Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
maybe i'm one of the youngest hippies ever or a socialist in the making but i dont see why people have this urge to make others see what they see, be it people knocking on your door, people bothering you in the street, or people creating threads (all over, not just here) to prove points. why can't we accept what people believe, leave them to it. if they have something in their life thats fulfilling and makes them feel good helps them to process and lets them live their life in a way they otherwise wouldn't be able to, then isn't that a good thing? if u find that in rational logic good for you

i'm all up for a discussion on why people believe what they do and what they get out of it, but it never seems to last online and often descends into aggressive point scoring, often using precedence to back up an argument. like something being acceptable anywhere at anytime makes it ok in the here and now...

through all our discussion on these kinda subjects it only really shows up that one human element, almost the human races own motto

if your not in our club we wont accept you

religion, racism, schoolyard bullies, politics, immigration.

as a species we are inclined to all be unique, but for fuck sake dont be different
well, this is a thread specifically created to debate this :)


Well-Known Member
They could of easily changed little things. But the Idea that Jesus is our savior can't be changed.
Funny how you ignore the whole inconsistency of the NT which you believe nothing major has changed when it seems obvious that Matthew added things like the Virgin conception, a pagan Roman idea and other things that make him into a god rather then merely a man. He made things which added to the mythological status including prophetic fulfillment.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you ignore the whole inconsistency of the NT which you believe nothing major has changed when it seems obvious that Matthew added things like the Virgin conception, a pagan Roman idea and other things that make him into a god rather then merely a man. He made things which added to the mythological status including prophetic fulfillment.
I've heard too much fucked up shit to warp my belief, the history channel said that mary was tooken prisoner by the romans and was raped and thats how Jesus became, but theres too many trolls and anti christs for me to actually discuss this kinda stuff without someone lying about what they heard. I guess ill just let this thread die.


Well-Known Member
They were probably the only 10 true christians who ever existed.
If they were the only ture christians then at least they're in heaven.

If satan did kill anyone, im sure he killed way more then 10, I still hope their in heaven though cause that would suck balls getting killed by the bitch ass dragon.

El Superbeasto

Active Member

This isn't lord of the rings......

If they were the only ture christians then at least they're in heaven.

If satan did kill anyone, im sure he killed way more then 10, I still hope their in heaven though cause that would suck balls getting killed by the bitch ass dragon.


Well-Known Member
Yes let's all argue about crap that doesn't help anyone while talking shit about how the other side is useless and only causes negativity.


Well-Known Member
If they were the only ture christians then at least they're in heaven.

If satan did kill anyone, im sure he killed way more then 10, I still hope their in heaven though cause that would suck balls getting killed by the bitch ass dragon.

dragons rock!!!

maybe god is real.



Well-Known Member
He died purposley for humans to get into heaven.
So he basically committed suicide to save us? Stop spouting your crazy rabble man, you've quoted and answered yourself like 15 times already.

All the rest of us should stop feeding this idiot, Born Again Christians are cult members...simple as. They've been brainwashed to disbelieve anything the "top B.A.C. brass" say they should.

He claims to love Jesus, yet forgets the most famous of his quotes... "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".

So Jesus died to erase the sins of all mankind...but only erased the sins of SOME of us and only for a little while, ahh, I see how your bullshit doctrine makes sense now.

If you truely believe you need to be saintlike to get into heaven, then Jesus better come down and die again just for you right now...because the hatred and intolerance you've been preaching since you've started this thread is a sin in itself.

So what is it? Does Jesus need to die to forgive your sins, or can you absolve yourself? Why did he need to die the first time?

I know you cant answer already, just read all those pages and wanted to take a swipe at the dunce too ;)

EDIT: Much respect for the people who have religious beliefs they dont try force down others throats with threats of hell and other equal measures of punishment, believe what you want, but at least think about it rationally and dont just be a mong.

And ffs, if you do follow a religion, dont completly miss the point of their every teaching like good old Marly47 seems to... peace!


Active Member
More so, if you do believe in a religion, please don't allow your convictions to brainwash you into believing that what you believe in is worth dying for. I am sorry, no god or religion is worth dying for nor is it worth killing for :) Cheers! Now go get your proverbs on!! bongsmilie