Produce weed in 43 days

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lol, after seeing the time you must have spent FOR FREE talking on this dumb post, it's no wonder you must charge consulting....

If you tire of hearing joe blow's self important feelings about you and want a curious student though, let me know.

It does not threaten my penis size to admit that somebody might know more after forty years of growing then myself.
because the internet is full of frauds professor... indeed the world is full of frauds.

You don't get treated any differently until you prove otherwise. this thread is not a good starting point, imo of course. this community is being killed by commercialisation in my opinion... too much bullshit around.

tell me then professor... why does 3 days dark encourage a plant to begin flowering? You can go into depth, i'm sure my IQ can take it. The reason I ask is because i don't believe 3 days dark does anything at all to encourage the onset of flowers.

36 hours is hardly 3 days.....
My Great,G,G,G,Grandfather John Sever was the first and longest serving Govonor of Tenesee, appointed by G Washington to the first Congressional Order. He was a soldier and a hemp farmer that lived to the age of 100. That's where the fight comes from. The compassion from my great Aunt who is Americas only Saint, Mother Cabrini. She helped heal with water that still flows from a spring 20 miles from the spot I grow cannabis to help heal. In my younger days I was a drummer doing session work, with many people. Pink Floyd, Elton John, Heart, Joe Cocker, etc etc. So there you go, nice to meet you.

Alright, I'm sorry, but I have to say that this community must have some of the most gullible people I have ever seen in my life. It's as greensister said, isn't it a little too convenient that the so-called "Professor" registered just to reply? And read the quote above. This guy is full of shit and an obvious troll, even more so since some of this information is accessible from the website anyway. Anyone trying to fish info out of him is obviously not going to get anything of worth, so why bother? Especially free weed.
A last thought before getting to work. To those across the pond and below, I do have plan's on visiting both your Countries in the near future. As for the UK my gal lived in Putney for several years and we both have RSD which gets much more support there than in the US. I've been invited by a group to come share. Those farther south we will be visiting you as well, late this year. I have to spend this vast fortune I've made here and travel seems as good as any:-) Hope to meet you both, please feel free to contact me through private channels and I'll keep you posted.

I would love to meet any that are in the Rocky Mountain region at the Rocky Mountain Cannabis Convention on July 9-10. I'll be speaking and doing several FREE seminars too. Please introduce yourself if you'd like.

Take Care, real work to do.
Hey Professor--I've read all 13 pages.....and do you know what.....

You're Alright in my book.

I've been a consultant myself for many years (not MJ unfortunately...but rather with Car Dealerships). So I understand the value of consulting.

I guess my question is this..."what about the little guy?"

I am simply a hobbyist who enjoys growing something I can reap the benefits from a recreational stand point; no different than someone who makes their own wine). I earn my money in other (more dreadful) areas of life.

For myself and many others like me, we don't really want to spend a large amount of cash that would benefit a "commercial grow." (just enough to get us laid).

But seriously, I would like to hear some more about the technical areas of growing MJ from yourself.

For example, you talked about knowing when to harvest by testing does one do that? Do you talk about that at your seminars?

Plus...sounds like you forgot about Canada in your travels. Go North young man! For we are a growers Meca!
You're harvesting too early.

7 weeks is fine... but 6 weeks is asking a little. Some strains like Top44 is claimed to be done in 44 days... your AK47 should take 47 days... that's why it's called Afghan Kush 47, which is almost 7 weeks. Some strains yes can be taken at 6 weeks but often this is just the beginning of the harvest window anyway and they need a few extra days to pucka up, imo.
AK47 is not a 47 day strain. It's roots are Colombian, Mexican, Thai and Afghani making it a 2/3rds sativa dominant. Afghan Kush 47? Did you pull that out of your @ss? Honestly, I'm not sure why you keep posting in this thread as even if the Prof is full of it, he comes across as 10 times more knowledgeable than you. And your average pictures don't help your case either.
A last thought before getting to work. To those across the pond and below, I do have plan's on visiting both your Countries in the near future. As for the UK my gal lived in Putney for several years and we both have RSD which gets much more support there than in the US. I've been invited by a group to come share. Those farther south we will be visiting you as well, late this year. I have to spend this vast fortune I've made here and travel seems as good as any:-) Hope to meet you both, please feel free to contact me through private channels and I'll keep you posted.

