Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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a strong argument can be made that the artificial environment intentionally created in the public school system is actually detrimental to the development of social skills, and largely responsible for higher incidents of youth mental issues and violence.

sure, you can make an argument for anything.

but the facts and data will not be on your side, even though your white supremacist buddies ginwilly and desert dude are.

does that make you a sad little white supremacist?
public schools funded by property taxes are by far the most popular choice among those who wish to participate. the number of people who home school, even though everyone has the option to do so, is very very unpopular.


No the collectivist market has farted. In a free market, individuals retain choice, you don't have a clue do you?. You are hopelessly trapped in your collectivist mindset.

Please explain how a majority (if you are even correct in your assertion above) can make a thing inherently wrong, somehow good?

Using your basis, slavery is okay if a majority approves of it. Why do you think gang rape is so good ?

Inb4 Abandon Intellect can get all cheetoh fingered and neck beardy.
Inb4 Abandon Intellect can get all cheetoh fingered and neck beardy.

In a free market, individuals retain choice, you don't have a clue do you?

funny, every parent in the entire nation can homeschool their children if they so choose.

instead, they choose to pay property taxes, often the highest ones possible to get the best public schools possible, even going so far as to vote for higher taxes upon themselves, and then they send their kids to public schools.

this happens in overwhelming numbers all over the nation by individual parents who have the freedom to choose between homeschooling and other options.

they choose public schools.

Not really. We have books and the internet. School teachers come from the bottom 5% of college students (notice I didn't say graduates, since many aren't).
citation required on your last statement. I'm sure you will not be able to provide one,because it is a lie which makes you a liar
You - They "don't socialize very well" .

Your blindness is stunning.

How and why do you want to teach children to "socialize well" when the very system you approve of is BASED in a theft with a promise to kill you if you resist ?

Is teaching kids that the state can steal a persons house a good way to "socialize well" ?

I bet you run from my questions.
do you mean like the stolen land you live on ?
Agreed, two wrongs don't make a right.

In a way one could influence the other. A widely accepted "education" system that is based in theft teaches children that sometimes it is okay to use force to get what you want. Rape is just another demonstration of using the wrong means to get what you want. Children should not be taught to rationalize, they should be taught to respect other people and to think.
Public schools are for the children
This is a no rape thread.
why are you looking at my crotch. See something you like ?

Wishful thinking stud. I was talking about the trousers in your hand you were using as a rag to clean up the mess left in the bathroom by a person who doesn't respect property rights.
Wishful thinking stud. I was talking about the trousers in your hand you were using as a rag to clean up the mess left in the bathroom by a person who doesn't respect property rights.
Guy really stop with the lame jokes.. You are not funny at all. Hell did you ever play the dozens when you were growing up, attending public schools...or were you the butt of all jokes. I think the latter of the two
Guy really stop with the lame jokes.. You are not funny at all. Hell did you ever play the dozens when you were growing up, attending public schools...or were you the butt of all jokes. I think the latter of the two

No mothers man, no mothers.