Now Pdd, SHOW ME YOUR WORK. I didn't want to pull out the big guns but I had no choice. Oh you want a QP? Let me break a bud in half. Any of you haters that say the Prof's full of it like to compare work?

Stop hating and start paying attention to what the plant is saying and anythings posible. Oh it's SensiStar off a three foot plant, wait a second three feet plants can't produce 3 ounce buds. Better throw em back.

Hahahahahaha ProfMj

That IS fuckin impressive, IMHO
wow, 28 pages of you trying to prove how great you are, a guy who has nothing to gain would not pound his chest so hard, then have his wife help pound it a little to, some sheeple just can't read between the lines, anyone who doubts what your spraying just leads to more pounding of your chest, not what real guru's would do. your pics are old/lame. tell us the formula for 43 day weed or kick rocks.
Actually he did answer alot of questions by posting a pic of his "test" lab.

es that's what I'm suggesting. These are a Sativa at 20 days in my test lab in hydro. A pure Indica would be bigger, regardless these will push 3 foot easy in 45 days. Give the plant "what it wants, when it wants it, in the amounts it wants" and it will do amazing things folks. The Prof isn't blowing smoke up your skirt, I can back my words and actions up. All I've seen from the haters and "ney sayer's" are "McBuds". They are just not up to speed, new techniques and doing things right will perform up to high standards.

Ok, lets assume this is true for a minute.

Now, I am just a noob grower with 0 grows under my belt. However, I come here and read alot and have been helped out.

In my newb experience I have been told time and time again that once a plant is placed into 12/12 it grows for a few weeks (up to 4) but then stops growing and begins bud development.

Given the timeline you yourself have provided Prof MJ. There are less than 4 weeks left in your bloom schedule. Yet, somehow after 3 weeks of 12/12 and bloom lighting your plants are still going to somehow double in size and then fully mature in bloom?

We can see from the pictures he is running an NFT or Aero system in 4" plastic fenceposts with 3" netpots. Nothing new there.
The problem with someone like the Prof coming to a site like this is that he is so far above and beyond people here that people simply can't comprehend what he's saying. I've noted several tips in the Prof's posts and whether I agree with them entirely or not, it's certainly food-for-thought and a basis for my own experiments in the future. With the majority of the posters here possessing < 3 years experience, I'd keep your minds open.

Prof - question for you: what products (nutes) work best for you?
I found his info on the Brix meter kind of interesting. Never really considered using one for anything other than moonshine though. I've got a handful of glycol refractometers for antifreeze/battery acid. Anyone know if those would work? I'm guessing if the prisms are the same the only difference would be the scale.

What ya think professor?
That IS fuckin impressive, IMHO

I agree with you rocky... but come on man, an indica stretching 24 times during flower, in 43 days?

would you start a 2" indica clone in flower and expect it to hit 3-4ft?

I like how the fucker deliberately confuses what i said about 3ft plants too. I didn't say a 3ft plant couldn't produce 3oz, i said a 2" indica wouldn't stretch to a height big enough to allow 3oz on the branches. In other words an indica just won't stretch that much during flower.

stretch is hormonal, cause by the dark, and a plant will genetically only stretch so much at a time. which is why we know that indicas won't stretch very much in flower. Rocky, if you started a 12" indica would you expect it to stretch to 24ft by the start of flower till the end? A full on afghani, you know what i mean. Fuckers are even hard to clone... hopefully tet' hurries up and figures out this cell culture thing for us.
Indicas are slow growers and notoriously difficult to clone. stretching 24 times their start height is definitely not in the vocabulary.

I am impressed with the professors experience... but why extend the truth? He clearly has no need to.
I agree with you rocky... but come on man, an indica stretching 24 times during flower, in 43 days?

would you start a 2" indica clone in flower and expect it to hit 3-4ft?

I like how the fucker deliberately confuses what i said about 3ft plants too. I didn't say a 3ft plant couldn't produce 3oz, i said a 2" indica wouldn't stretch to a height big enough to allow 3oz on the branches. In other words an indica just won't stretch that much during flower.

stretch is hormonal, cause by the dark, and a plant will genetically only stretch so much at a time. which is why we know that indicas won't stretch very much in flower. Rocky, if you started a 12" indica would you expect it to stretch to 24ft by the start of flower till the end? A full on afghani, you know what i mean. Fuckers are even hard to clone... hopefully tet' hurries up and figures out this cell culture thing for us.
Indicas are slow growers and notoriously difficult to clone. stretching 24 times their start height is definitely not in the vocabulary.

I am impressed with the professors experience... but why extend the truth? He clearly has no need to.

Yes, I find those 'stats' to be staggering and pretty impossible, period. It's almost like the $15K elephant bud or whatever that silly shit was/is, simply a hoax IMO. But many will believe anything they read, if it's well written.
I know quite a lot of commercial growers, know a few right now and others over the years. If they heard the bullshit about 150oz per 1000w light they'd simply laugh. Impossible they'd say. there they are using NFT and DWC and only hitting a little over a gram per watt.

admittedly they don't do SoG, and if they did their yields would improve per space used, not to mention the faster turnover... but there is no way it could improve to such a degree as they are getting 4200g per 1000w light. 4.2g per watt.

2" indica clones stretching to 4ft during a 43 day flower period and 4.2g per watt is just a little too much. You destroy your credibility with these outrageous claims.
I know quite a lot of commercial growers, know a few right now and others over the years. If they heard the bullshit about 150oz per 1000w light they'd simply laugh. Impossible they'd say. there they are using NFT and DWC and only hitting a little over a gram per watt.

admittedly they don't do SoG, and if they did their yields would improve per space used, not to mention the faster turnover... but there is no way it could improve to such a degree as they are getting 4200g per 1000w light. 4.2g per watt.

2" indica clones stretching to 4ft during a 43 day flower period and 4.2g per watt is just a little too much. You destroy your credibility with these outrageous claims.

Yeah if you're hitting a gram per watt you are doing your job. 4.2 per???? I am now officially calling SHENANIGANS !

If you tell a hundred truths and 2 lies, guess what everyone will remember ???? Some simply can't help themselves in spinning a yarn.
It just doesn't seem to add up, IMO this whole 43 day harvest thing is just simply unattainable, not to mention the claims of heavy yields, especially to the degree previously stated by multiple users...I would say that it is just another extreme over exaggeration, used to make money off of those with full pockets and empty skulls...and your decades of experience is merely another means of further persuading those of inferior intelligence in the field of marijuana cultivation, into purchasing your grow tutorials and attending your extremely over-priced seminars...

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