Produce weed in 43 days

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I thought all pot was free, is for me:-) Certainly should be. And Thank You. Love the Handle I'll pop in for a visit. ProfMj

you stated you give ALL your meds away for free. i'm a med patient. i have 2 pinched nerves in my back and 13 screws in my knee. i could use some meds, please. you claim to grow 10 pounds a pull. i don't think sending me an ounce or 2 would bring you any discomfort. it would certainly help me with my pain. thanks. :)
I do not veg, when producing herbs, I go straight from a two inch clone to a flower and harvest generally withing 6 weeks. Each of my grow facilities opperates 6 seperate growing systems which allows for a harvest every week thus spreading the work of harvesting out and ensuring a steady reliable harvest. 6 week flower, 6 systems, 1 harvest a week. Depending on the facility each system has between 50 to a 125 plants per system. 50 plants equals 25 square feet so depending on the size of that particular facility I require 400 to 2500 square feet to house a commericial grow that has a weekly harvest. I average 3 oz's per plant which gives me 150 oz's on the low end and up depending on size.

this makes no sense... as a SoG grower growing exactly the same way you do with no veg and 2-3" clones, I know the importance of getting the correct amount of plants in the space or the yield will be down. If i don't have enough plants then i have to veg them a little.

I understand you use a 1000w light for 50 plants in a 6x6 space? even with co2 and nft that wouldn't hit you at 3oz per plant, and certainly not bottom end. from a 2" no veg' clone? come on now. The most you could hope for is an oz per plant.. but in a 6x6 you should be able to fit easily 100 plants and with all your equipment that would still only be 100oz.

So you sell false promises then? Isn't that what a conman does?
i am sure he does hit his ten pounds of marijuana. However hes weighing the entire plants and while they are still wet.
I'm sorry you cannot achieve those same standards, keep at it and you'll get there. I do it all the time on an ongoing basis, just because you can't doesn't mean it can't be done. Perhaps you don't have 40 plus years at it, or just haven't put the right combo together.
Hello again, I will spend a few moments and see if I can answer some questions, in particular though I will address Mr. Brick Top. It apprears from your message you are a man of superior intelligence and possess an impressive vocabulary. By simple observation it appears your glasses are in working order so, I must admit I sat with my vaporizor and pondered (I love pondering) why it is your comprehension does not seem to match your intelect?

I will make the assumption you read the whole of the text and must certainly assertained that the vast majority of my work has been done at no charge. I am under the impression however that after studying this herb for nearly half a century it would somehow be going against protocol if I were to attempt to feed my family with the wisdom gained. Always one of two things, you're a "big shot" if you have gained more knowledge than the grower next to you, or, "You make a living from that knowledge." Quite alright for Mr Rosenthal to sell a book, but not me.

I do in fact charge for my consulting work, $10,000 retainer plus $250.00 an hour for commercial growers and anywhere from $0 to $5,000 for private cultivator's depending on their financial situation. The moral to that little story is "pay attention to what you're doing kids because it pays very well." That was meant in a lighthearted fashion just in case you don't know that the Professor is a bit of a smart ass that always has a smile. Hell, why wouldn't I seeing how I have a waiting list of commercial growers:-)

The pondering, emmmmm, I was trying to figure out just how much cannabis I have grown, and donated, over these last 43 years. In the end a gross weight eluded me but I can say it has been a shitload, trucks and trucks, and at least one plane:-)

I will be selling a dvd, and it will be expensive. A few tips and thoughts I have on growing though, always ask why you're growing because strain plays an enormous roll in the size of yield. Are you a cash cropper? if so grow Indica's, bigger yield and shorter flowering, a good combo if you ask me. Vegging is a waste of time, how many Metal Halides do I have in all my grow facilities? None. Follow along Brick Top, Where does the vast majority of your yield come from? Answer: the top third of the plant. So why grow the bottom two thirds? Ponder that. Three things that directly effect yield 1. Strain 2. Amount of light (never to much) 3. Size of root ball.

To seperate yourself from other growers remember this, GIVE THE PLANT WHAT IT WANTS, IN THE AMOUNT IT WANTS, WHEN IT WANTS IT. Don't be cheap, do it right or don't do it at all, keep your mouth shut, KISS, and toss back a bone to those less forunate it will pay off in spades.

Website is down due to our hosting company being idiots. Should be up in a day or two, and I try and answer all direct questions, not global ones Brick when time allows. FREE

Also, everyones an expert today. I sit smile and listen. Then say "SHOW ME YOUR WORK" go to DANA K MAY on facebook and see the largest bud ever.

Thanks for letting me poke fun at you Brick, look nice enough. ProfMj

i ask politely once again, "may i please have some of your donated pot? i am in a lot of pain." thank you.
I had a strain of stativa which was nice and purple at full mat. two weeks to clone and veg. (aprox 6")
7 weeks to full mat . That is close. ( 1/4 oz/ plant, 160 plants/1,000 watt halide, flush system )
All I keep reading from Professor is "blah blah blah". Nothing of any importance, nothing of any informational and factual, nothing but blah blah blah.

FDD wants his free weed, and I want my 43 days flowering guide. Info is free here, so if you want to "sell" it to us, move along please!
I'm sorry you cannot achieve those same standards, keep at it and you'll get there. I do it all the time on an ongoing basis, just because you can't doesn't mean it can't be done. Perhaps you don't have 40 plus years at it, or just haven't put the right combo together.