I would love to meet any that are in the Rocky Mountain region at the Rocky Mountain Cannabis Convention on July 9-10. I'll be speaking and doing several FREE seminars too. Please introduce yourself if you'd like.

Take Care, real work to do.
WOW! Dame these ppl are disrespectful I aplogize for them, you seem like a down to earth, legit person (the real deal)I really admire your info and will def be a student, I would most def like to go see your seminar or future ones please keep up the good work. I hope you can stay on this site for a while and give us your method on how you grow I think you being here is like a celebrity here another Al b fuct I think on steroids. (No direspect Al b) I think you have a wealth of info and me being a knowledge seeker for life I would be honoerd to take any advise from you. I will make a thread and put it on here so you can vibe with no haters and just knowledge seekers, I hope you can go there and stay there and bring us light. I was thinking if you can elaborate on all types of things like laws of MJ how to go about getting it legal, politics, and growing the few things you said on this thread was alot for me already. Thanks man and keep up the great work we need more ppl like you around.
AK47 is not a 47 day strain. It's roots are Colombian, Mexican, Thai and Afghani making it a 2/3rds sativa dominant. Afghan Kush 47? Did you pull that out of your @ss? Honestly, I'm not sure why you keep posting in this thread as even if the Prof is full of it, he comes across as 10 times more knowledgeable than you. And your average pictures don't help your case either.

Well actually there are pheno's in the UK that are done in 47 days. I've never seen any grown from seed. Here's what the urban dictionary has to say: 47

A potent strain of marijuana. Named because the AK stands for Afghan Kush, a mountain range in afghanistan where the strain originated. The 47 refers to the approximate 47 day flowering period, which is a shorter flowering period than most strains of marijuana.

Anything with Afghani in it could take 47 days, my friend. Often too indoor growers will pick the shorter flowering pheno's. I don't doubt that it's possible AK47 could take 9, 10 or even 11 weeks... but it is also possible to find a pheno taking just 7. Certainly here in the UK, the shorter flowering pheno's dominate the streets. It's not grown so much these days but a few years ago everybody was growing AK47 and i didn't know of anybody letting it go past 8 weeks flower. Maybe it's because everybody ends up growing the same cuts?

You can also get an intensely dominant sativa to flower in 8 weeks... Grapefruit for example, bred purely in hydro... they say 100% sativa, but it can't be as it flowers in 8 weeks. I'm talking about the original Grapefruit, by the way.

Much of what i say goes from memory and experience, i don't use Google to check my answers unless called out as being mistaken. I couldn't give a monkey's toss who is the more knowledgeable, i will share my knowledge anyway.

WOW! Dame these ppl are disrespectful I aplogize for them, you seem like a down to earth, legit person (the real deal)I really admire your info and will def be a student, I would most def like to go see your seminar or future ones please keep up the good work. I hope you can stay on this site for a while and give us your method on how you grow I think you being here is like a celebrity here another Al b fuct I think on steroids. (No direspect Al b) I think you have a wealth of info and me being a knowledge seeker for life I would be honoerd to take any advise from you. I will make a thread and put it on here so you can vibe with no haters and just knowledge seekers, I hope you can go there and stay there and bring us light. I was thinking if you can elaborate on all types of things like laws of MJ how to go about getting it legal, politics, and growing the few things you said on this thread was alot for me already. Thanks man and keep up the great work we need more ppl like you around.

