Progressive Party **Official Thread**


Well-Known Member
How did Russian propaganda work on me?

I opposed Clinton based on policy positions before she ran for election
Russian meddling was meant to divide.
Did you support Clinton after her name was the one on the official ballot with a D after her name?

No, you didn't. You just endlessly bitched about it. Now do you have what you wanted? Bernie didn't make the cut. That left Clinton. Or the asshole. Who's better?


Well-Known Member
Russian meddling was meant to divide.
Did you support Clinton after her name was the one on the official ballot with a D after her name?

No, you didn't. You just endlessly bitched about it. Now do you have what you wanted? Bernie didn't make the cut. That left Clinton. Or the asshole. Who's better?
I supported Clinton as soon as I knew she was the Democratic nominee against the GOP candidate. If I lived in a swing state, I would have cast my vote in favor of her.

So how did Russian involvement sway my vote?


Well-Known Member
So, let me explain what I meant about using Germany as a guide regarding what works to reduce racism over time. They banned the exhibit of Nazi symbols, censored anti-Semitic and racist hate speech and have broad laws regarding what can and cannot be said in public. They have school curriculum in which every school kid must learn the details of the holocaust and Nazi actions against not only Jews but all the people they targeted as sub-human. Parents in Western Germany have already gone through the same curriculum and they reinforce what is taught in school. The combination is quite effective.
How is what Germany did as you have explained it here comparable to how you treat people you believe to be racist on RIU?
As far as how the public views or treats right wing protests, it's much the same as in the US. Except they have more experience in how to deal with it and inject quite a bit more humor into the counter protests. They don't take it as seriously as we do and they make the neoNazis out to be fools. We'll see if they can continue to take them so lightly with the recent advent of xenophobia.
That's exactly the right way to deal with them. Mock them, make fun of them, make people see their arguments and viewpoints - through logic and reason - to be fools. Beat them with your brain
they did not hold back in their criticism of their opposition. They weren't crude like UB is but they were every bit as consistent in their opposition.
Read the letter from a Birmingham jail. That's how MLK criticized his opposition. Being crude like you and UncleBuck do not produce results. They lead to more racism.
I also don't believe that you permanently changed the life of a racist by sitting down and talking with them.
That's not what I said..


Well-Known Member
3 million more votes is a helluva strange loss.
Why would someone oppose the Electoral college but support superdelegates?

Don't you supposedly oppose the EC system because it's undemocratic? Democracy is based on votes, right? Then how are you going to oppose the EC while supporting Superdelegates?

While we're at it, how about open primaries or same day registration?


Well-Known Member
you are aware there was a concerted disinformation campaign that microtargeted black voters in key swing states, right? and that the russian agents running that disinformation campaign had wild success doing this sort of thing before in the ukraine, crimea, and elsewhere, right?

or do you just want to ignore facts when inconvenient?
Wow, racist as fuck!


Well-Known Member
Russian meddling was meant to divide.
Did you support Clinton after her name was the one on the official ballot with a D after her name?

No, you didn't. You just endlessly bitched about it. Now do you have what you wanted? Bernie didn't make the cut. That left Clinton. Or the asshole. Who's better?
Did Russia begin this divide and conquer campaign in 2008 (while Hillary was busy smearing Obama)?? Because that’s when I, and many other people soured on her. Was that all Russia?

Or maybe, just maybe, she’s a shit candidate that ran a shit campaign and she didn’t convince enough people to bother showing up to the polls?

Nah, couldn’t be! Must have been Russia (or racism, or sexism, or Comey, or the EC, or Bernie, or the weather, or aliens, or....).


Well-Known Member
Did Russia begin this divide and conquer campaign in 2008 (while Hillary was busy smearing Obama)?? Because that’s when I, and many other people soured on her. Was that all Russia?

Or maybe, just maybe, she’s a shit candidate that ran a shit campaign and she didn’t convince enough people to bother showing up to the polls?

Nah, couldn’t be! Must have been Russia (or racism, or sexism, or Comey, or the EC, or Bernie, or the weather, or aliens, or....).
Enjoy Trump!

Because you only had 2 choices, noisemaker. One good, one bad.

Or you can pretend they were both bad.