Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

i know it hurts that no one is buying double think, double speak..come back with some facts and mods might keep you around for their pleasure, Mr. Bigglesworth. we'll gladly talk to you if you present some facts.

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Or maybe it could be the fact you think that tweet has any validity at all. Pretty sure everyone with a brain knows the military doesnt decide elections lol. But this beeds to be pointed out to the left
Or maybe it could be the fact you think that tweet has any validity at all. Pretty sure everyone with a brain knows the military doesnt decide elections lol. But this beeds to be pointed out to the left

everyone except for the president who lost and won't accept defeat and flynn who should stripped of his rank and shot by firing quad for his treasonous activities.

wonder what trumps going to do when his key card is deactivated?
i believe it's a right for every person to have a roof over their head, medicare for all..a living wage is not a swear phrase.

you're crazy if you think your little rag tag militia tiki boys are up for this.

thank you for wearing yellow:clap:
Socialism and communism doesnt work then ,and doesnt work now.
Yellows not my color, but id be more than happy to stand behind patriots. Not you koolaid haired with gender studies degrees who never had a financial responsability.
Is that really to much to ask to be financially responsable for yourself and not bow to your government to provide for you.
Socialism and communism doesnt work then ,and doesnt work now.
Yellows not my color, but id be more than happy to stand behind patriots. Not you koolaid haired with gender studies degrees who never had a financial responsability.
Is that really to much to ask to be financially responsable for yourself and not bow to your government to provide for you.
Did you get shut down by someone and are now all fired up to go all INCEL? Because you seem really fired up about gender studies courses.
Socialism and communism doesnt work then ,and doesnt work now.
Yellows not my color, but id be more than happy to stand behind patriots. Not you koolaid haired with gender studies degrees who never had a financial responsability.
Is that really to much to ask to be financially responsable for yourself and not bow to your government to provide for you.
SIEG HEIL Saltycracka!! :eyesmoke:
Socialism and communism doesnt work then ,and doesnt work now.
Yellows not my color, but id be more than happy to stand behind patriots. Not you koolaid haired with gender studies degrees who never had a financial responsability.
Is that really to much to ask to be financially responsable for yourself and not bow to your government to provide for you.

my government let loose a plague in which i no longer have a job. all elective surgery has been cancelled therefore no need for my services.

your turn.
lmao, and you learned this where?
From the left..remember that little song " black gay trangenders lives lets go burn something down". While Kamala Harris tweets out where to donate to bail out looters and rioters? ( i started to spell rooters and lioters)...this wake n bake with coffee is real this am;)
Dude.................200 million people including children and babies hate donald trump. Even cute cuddly kittens and puppies don't like him. The only people who like trump are the ones driving vans with "FREE CANDY" written on the sides. Thank goodness there were only 75 million of you who voted :blsmoke:
75m of us voted..nice. so trump did win. That leaves 59m registered voters left for biden. Bingo!
Well..ta ta..i have to go to work and pay taxes so i can fund your hormone blockers. Have a good day zimzerz
Have a good day.

75m of us voted..nice. so trump did win. That leaves 59m registered voters left for biden. Bingo!
You do math about as well as I would expect a Trump cultist to.

2/3 of the voting age Americans voted, and 81 million of them voted Trump out of office.
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It must suck to have to troll for such a loser of a Dear Leader.

Trump lost like he did because he is the worst POTUS in history. And you can't seem to get over it.

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From the left..remember that little song " black gay trangenders lives lets go burn something down". While Kamala Harris tweets out where to donate to bail out looters and rioters? ( i started to spell rooters and lioters)...this wake n bake with coffee is real this am;)
Thanks for proving yet again that cannabis is not a performance enhancing drug.
Hey bud..why aint you doing victory laps? Your boy won right? Wheres your digital inaugurations and parties? Why?....because you didnt win shit. You are panicked because of the simple math that dont add up.
Keep kneeling bro..just like your nazi propaganda demands you.

Jan 6th is our day , the salt will flow. Our country will return to normal and be better than before. There will be no zombie antifa meth apocolyps. The democray party is done. A new patriot party will he born.
So, about that martial law that I heard your alt right types are talking about.

Is it true that that they want Trump to declare martial law and force states that voted against him to re-run the election? Do you?
So, about that martial law that I heard your alt right types are talking about.

Is it true that that they want Trump to declare martial law and force states that voted against him to re-run the election? Do you?
Wont need ML. And their are fraudulant votes..remember at 10pm Nov 3rd they decided to shut down because Trump broke their algorithms and they had to bring in fake votes at 4am all for Biden? Thats fine everybody- dems