Produce weed in 43 days

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lol at that pic. If you guys want to know what buds look like when they're cut too early, study that picture. Anyone can "produce weed" in 45 days; now, producing QUALITY weed is something entirely different.
lol at that pic. If you guys want to know what buds look like when they're cut too early, study that picture. Anyone can "produce weed" in 45 days; now, producing QUALITY weed is something entirely different.

yh hes right this prof mj guy is a dick trying to seem clever with big words hes the same guy as the op tryin to make money off fools who beleve his bs any mug can make weed in 43 days. This pricks just chattin shit tryin to rip people off dont beleve his crap.
Subbed as well.


I respectfully request some of your knowledge. I have a small grow with a few mother plants and a flowering room. Once the clones have rooted would it be ok to put them into the flowering room? The flower room has a 600w HPS light. This is my first attempt at a SoG and I was wondering this since you said it's pretty pointless to veg. I was originally going to veg the clones for 2 weeks before putting them in the flowering room. Thank you for your time and concern in this matter.


Peace and positive energy to you




Hey man... if you use no veg on the clones they will need to be big or you will need a lot of them under a 600w to make it worth while.

How many cuts do you have and what size are they?
Toss back a bone to those who are less fortunate it will come back to you

so your idea of tossing a bone back is refusing to do so until money, lots of money as you say yourself, changes hands? uhhuh.

nothing but a crappy self plugging sales pitch. that is most likely what greensisters post was aiming at..

pity i grow mine in 40 days and my dvd will be free to download :p
80 pounds a year, he has plenty. i need some please. :)

"Yes I can and do grow in 45 days, I produce up to 10 pounds of medical grade cannabis in a 30 square foot area, 8 crops a year, but then I've been doing it for 43 years."
maybe he means wet. 10lbs wet, is 2lbs dry. or maybe he just has terrible math and meant ounces.

I'm glad my unvegetated clone plants don't look like his.
why y'all hatin on the man. we all grow for profit in some way. he sells his knoledge, some of us sell our buds, some just keep for head smoke which safes money. just like everything else in the world it about $.
And so there is the reason why folks like myself don't frequent sites. I have asked nobody for anything. How I wonder does one know the stage of developement of cannabis from a photo of that nature? That statement in and of itself shows the hate and jelousy of someone offended by the chance someone may have a touch more insight. Can you see the trichomes from there? And if in fact that's how you tell you're plants are ready to harvest you're allready behind the eight ball my friend, instead of hating put your nose in a book that doesn't require crayons.

As far as the SOG, my thoughts were this. I am assuming you're using a ebb and flo, if so remember there is a direct relationship between the size of the rootball and the size of your yield. Put a slab of rockwool below your cubes and raise the overflow valve accordingly. Make the roots chase the water, don't or water them. If you haven't purchased C02 equipment that's next. Kick your plants into flower with 36 hours of darkness then 12/12. Just lets then know the Fall equinox is here (sept 22 Prof's B-day) and it's time to flower. Do that again when you start flushing before harvest and trichome production will increase. 80% of the trichomes are produced in the plants last two weeks of the life cycle. Pick a week early and you're at half strength, when in doubt wait a week. I measure the plants sugar and know within hours of the perfect time to pick. Sura as hell couldn't tell from a photo of a cell phone at 20 feet. Of course I learn something new every day.

And now I will leave you in the hands of the rocket scientist for further info.

Ego, Hate, and Greed kill this community. What the hell is their problem? My friend have you put your ass on the line in the face of Federal Prison for your beliefs as I have and changed history of cannabis? I doubt it. Have you donated decades of work and knowledge? or is this your second grow? Will you be speaking at the worlds largest Cannabis Convention or did they forget to call?

Get it people or these laws will never change.
And Skunk, do your friend growing 70 plants under 600W a favor and buy him some lights. I do 60 under 2,000 sometimes 3. Follow the link to my bud bowl on facebook and SHOW ME YOUR WORK. Everyones an expert, have fun learning from the haters out their. I offered good, sound, fact based advice after almost half a century of growing this plant as a favor. But will not do so when being attacked by folks spreading bad Vibes.

