Produce weed in 43 days

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i guess we all have something to prove.

i was done a long time ago. you 2 keep right on going though. i see you need it. you are the BEST grower ever. i will shut up and listen to you now, as i await my free weed. you can pm me for my details. ;)

I start with clones 2 to 3 inches tall and harvest 3 to 4 foot plants that EASILY produce an average of 3 ounces
Skunk, you're just flat out wrong. You can grow plants that support and yield 3 ounces, you're just wrong. I do it on a nonstop basis.

a 2" indica, 42 day flower, will not stretch to 3 or 4 ft. 4ft from a 2" indica clone. You are insane. I thought 3ft was bad enough. 2" to 4ft makes for 24by stretch. In 43 days? You're having a laugh. Imagine if you started a plant at 6"... a 24 by stretch would turn a 6" plant into a 144" or 12ft plant. Indicas don't stretch that much, it's genetically impossible.

From an indica? a 6 week flowering indica?

If i flowered say LA Confidential, which i've grown many times. 100% indica, short flower, low stretch. that's what indicas are. are you really suggesting for one second that a 12" indica could stretch to 24ft during the flower?

ha ha ha
cheechchong2.jpgChillin with Cheech and Chong, they just love phonies. And really good weed. Perks of being the Professor Marijuana and the Clone Queen. Anyone want to know how to grow pot? Just ask, answer when I can, FREE. Goodnight.
God Fdd, now you're trashing C&C. You don't own a pair of really thick framed black glasses taped in the middle do you? Lost Mine:-) Just chill, it'll be ok, I promise.

Was just kidding Fdd, kind of like you when you asked, right?
God Fdd, now you're trashing C&C. You don't own a pair of really thick framed black glasses taped in the middle do you? Lost Mine:-) Just chill, it'll be ok, I promise.

Was just kidding Fdd, kind of like you when you asked, right?

cheech and chong are washed up has beens. after all these years that can't write one new joke? that shit was old in the 70's, now we have to hear it all over again? most of it wasn't that funny then. they are tokens. and they aren't funny. cheech bad mouthed the whole pot scene for years. now that hollywood is done with him it's all cool again? guess you go where the money is.

i'm not a pot lamb lost in the herd. i see things for what they really all. i don't buy into any of this nonsense. sorry. bongsmilie
Sorry skunk, you're wrong dude. It happens sometimes, you're just flat out WRONG. get off the computer and go grow, you'll see

It happens that a 12" indica could stretch to 24ft? It is genetically impossible for an indica to stretch 24 times it's height in 43 days.

as i said, you obviously have a lot of knowledge, but you also mix in some bullshit too.

Sugars are created when a plant photosynthesises... nothing to do with potency. If a plant is photosynthesising then it will grow properly, including adding potency. It's genetic, right? So when you're checking these sugars all you're actually checking for is that the plant is growing right. You can actually see that with your eyes. Lots of little clues a plant will give to tell you it is growing right or it isn't.

You still haven't answered the question on the average salinity tolerance of cannabis. Could you even guess? I could.
I just went through this thread hoping to find out how to "produce" weed in 43 days and didnt get an ounce of information i didnt already know.
Great thread, lol
a 2" indica, 42 day flower, will not stretch to 3 or 4 ft. 4ft from a 2" indica clone. You are insane. I thought 3ft was bad enough. 2" to 4ft makes for 24by stretch. In 43 days? You're having a laugh. Imagine if you started a plant at 6"... a 24 by stretch would turn a 6" plant into a 144" or 12ft plant. Indicas don't stretch that much, it's genetically impossible.

From an indica? a 6 week flowering indica?

If i flowered say LA Confidential, which i've grown many times. 100% indica, short flower, low stretch. that's what indicas are. are you really suggesting for one second that a 12" indica could stretch to 24ft during the flower?

ha ha ha

60 one foot.jpgYes that's what I'm suggesting. These are a Sativa at 20 days in my test lab in hydro. A pure Indica would be bigger, regardless these will push 3 foot easy in 45 days. Give the plant "what it wants, when it wants it, in the amounts it wants" and it will do amazing things folks. The Prof isn't blowing smoke up your skirt, I can back my words and actions up. All I've seen from the haters and "ney sayer's" are "McBuds". They are just not up to speed, new techniques and doing things right will perform up to high standards.
daylight shots please. I'd like to look at them closer. sure i can see damage to the leaves. Lights too close?

those are sativas and they're not even hitting 3ft. an indica stretches more than a sativa? or are you talking about the yield? an indica won't stretch from 2" -3ft and certainly no way 4ft.

Don't be ashamed to provide your pix prof', i'll look past minor discrepancies and look at the bigger picture.
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