Well-Known Member
Alot of your comments are very paradoxical. Aren't you really saying YOU have it all figured out, I mean really, the way in which you refute science and at the same time ask naive questions that really reveal your misunderstanding of it. And also, christians have a flawed way of logic that keeps them always thinking inside the box. Thier questions are quite unique and easily answered by the logic of a great man with a son who created everything (need know nothing more than that), and rediculously enough, has a special plan for each person. Im sure if there was a great god he probably made the bible as a funny joke to see who it would acctually benifit(maby their is esoteric knowledge somewhere in there yet people dont understand...mysticism can take many odd and bizarre forms. never mind Im thinking of gnosticism) and people who are going around in circles chasing thier own tails. I remember being young in a baptist school and can quite clearly remember being flat out lied to. That teacher honestly believed and would tell us that one day we would all wake up and come to school but other kids and him of course wouldnt be there because of the rapture lol. And without saying names he assured us that there would be people in our class that wouldnt be raptured. Can you believe that shit? And my dad was paying his hard earned money so they could fill our young imaginations with lies.i guess crackerjax is one of a few that has it all figured out?.
Anyway just felt like posting. Enjoy your day