Look mate, if you're really a knowledge seeker, go and seek it. why do you need a teacher? All the information you could possibly ever need (aside from experience) is right at your fingertips. Of course, experience is the best teacher and then it is down to what the individual gains from those experiences, the understandings gleaned. That's when the study comes in... as soon as you ask, why? Why does it do that? What causes this to happen, that to happen... then study, one thing leads to another and pretty soon you start to gather a deeper understanding. Understanding why things do what they do is integral to growing well.

also if you have some room try experimenting, kill some plants or something. At the moment i'm trying to figure out the average salinity tolerance of cannabis, at a guess at the moment i'd place cannabis salinity tolerance at around 6.0-8.0EC. It could even be higher than that. If anyone has the answer before i have to kill a load of plants to find out i'd be very interested in that information. thankyou.
proffeser can u give us a strain name ? i know u did say it had to be pure indica but im guessing some will yeild alot more then others. what strains are u growing at work ?
Well actually there are pheno's in the UK that are done in 47 days. I've never seen any grown from seed. Here's what the urban dictionary has to say:

Anything with Afghani in it could take 47 days, my friend. Often too indoor growers will pick the shorter flowering pheno's. I don't doubt that it's possible AK47 could take 9, 10 or even 11 weeks... but it is also possible to find a pheno taking just 7. Certainly here in the UK, the shorter flowering pheno's dominate the streets. It's not grown so much these days but a few years ago everybody was growing AK47 and i didn't know of anybody letting it go past 8 weeks flower. Maybe it's because everybody ends up growing the same cuts?

You can also get an intensely dominant sativa to flower in 8 weeks... Grapefruit for example, bred purely in hydro... they say 100% sativa, but it can't be as it flowers in 8 weeks. I'm talking about the original Grapefruit, by the way.

Much of what i say goes from memory and experience, i don't use Google to check my answers unless called out as being mistaken. I couldn't give a monkey's toss who is the more knowledgeable, i will share my knowledge anyway.

Are you really using Urban Dictionary as a reference? :lol: :roll:

Here is a real reference:

...and in the breeder's own words:
Are you really using Urban Dictionary as a reference? :lol: :roll:

Here is a real reference:

...and in the breeder's own words:

No, I use my own memory first... my own experiences...

In regards to both your links, the second video link makes no mention of flowering time for the AK47. also the first link doesn't point to any information at all on flowering time... so I had a little look further into the site, and this is the link you need ;) :

read the flowering time from the breeder himself... it clearly states the flowering time as 53-63 days. That's just over 7 weeks from the breeders of the strain... doubtless depending on pheno, and a truly afghani pheno could be done in 6 weeks, and knock you out.

I've smoked so much AK in the past i could probably count it in keys. My memory serves just fine.

No, I use my own memory first... my own experiences...

In regards to both your links, the second video link makes no mention of flowering time for the AK47. also the first link doesn't point to any information at all on flowering time... so I had a little look further into the site, and this is the link you need ;) :

read the flowering time from the breeder himself... it clearly states the flowering time as 53-63 days. That's just over 7 weeks from the breeders of the strain... doubtless depending on pheno, and a truly afghani pheno could be done in 6 weeks, and knock you out.

I've smoked so much AK in the past i could probably count it in keys. My memory serves just fine.

Click on your link ;).
Click on your link ;).


It's a dodgy website. the url remains the same no matter the page. A quick search though will bring up what I stated. I've never read the flowering time before in my life. The growers i knew growing it flowered it in around 7 weeks... and it became a type of common knowledge in my area and in others across the UK that AK47 was named so because it is meant to flower in 47 days. anyone breeding AK together should expect a short flower period, imo.
Stick to the facts and not your fuzzy memory and I wont call you out ;).

I have stuck to the facts as I know them. It was claimed in this thread that AK47 flowers in 11 weeks, i was much closer at 47 days, only 6 days out at the lower end. It's not so fashionable any more, but i have many fond memories of AK47.
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