Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

In 2014, obama processed 65,000 unaccompanied minors within 72 hours and united them with family they had here

Trump turned those processing facilities into concentration camps where he tore families apart and put them in indefinite detention without toothbrushes or showers

You fucked up nazi loving cuck bitch
Thats not true at all. You dont factor in the children without families crossing the border. The trafficking. Thats a lefty propaganda lie and you are dumb enough to make the buck stop there. Amazeballs
Why didnt mike turn himself in you idiot
You certainly know a lot of details about some obscure stuff that only concerns a select few and come equipped with a big supply of memes and assorted propaganda. Yer a real culture warrior who is spinning their wheels here and providing amusement, but that's all. The other side won, it's hard to trigger the libs if they beat the shit outta you and are standing over you laughing. You are in the streets, they are in power and will stay there, you might slow them down a bit, but you can't stop the tide of change from sweeping your sand castle away.
Yeah come at me with your dildos..that should hurt.
Fighting you commie kool aid haired, gender study degree meth heads on hormone blockers will be the worst hour of our lives. Better get some soy lattes for a boost
Yes, because if history has taught us anything, it’s that the dumber, poorer of sides lose wars. And I can say dumber because democrats can boast an average higher education over republicans and we are obviously richer, and the center of culture in America. Now I’m sure you got mighty pretty swamps, but you guys would never win a battle. Push came to shove your side would be crushed.
I said. Or whatever.. i knew you would mention the paris climate accord..its a horrible deal and an invisible enemy you love to conspire to milk more taxes from us. Next you will mention the iran deal? Also a disaster.
No you dont get it at all. You should look into those disasters of deals made by HRC. All to line their pockets and launder money threw.
Whats wrong with mexicans? Next you will tell me trumps making us pay for the wall? Umm no..hes making mexico pay for it with higher trade deals. You wernt told that by cnn either. They will have higher tariffs till its paid off. Thats a great idea isnt it?
So science is bunk and you failed to name one. Got it. Your side never comes up with the goods, it’s cute.
Kyle Rittenhouse immediatly turned himself in for defebding hinself. Why did Michael run from police?
Maybe the jury will decide issues of innocence or guilt, unless they are part of the deep state too? I'm sure when they send Donald up the river you'll be screaming the legal system was rigged etc. Better start preparing now, cause I figure Cheeto's day is coming by the end of January, at least Mitch and the republicans hope so. I'd like to see him running around loose for a spell destroying the republicans who stabbed him in the back and exposing more traitors who support him and sedition. I hope he has a big congressional delegation in Florida on inauguration day too.
Maybe the jury will decide issues of innocence or guilt, unless they are part of the deep state too? I'm sure when they send Donald up the river you'll be screaming the legal system was rigged etc. Better start preparing now, cause I figure Cheeto's day is coming by the end of January, at least Mitch and the republicans hope so. I'd like to see him running around loose for a spell destroying the republicans who stabbed him in the back and exposing more traitors who support him and sedition. I hope he has a big congressional delegation in Florida on inauguration day too.
Hes already shown you that in local gov, state gov , now Roberts. I want all the deep state to go down. Both parties gone and all new. no socialism or communism.
In 2014, obama processed 65,000 unaccompanied minors within 72 hours and united them with family they had here

Trump turned those processing facilities into concentration camps where he tore families apart and put them in indefinite detention without toothbrushes or showers

You fucked up nazi loving cuck bitch
Lets not forget that these camps had to be quickly staffed, so the Trump administration hired anyone who applied, WITHOUT BACKGROUND CHECKS, which led to dozens of reported child rapes.
are you seriously asking why he didn’t turn himself into the cops that summarily executed him without a trial?

calling you retarded would be an insult to the very nice retarded people I’ve met over the years, you dumb bitch
He fired and ran from cops..were they supposed to buy him a soy latte and let him go to the cry corner
You are the one supporting Nazism, those who march with you carry tiki torches, the hakenkreuz flag and some have Swastikas tattooed on their foreheads and some on their asses. They want the same thing you and the KKK want so it's natural you are all allies and all in the streets together marching to Trump's tune. Birds of a feather stick together.

Why are you here anyway? Butthurt? You are not really doing anything useful or effective, most folks here have been around the block a few times. Does Twitter and Face book label your posts now like Trump's? Is it getting harder to get your message out? Well you are welcome at RIU until they stomp you, how many accounts have you burned through here by now? Perhaps it's an indication that you are emotionally unstable?
More projecting..its like you are describing yourself to a T
Hes already shown you that in local gov, state gov , now Roberts. I want all the deep state to go down. Both parties gone and all new. no socialism or communism.
There are no friends of yours on the SCOTUS, they had their political home burned to the ground even before sedition came into the picture, you even lost the conservative justices over this shit. There never was a deep state, but there will be one now and it will be deep in your asshole soon.
There are no friends of yours on the SCOTUS, they had their political home burned to the ground even before sedition came into the picture, you even lost the conservative justices over this shit. There never was a deep state, but there will be one now and it will be deep in your asshole soon.
No deep state? Who owns all the guns drugs and child trafficking rings?