The difference between you and I is that I haven't anything to gain from lying. I'm not the only grower I know... i know some really serious growers and there is no way you're going to get 3oz from a 2" no veg clone in 42 days. even if you had it on it's own under a 1000w light and maximum Co2 supplementation you could not possibly do it. Not only that but there aren't enough plants in the space for a truly effective SoG from 2" clones.

Obviously it is in your interest to stretch the truth. For some people it is to make themselves think that other people think they're better than they really are... for others there's an endgame in mind.
All I keep reading from Professor is "blah blah blah". Nothing of any importance, nothing of any informational and factual, nothing but blah blah blah.

FDD wants his free weed, and I want my 43 days flowering guide. Info is free here, so if you want to "sell" it to us, move along please!

Exactly. People often take things at face value and never seek to ask questions. This thread is a joke.
i get the problem with 3oz off a no veg clone(tho i bet with enuf lite u could), but what is so hard to grasp about a 6wk harvest? i do a 6wk ak47 and my buddy does a 5wk magnum. veg for a wk and we got 6 and 7wk harvests. whats the problem?
i get the problem with 3oz off a no veg clone(tho i bet with enuf lite u could), but what is so hard to grasp about a 6wk harvest? i do a 6wk ak47 and my buddy does a 5wk magnum. veg for a wk and we got 6 and 7wk harvests. whats the problem?

You're harvesting too early.

7 weeks is fine... but 6 weeks is asking a little. Some strains like Top44 is claimed to be done in 44 days... your AK47 should take 47 days... that's why it's called Afghan Kush 47, which is almost 7 weeks. Some strains yes can be taken at 6 weeks but often this is just the beginning of the harvest window anyway and they need a few extra days to pucka up, imo.
Hey Skunk and all I guess, please remember I haven't asked to sell anything. I do not have products for sale at my site and have never before sold anything other than consulting time ever since I began growing. I do not charge for the expert witness testimony I do and never have, in fact I even cover my expenses when traveling. I am not compensated for either of the magazine columns I write nor do I charge for speaking appearances. The last seminar I did I took a total of $200 for some equipment rentals and that's it.

I went from being very wealthy from my days in music when younger and left it all behind when I left the marriage I was in so my kids could attend college. I receive $1,200 a month disability and take only what I need for living from consulting fees charged, otherwise it is all donated. I've had the toys and found that happiness doesn't have much to do with cash wealth. I live a simple life with few needs. I could certainly earn very good money but choose to donate the vast majority of my time and production spoils.

Having said that, I don't lie. It is a core value nor do I wish to seperate you from your money otherwise I would be out doing that. My sole purpose is to help educate others where I can. I am first and foremost a patient and caregiver in Colorado. Those that have asked for direct specific answer to their questions I try and answer best I can, several have sent private questions or used other avenues to contact me.

This site as well as others would be better served embracing people with experience that are willing to commit time to help rather than trying to label them something that you have no knowledge of. I have and will continue to help those seeking guidance as I have my entire life. Feel free to google my name and learn of my commitment to helping the MM community as a whole. It isn't hard to do, you all have my name and if you do a search with "Dana K May, Medical Marijuana, Colorado" or my name with Professor Marijuana you'll be able to have true facts about me instead of just beating on me. I will no longer respond to all of you with nothing to do other than trying to promote hatred and anger, it serves no purpose. So hopefully you'll learn about me rather than trying to piss me off.

There you go, let me know if I can help.

Oh Yeah.
and go fuck yourself

Joke people.
Much Love
Professor Marijuana
"I do in fact charge for my consulting work, $10,000 retainer plus $250.00 an hour for commercial growers and anywhere from $0 to $5,000 for private cultivator's depending on their financial situation. The moral to that little story is "pay attention to what you're doing kids because it pays very well." That was meant in a lighthearted fashion just in case you don't know that the Professor is a bit of a smart ass that always has a smile. Hell, why wouldn't I seeing how I have a waiting list of commercial growers:smile:

The pondering, emmmmm, I was trying to figure out just how much cannabis I have grown, and donated, over these last 43 years. In the end a gross weight eluded me but I can say it has been a shitload, trucks and trucks, and at least one plane:smile:

I will be selling a dvd, and it will be expensive."
I am sorry my friends, I have been a silent participant of this site now for too long, after reading the latest crap fest cannot refrain from comment and became a registered user.

As one of the first patients here in the state I spose I have a bit to say on the subject now. I remember watching this cat's case because he was the first in the state to have the balls to face both Federal and state charges.

Personally, rather then think myself 'queen of the world' to judge his expertise, I would rather say I am grateful that there are those like him that faced the music early on so this law isn't a total cluster fuck.

It's amazing to watch how many people think becoming the siskel and eibert of 'professor marijuana' is a wise use of thier time. If you don't like reading about this guy people, do something else, or get hired by a magazine for your expertise. Could you do those of us who actually want to learn how to fucking grow though the service of finding another recipient of your judgment...perhaps, yourself.

I would appreciate it, because I actually want to learn how to grow more then listen to myself email talk.
And Skunk, do your friend growing 70 plants under 600W a favor and buy him some lights. I do 60 under 2,000 sometimes 3. Follow the link to my bud bowl on facebook and SHOW ME YOUR WORK. Everyones an expert, have fun learning from the haters out their. I offered good, sound, fact based advice after almost half a century of growing this plant as a favor. But will not do so when being attacked by folks spreading bad Vibes.

My friend that sent the personal message, I try my friend but this gets old. Try and help and all you get is attitude. For the life of me I don't get it.

Check the "work" here on RIU. Stop trying to fish for hits and subscriptions for your adsense account here.
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