"Purity tests"

Mopping up jizz is what you consider a cool job? And your friends would be jealous?
Alrighty then.
Funny my mind doesn't immediately go to the toilet as I picture the job, you on the other hand took to the toilet like you belonged there. Your personal fantasy is much stickier than mine and always will be. I always have problems with dirty little bugs. I can't step on them enough times.
I guess I should excuse you I only recently found out that you have been out protecting the transgender people (yeah people is safe )from all those people they say want to kill them. Are their stories of murder and mayhem all true? Isn't this one of the big party platforms for the dems?

Aren't you all inclusive to max. The only reason I ask yView attachment 4454635ou mr democrat is because their numbers say they are being murdered at a rate of 1.8 per hundred thousand. Yikes its too much. what are you going do about it? what should they do about it. Is this another example of republicans hating all they don't own we need to know. next time you are down at the chop and swap shop shopping for a penis be sure to ask them why everybody hates them.
bulletin just in , the average american is murdered at a 4.9 per hundred thousand rate. Oh I hope we don't have trouble here. I know how many here need all those big numbers explained to them. This means somebody is trying to pull the wool over somebody else's eyes. democrats looking for another freeby and some sympathy. just what we don't need but always receive.
I am glad to see you at least can tell the truth as you see it. See there is no need to run down the recipient of your message. You have clearly stated here that you will always hate trump no matter what. So now I ask is that no matter what solid? Is there nothing that he could do to change your mind a little? Maybe if your mother and dad were in prison for life and he pardoned them, wouldn't that get a small like? Don't tell me you hate your parents :-) There may just be a few things you might like about trump if you knew about them. In recent events you didn't like the missile deterrent that trump used on a car full of killers ? The Iranians told us when and where their missiles would land. After shooting their ambassador let us know they were done shooting. They shot their missiles into the sand because they didn't want to hurt Americans. These are the actions of intimidated people. This deterrent works as well as when Truman a democrat dropped the two bombs that destroyed two Japanese cities and ended WWII. That deterrent saved millions of American and Japanese lives. we should all hope this latest deterrent lasts for some time.
Another question. What if Donald trump was not the vilest human on the planet. What if you never saw him or heard him but did see his policies in action. Would you condemn them all still? Even unemployment at 3.5% And don't tell me it is bogus because I see all the employers begging for people to work.. let me know

hint: the living wage is now $17.64/hour, they know what to do..we'll wait here:roll:
I just saw a message that said Bernie had hard attack at 75 and that the average life expectancy for him is 3.1 years. Maybe the dems can use this to trip him up. I do admit he is the closest thing to being a human in the race but his health and the socialism topic will bury him literally. He should just go home pull the volcano out of the closet smoke some indica. and then put his feet up on the couch and watch some PLAYOFF FOOTBALL. a damn fine year. Which top rated team hits the dumpster next. What happened did Baltimore believe their press or what? Are the titans that good? I sure wouldn't bet on any game. I do like the odds on the LSU vs clemson game. only 5.5 points. If I didn't live 600 miles from Reno I would drive down there and probably lose my money :-) The way LSU destroyed oklahoma made me a believer in the team and quarterback.
Who scores seven touchdowns in the first half against a good team. I don't remember seeing that ever done.
Be sure to drop by and say hi after you get home from church. Most of you probably have a lot to confess . so do they let you kickback light up and stay as long as you want in the booth. Is there a time limit? Can you get any kind of table service there? Can anybody come in off the street or do you need to be a member to be forgiven.
the curious cat
hint: the living wage is now $17.64/hour, they know what to do..we'll wait here:roll:
good info to know. I doubt that the minimum wage has ever reached the living wage in any state. I believe washington state is pushing their minimum up to about 15 an hour but its rather expensive to live there so what maybe 20-25 needed just to live in apartment. not good
Somebody should start an organization for the minimum wagers and see if they could get a little clout. But you should be able to guess the problems there. I am gonna leave and go get some gold nuggets out of the mine behind my house. and then Its time for junk football food. I get to spill beer and chips all over the couch. I can't wait
okay you bunch of retards its time to get back to work. I just laid a bomb in the Elizabeth Warren message.

