Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Love is a reaction to external stimuli, the actual "feeling" is neurotransmitters being released. You can't "remember" a brain state, you can try to remember how it felt - but unless you get the same dose of neurotransmitters in the same way, you won't "remember" it.
Perfect avatar btw, your stupidity gives the guy in the picture +rep.


Well-Known Member
How about staying quite until you learn something or go to a real college?
"How about staying QUIET until you learn something or go to a real college"

I think that's what you meant.... and I'm almost positive we've discussed how little I give a shit if you believe I'm in UNIVERSITY. I'm Canadian, we don't call it college unless it's a community college...


Ursus marijanus
neer, WE are the God-image - Christ is a 2000 year epoch. We are the image of God that is changing.
I have no way to understand what this means. Thus I cannot even imagine a verity test, so from the "there" that isn't there I cannot advance to the point of determining relevancy. The exercise of reason (which imo is an indispensable part of this complete breakfast, to use metaphor myself) requires that we begin by arriving at mutually-shared definitions. This elicits an emotional response from me: frustration.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
You can't be oppressed by a disease. You seem to be saying that you or someone you know has contracted aids, and apparently from sex with gay people??

Gay people do not have sex with animals, unless they are also zoophile, but animals do have gay sex with each other.
Homosexuals obviously want to have their sexuality hieghtened to a different state, which is why they prefer men over women; it is a warped way of thinking, I really don't think anyone with a desire to have sex with their brother knows how to stop their preversion from spreading.

Homosexuality is an other way of saying "Too lazy to find the right women."
If the homo is too lazy to find the right women, I would assume that he would fuck an animal too.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuals obviously want to have their sexuality hieghtened to a different state, which is why they prefer men over women; it is a warped way of thinking, I really don't think anyone with a desire to have sex with their brother knows how to stop their preversion from spreading.

Homosexuality is an other way of saying "Too lazy to find the right women."
If the homo is too lazy to find the right women, I would assume that he would fuck an animal too.

and that's why you're an idiot.


Ursus marijanus
...beef, nothing mystic here. Have you ever been in love? Can you explain the feeling. It's mystic...meaning mysterious.
Mysticism is the study andor exercise of occult knowledge/power to read and manipulate supposed spirit-forces.
Mystery is the experience of awe.
The two have very little to do with one another.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Homosexuals obviously want to have their sexuality hieghtened to a different state, which is why they prefer men over women; it is a warped way of thinking, I really don't think anyone with a desire to have sex with their brother knows how to stop their preversion from spreading.

Homosexuality is an other way of saying "Too lazy to find the right women."
If the homo is too lazy to find the right women, I would assume that he would fuck an animal too.
First to call Poe on this shit! Nobody could actually be this damn ignorant!


Well-Known Member
Marl - Why does every known mammal have gay sex? Are dolphins and giraffe's just doing it to spite god?


are they're all just too lazy to "find a good women"? (ROFL, didn't know you were a polygamist?)


Well-Known Member
Homosexuals obviously want to have their sexuality hieghtened to a different state, which is why they prefer men over women; it is a warped way of thinking, I really don't think anyone with a desire to have sex with their brother knows how to stop their preversion from spreading.

Homosexuality is an other way of saying "Too lazy to find the right women."
If the homo is too lazy to find the right women, I would assume that he would fuck an animal too.
So what you are saying is, if you were deserted on an island with another man, or if all the women on earth disappeared, you would have gay sex for lack of anything better, and failing that, you would grab an animal. Because this is what's in your mind, you assume it is in the mind's of homosexuals as well.

“Nothing optional--from homosexuality to adultery--is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting (and exact the fierce punishments) have a repressed desire to participate." ― Christopher Hitchens


Well-Known Member
So what you are saying is, if you were deserted on an island with another man, or if all the women on earth disappeared, you would have gay sex for lack of anything better, and failing that, you would grab an animal. Because this is what's in your mind, you assume it is in the mind's of homosexuals as well.

“Nothing optional--from homosexuality to adultery--is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting (and exact the fierce punishments) have a repressed desire to participate." ― Christopher Hitchens
No I am saying that homos want to fuck(I understand that there could be love inbetween them but the only way to feel that that love is right is to be twisted to point where homosexuality seems like its legit).

I don't agree with homosexuality and I think it would be retarded in the first place to have sex with the only friend(brother) I have on an island.
He would turn into a pussy, or vice versa.
Two straight men>two homos (imho)

Has anyone felt love between a man and a women?
Doesn't it seem like you fall deeper in love after you have sex?

Can you imagine how twisted it would be to think man on man is right in the first place?
Everyone has their own conscience, if they can't control it then I wouldn't trust that a homo has more of a will to not have sex with monkeys.


Well-Known Member
No I am saying that homos want to fuck.

I don't agree with homosexuality and I think it would be retarded in the first place to have sex with the only friend(brother) I have on an island.
He would turn into a pussy, or vice versa.
Two straight men>two homos (imho)
Then you have just refuted your own allegation that homosexuality comes from the lack of female availability. If you would not engage in homosexual acts in the absence of women, what makes you think that is the reasoning for others doing it? This is what I am talking about when I say you do not think things through and consider the implications. You don't have any internal logical consistency or the slightest awareness of cognitive bias and your assertions depend on a deep misunderstanding and ignorance of reality, which leaves any opinion you have on god or homosexuals utterly without merit.