How is what Germany did as you have explained it here comparable to how you treat people you believe to be racist on RIU?
That's exactly the right way to deal with them. Mock them, make fun of them, make people see their arguments and viewpoints - through logic and reason - to be fools. Beat them with your brain
Read the letter from a Birmingham jail. That's how MLK criticized his opposition. Being crude like you and UncleBuck do not produce results. They lead to more racism.
That's not what I said..
Give them hugs and a cookie. Tell them you empathize and that you want to guide them to better choices.
Show us a quantitative study -- not opinion pieces or u-tube -- that demonstrates your approach reduces racist or xenophobic belief in a meaningful way in a large society. I showed clear example of how suppressing racism in combination with education is demonstrated to be effective.
To be clear, what
@st0wandgrow linked to, is a Stanford University study that discusses how fragile white people are made uncomfortable, anxious and more likely to hold tightly their racist beliefs when called racist. It discusses ways to deal with them and work with them and make them more cooperative, not change their minds or reduce racism or racist beliefs in society.
Bashing racists on RIU doesn't change the racist, he was already extremely unlikely to ever change in this regard. You confuse this with increasing the number of racists. Racism is propagated by indoctrinating children, teaching them the false beliefs of racism, xenopobia, antisemitism or other bigoted beliefs. How could what I say at RIU possibly cause a child to become more like this?
Believing white men must work harder than people of other races or women is a tell that you have racist and sexist leanings, btw. You deserve every figurative punch in the nose that you get.
Did that make you more racist and sexist, fragile white man?