Today I was thinking about this bunch of assassins from the crusade days that hung out in a Iraq mountain top fortresses and smoked hash until all the cookies were gone and they had to get more. And then I was thinking we have a bunch of trolls who basically want to do the same thing and if organized could become quite a force for fun on the internet. You know there is something about posting a real winner that is gonna really tick some people off. I just posted my latest and almost got instant gratification from somebody. the ink wasn' t even dry and I had my first bite. lucky lucky
And then the Civil Rights era began in the 70's

Since you are not doing personal attacks I will be glad to inform you of a few things if I have time to correct so much. First I take it you are talking about a time when you weren't around and only read about it. Anybody from that era knows civil rights really got going in the sixties. Martin Luther King was killed in 1968 and was marching long before that.
Correct, but what I was talking about was the era that the civil rights were in existence, prior to the 70's it was the fight to be able to get a seat at the table that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only politicians refused to let any other demographic build power in.
"and all the Wealthy White Heterosexual Males Only politicians dreamed up the Southern Strategy and they decided to keep their power they would become Republicans
you aren't a racist are you? are you black ? must have heard this on msnbc. because it is fantasy. George wallace the governor of Alabama was the biggest racist of all and he was a democrat and remained one. Johnson and the rest of the white men are the ones to pass the civil rights laws so did all the white men then get together and make a southern strategy working against the laws they just passed? makes a lot of sense

No I am not racist, it shouldn't matter what my ethnicity/race is. You are maybe not understanding what the Southern Strategy was, the Republicans decided that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male who was the dominant voter would not be able to gain more power (since 100% > 100-whatever % other demographics would start winning office), so they retreated to the Republicans party (not that they still did not dominate the Democratic party for as long as possible, but that they would tactically retreat into the Republican party).

Since then they have systematically bent the system to keep the Republican party through legislation, funding, gerrymandering, stuffing the courts, changing the laws on news broadcasting so that they could lie, kept the internet rules vague so that they can lie online using racism and religion as tools to create hate towards the Democrats, etc.

Slowly but surely the Democratic party has gotten to the point where it is today with a solid representation of all of America, while the Republicans have stayed firmly in the Wealthy White Heterosexual (or at least pretending) Male Only with few exceptions. They have also co-opted the racist and evangelical online communities, which is how the Russians were able to steal their voters right out from under them.
I have to walk the dog and then get back to your non facts, I think you can see the way this going but if you want me to dig thru the rest of this I will do it slowly. later

You got sidetracked trying to troll everyone else and forgot to get back to this:
You are right I got very distracted :-) I will try to do better. I will attempt to answer what you have what you have written in your notes.

First you are most probably right in many things you say about the republicans. But you are also wrong about many things you say about the republicans. The world is not as simple nor as one sided as you believe. Both sides work hard to influence and make things the way see them.
You say your race should not matter but it does if I am to understand where you are coming from. I asked you about your race for a reason. After reading your message I said. gee this person seems to have identified with black politics and that usually means you are black.
That being the case you have read a whole bunch of propaganda (what you accuse me of) and have decided it was correct. Problem, like I said things are never so simple and certainly not one sided as you suggest.
You are mostly talking in generalities about presidents because you are skipping decades of time and only cherry picking a few facts here and there that support your argument. All that may have proved you wrong or that you are distorted is left on the editing floor. I am saying you have given history a bad hair cut and cut away 99.9999% of the information available. When that happens anyone can distort it to look anyway they like.
I should say I don't believe you have done that personally but the people you are getting info from sure have.
If you wish to understand what is really going on you will have a much better chance if you sit on the fence and watch what both sides do. Become an impartial judge not a willing dupe of either side. Reread what you have written and you will see it is totally one sided. Why is it that way ? Its because you have swallowed the hook line and sinker . And no its not because you are 100% correct.
Don't tell me your motivation hasn't become personal, your writing seethes with it. why do you think I guess you were black. If you aren't you are somebody totally taking their side. But you are black because you would would have said no other wise. Instead you pretend that is doesn't matter. Why so it doesn't look like you have an agenda? But you do have an agenda to push, because you are one sided. grow up

I hope you aren't too old to change some of your ideas , otherwise you will always be misinformed.
You are right I got very distracted :-) I will try to do better. I will attempt to answer what you have what you have written in your notes.