My friend that sent the personal message, I try my friend but this gets old. Try and help and all you get is attitude. For the life of me I don't get it.
And Skunk, do your friend growing 70 plants under 600W a favor and buy him some lights. I do 60 under 2,000 sometimes 3. Follow the link to my bud bowl on facebook and SHOW ME YOUR WORK.

I don't do facebook...

My friend grows up to 70 no veg plants in 4" pots under a 600w light. Clones are taken at just a few inches and sometimes he will grow up to, well at the moment, he has 8 strains in one SoG. Only 55 plants though in this one...

here are some pix from some plants half way into flower...



Hello to you too Green Sister, I take from your post that my responding to this was a bad thing. The Medical Marijuana/Recreational community is a funny thing to me. How dare I respond to a post regarding me? Shameful. Perhaps before sitting in judgement of others you should research a little bit about them. I suspect you didn"t in this case, so if I may I'd like to introduce myself.
As stated I have been cultivating this magical herb for 43 years now (I wonder your age), not just growing but studying it. I expect each grow to be better than the last. I am a MM patient in CO and was raided by the DEA in 2004 despite being legal. Simply because they disrespected I decided to fight them. Against all sound legal advice I took the fight to them, as a result I became the first person in U.S. history to have cannabis growing equipment returned by the federal government. The attorney (Rob Corry) handled my case pro-bono. Since then I have been qualified as an Litigation Certified Expert Witness in both marijuana cultivation and medical marijuana, every case I have done has been done pro-bono as payment back to my brothers and sisters who have the balls (sorry sisters) to stand up and fight. Several have been precedent setting as was mine. In the 43 years I have been growing I have NEVER sold a single gram of cannabis but rather given it to those less fortunate than I. I am a writer for two magazines, Cannabis Health News Magazine and post420 both of these I do unpaid. I have been asked to write the growing protocol for a national medical marijuana law, unpaid. Last month I was keynote speaker at the Sacred Herb Festival, as I will be at the Rocky Mountain Cannabis Convention and Wellness Expo and will speak at the worlds largest cannabis convention Hempfest Seattle all at my own expense. If you google my name you'll see a article titled "Professor Marijuana Overgrows Venue" where 200 people spent the day being educated about growing. Free? Nope $250 per head, my profit? $200. So my income? $1,200 a month disability and whatever I can earn consulting. I feel compelled to take the knowledge gained over nearly a half a century growing and sharing it with others. I've made every mistake you can make, so why should you? Fighting for whats right and compassion are just in my family blood. Point in Case, and fuel for your response:-) My Great,G,G,G,Grandfather John Sever was the first and longest serving Govonor of Tenesee, appointed by G Washington to the first Congressional Order. He was a soldier and a hemp farmer that lived to the age of 100. That's where the fight comes from. The compassion from my great Aunt who is Americas only Saint, Mother Cabrini. She helped heal with water that still flows from a spring 20 miles from the spot I grow cannabis to help heal. In my younger days I was a drummer doing session work, with many people. Pink Floyd, Elton John, Heart, Joe Cocker, etc etc. So there you go, nice to meet you.

Yes I can and do grow in 45 days, I produce up to 10 pounds of medical grade cannabis in a 30 square foot area, 8 crops a year, but then I've been doing it for 43 years. If you come to the RMCC I'll show you how.

The people of my generation let you all down, we turned into our parents, please forgive me. But instead of finding the bad in someone you have never met why don't we try and unite and put an end to this insanity called "reefer madness." Toss back a bone to those who are less fortunate it will come back to you, and DAMNIT vote for marijuana laws people.

Green Sister, forgive my outburst but the negetive side of this world drives me nuts. Once you get a name you become a target instead of a resource. If I can ever help All of this was simply to plug my site:-) Much Love ProfMj

Fucking amen! And peace out to you my brother - world needs more people like you!
because the internet is full of frauds professor... indeed the world is full of frauds.

You don't get treated any differently until you prove otherwise. this thread is not a good starting point, imo of course. this community is being killed by commercialisation in my opinion... too much bullshit around.

tell me then professor... why does 3 days dark encourage a plant to begin flowering? You can go into depth, i'm sure my IQ can take it. The reason I ask is because i don't believe 3 days dark does anything at all to encourage the onset of flowers.
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