Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Substituting wishfull thinking for facts: confirmed
So you declaring me a liar makes it true? Hardly. Actually, it indicates the opposite. With you record for truthfulness, anything you say can be safely assumed to be false. Therefore, your disagreement alone substantiates my claim.So when you going to honor your bet, you lying piece of shit?
as we all knew you could not provide a citation for that whack non-fact you spat.
Now don't go burning down any public schools
Good. Now make sure you pay your property tax, so the babies can get a public education. The same way everyone in your family did.

Did you ever consider that the same people that force you to pay for an indoctrination system are the same people that will arrest you for a plant? Your gullibility helps to forge the chains that bind you.

Also, please explain if the public school system is so good why it must have a threat of home seizure to ensure it exists?
Generally speaking, free people are not coerced into something or held in bondage but slaves and serfs are right?
Did you ever consider that the same people that force you to pay for an indoctrination system are the same people that will arrest you for a plant? Your gullibility helps to forge the chains that bind you.

Also, please explain if the public school system is so good why it must have a threat of home seizure to ensure it exists?
Generally speaking, free people are not coerced into something or held in bondage but slaves and serfs are right?
Damn I was hoping we could have one conversation without you using the word slave or rape. Yes the system could arrest me for a plant. I vote against that. They could arrest me for drunk driving too. Should I vote against that as well ?
Damn I was hoping we could have one conversation without you using the word slave or rape. Yes the system could arrest me for a plant. I vote against that. They could arrest me for drunk driving too. Should I vote against that as well ?

You should vote against coercion and fraud and acts of initiated aggression.

Oh darn! Those things I just mentioned are the corner stones of the system you adore. You could ignore that or disagree, but you can't offer even ONE thing that they do that isn't based in or derived from a threat for noncompliance can you?
You should vote against coercion and fraud and acts of initiated aggression.

Oh darn! Those things I just mentioned are the corner stones of the system you adore. You could ignore that or disagree, but you can't offer even ONE thing that they do that isn't based in or derived from a threat for noncompliance can you?
I like that we arrest drunk drivers even if they have not hurt anyone...yet
Wrong. You don't know anything about a free market. A free market interaction doesn't include a threat of home theft for failing to "cooperate" or engage in a given interaction.

you are a dumb racist loser. a real idiot. ignorant, full of shitty rhetoric, old, senile, and racist. and dumb.

how can you call it slave rape when these people are literally voting for tax increases upon themselves so that they will have better funded public schools?

every single one of these people has the option to move to a remote area with little or no property tax and home school their own children, where they can teach them that pedophilia is a voluntary agreement and serving black customers is slave rape, but they do not.

instead, they flock in massive numbers to the areas with the highest property taxes and the best public schools and they vote for tax increases upon themselves to pay for better schools. they do this in numbers that dwarfs the number of homeschoolers.

if the public school system is so good why it must have a threat of home seizure to ensure it exists?
Generally speaking, free people are not coerced into something or held in bondage but slaves and serfs are right?

why do people flock in such large numbers to the areas with the highest property taxes and the best public schools rather than absconding to areas with low to no property taxes and homeschooling?

has the market spoken?