Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lets say public school does charge everyone since that is more accurate.

Homeowners pay property taxes to subsidize the school system. Every homeowner has to pay these taxes. If you are a renter, your landlord is paying the taxes and passing them on to you.

So, if you live in America and pay property taxes or pay rent then you are paying for the public school system

At least private schools only charge those they offer services for, the government confiscates my income at the threat of taking my property away and gives me no choice in the matter regardless of whether I have children or not.

And for the record, I do not object to certain taxes and understand that government needs money to operate. However, when those taxes are wasted or used and services not provided such as our failing school system then I feel justified in stepping up and demanding changes or at least my damn money back...
Once they got your money, you ain't never getting it back
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not everyone can afford to go to private school. Public school does not charge. Not every area has the choice of charter school. The choices I'm looking at is home schooling or public schooling.
The trouble with home schooling is that your children aren't socialized. The good thing about home schooling is that your children aren't socialized.
The trouble with home schooling is that your children aren't socialized. The good thing about home schooling is that your children aren't socialized.
All the home schooled children I ever met seemed perfectly socialized to me, they were extremely polite and seemed genuine. Unlike when going to my bothers house a few states away, his kids are fucking brats, and so are their friends.
There are a great many parents who feel EVERYTHING is the teachers job to teach. From personal hygiene, to cooking a meal to doing the laundry, to how to act in public. Its like these parents have absolved themselves of every responsibility and don't spend any time with their children at all. I worked a low paying job all during my kids High school years, just so that I had a lot of free time to spend with them. One year I quit my job and took my kids to go camping in some of the best national parks in the USA in my Land Cruiser. From Congaree in SC, to the Klondike in Alaska, 28 total all in 6 weeks. Made a lot of good memories. My kids still love camping.
The best place for a child to learn how to do laundry is at the laundromat.
I actually love camping too, but if you are not setting up a tent it is not camping. One of the best vacations a family can take. Sure as hell beats Disney or Universal Studios.
All the home schooled children I ever met seemed perfectly socialized to me, they were extremely polite and seemed genuine. Unlike when going to my bothers house a few states away, his kids are fucking brats, and so are their friends.
The ones I have met score very high, but don't seem to socialize well...and homeschooling still depends on the knowledge of the teacher at home.
All the home schooled children I ever met seemed perfectly socialized to me, they were extremely polite and seemed genuine. Unlike when going to my bothers house a few states away, his kids are fucking brats, and so are their friends.
Depends on the social group. Some groups are a herd of animals.
The ones I have met score very high, but don't seem to socialize well...and homeschooling still depends on the knowledge of the teacher at home.
Not really. We have books and the internet. School teachers come from the bottom 5% of college students (notice I didn't say graduates, since many aren't).
you had a choice to home-school your kids. You did not. You sent them to public school. Are your sons successful or failures?
You yourself are a product of public schools. Do you view yourself as a failure or successful
Your mother and father are products of public schooling. Lets just view them as being successful.
We also need you to place your vote in the poll, now that we have your comment on public schooling. Thanks

You present a false situation and call it choice. A CHOICE would also include the possibility of not being forced to pay for the Public indoctrination system if you don't use it.

If I come to you and say give me your money or I will steal your house, (or kill you for resisting the theft) do you REALLY think there has been a fair choice erm "offered" ?

The efficacy of a program doesn't address the violent and threatening method you approve of to fund the public indoctrination system.

Although the efficacy of public school is dismal too.

Your argument for continuing to fund public indoctrination centers amounts to "but we've always extorted from people" .

You need to learn how to think and stop being a boot licker.
Vouchers. Introduce some competition. Let parents decide whether their kids are being properly educated.

I agree that more choices make sense. I would submit that a voucher though , STILL is a permission based thing and doesn't strike the root problem. It assumes that the state has the authority to tell people give me your money and maybe we'll send it back to you so you can choose from a list we (the state) approve of.

"We" should not on one hand tell children theft is wrong and then on the other allow any entity to hold the gun that ransoms their parents house to pay for a public indoctrination center.

The free market is the answer, not the gun.
The ones I have met score very high, but don't seem to socialize well...and homeschooling still depends on the knowledge of the teacher at home.

You - They "don't socialize very well" .

Your blindness is stunning.

How and why do you want to teach children to "socialize well" when the very system you approve of is BASED in a theft with a promise to kill you if you resist ?

Is teaching kids that the state can steal a persons house a good way to "socialize well" ?

I bet you run from my questions.
unclebuck nailed it with the welfare clause so you may proceed with your next fallacy

Promoting the general welfare is not the same as dictating or providing it, but that begs another question...

(LYSANDER SPOONER called and is laughing his ass off at you.)

How did the "founding fathers" ever get the ability to automatically encompass all of "the people" unless each individual gave his consent to voluntarily participate in the the thug states of America?

You sure like to get what you want thru threats and violence don't you?
It is worse than rape. If I dont pay for public education they take my house away from me. If I wont leave they send the sheriff to arrest me. It is confiscation at the point of a gun. At least with rape you get to keep your stuff afterwards.

Agreed, two wrongs don't make a right.

In a way one could influence the other. A widely accepted "education" system that is based in theft teaches children that sometimes it is okay to use force to get what you want. Rape is just another demonstration of using the wrong means to get what you want. Children should not be taught to rationalize, they should be taught to respect other people and to think.
The trouble with home schooling is that your children aren't socialized. The good thing about home schooling is that your children aren't socialized.

I've heard that argument brought up by "progressive" retards bitching about citizens trying to bail on their shitty local public school systems, and it simply doesn't hold ANY merit at ALL.

Matter of fact, a strong argument can be made that the artificial environment intentionally created in the public school system is actually detrimental to the development of social skills, and largely responsible for higher incidents of youth mental issues and violence.
The free market is the answer, not the gun.

public schools funded by property taxes are by far the most popular choice among those who wish to participate. the number of people who home school, even though everyone has the option to do so, is very very unpopular.