First you are most probably right in many things you say about the republicans. But you are also wrong about many things you say about the republicans. The world is not as simple nor as one sided as you believe. Both sides work hard to influence and make things the way see them.
You say your race should not matter but it does if I am to understand where you are coming from. I asked you about your race for a reason. After reading your message I said. gee this person seems to have identified with black politics and that usually means you are black.
That being the case you have read a whole bunch of propaganda (what you accuse me of) and have decided it was correct. Problem, like I said things are never so simple and certainly not one sided as you suggest.
You are mostly talking in generalities about presidents because you are skipping decades of time and only cherry picking a few facts here and there that support your argument. All that may have proved you wrong or that you are distorted is left on the editing floor. I am saying you have given history a bad hair cut and cut away 99.9999% of the information available. When that happens anyone can distort it to look anyway they like.
I should say I don't believe you have done that personally but the people you are getting info from sure have.
If you wish to understand what is really going on you will have a much better chance if you sit on the fence and watch what both sides do. Become an impartial judge not a willing dupe of either side. Reread what you have written and you will see it is totally one sided. Why is it that way ? Its because you have swallowed the hook line and sinker . And no its not because you are 100% correct.
Don't tell me your motivation hasn't become personal, your writing seethes with it. why do you think I guess you were black. If you aren't you are somebody totally taking their side. But you are black because you would would have said no other wise. Instead you pretend that is doesn't matter. Why so it doesn't look like you have an agenda? But you do have an agenda to push, because you are one sided. grow up

I hope you aren't too old to change some of your ideas , otherwise you will always be misinformed.
Well there ya go. That white person must be black. Also, they are brainwashed

someone just put grandpa racist out of his misery already
You are right I got very distracted :-) I will try to do better. I will attempt to answer what you have what you have written in your notes.

First you are most probably right in many things you say about the republicans. But you are also wrong about many things you say about the republicans. The world is not as simple nor as one sided as you believe. Both sides work hard to influence and make things the way see them.
You say your race should not matter but it does if I am to understand where you are coming from. I asked you about your race for a reason. After reading your message I said. gee this person seems to have identified with black politics and that usually means you are black.
That being the case you have read a whole bunch of propaganda (what you accuse me of) and have decided it was correct. Problem, like I said things are never so simple and certainly not one sided as you suggest.
You are mostly talking in generalities about presidents because you are skipping decades of time and only cherry picking a few facts here and there that support your argument. All that may have proved you wrong or that you are distorted is left on the editing floor. I am saying you have given history a bad hair cut and cut away 99.9999% of the information available. When that happens anyone can distort it to look anyway they like.
I should say I don't believe you have done that personally but the people you are getting info from sure have.
If you wish to understand what is really going on you will have a much better chance if you sit on the fence and watch what both sides do. Become an impartial judge not a willing dupe of either side. Reread what you have written and you will see it is totally one sided. Why is it that way ? Its because you have swallowed the hook line and sinker . And no its not because you are 100% correct.
Don't tell me your motivation hasn't become personal, your writing seethes with it. why do you think I guess you were black. If you aren't you are somebody totally taking their side. But you are black because you would would have said no other wise. Instead you pretend that is doesn't matter. Why so it doesn't look like you have an agenda? But you do have an agenda to push, because you are one sided. grow up

I hope you aren't too old to change some of your ideas , otherwise you will always be misinformed.

Your bullshit makes the same amount of sense this way.
You are right I got very distracted :-) I will try to do better. I will attempt to answer what you have what you have written in your notes.

First you are most probably right in many things you say about the republicans. But you are also wrong about many things you say about the republicans. The world is not as simple nor as one sided as you believe. Both sides work hard to influence and make things the way see them.
You say your race should not matter but it does if I am to understand where you are coming from.
I point out the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only thing, because it really is the reality of who the people are make up that party. If you look at every bit of legislation that they support if it doesn't benefit that demographic, they dismiss it as some kind of -ism. I do not think that they are all racists, just they have a pretty narrow understanding of our country.


I asked you about your race for a reason. After reading your message I said. gee this person seems to have identified with black politics and that usually means you are black.
That being the case you have read a whole bunch of propaganda (what you accuse me of) and have decided it was correct. Problem, like I said things are never so simple and certainly not one sided as you suggest.
I try to understand all of the propaganda that I can that is out there. It is important in understanding how the Russians are amplifying this manufactured divide in our country. Nothing is simple, and if people would actually take the time to understand each other and not just put their partisan blinders up we could get a lot done. But since the Tea Party (at the very latest) one party has done everything they can to keep power by doing nothing but trolling the other side.

You are mostly talking in generalities about presidents because you are skipping decades of time and only cherry picking a few facts here and there that support your argument. All that may have proved you wrong or that you are distorted is left on the editing floor. I am saying you have given history a bad hair cut and cut away 99.9999% of the information available. When that happens anyone can distort it to look anyway they like.
I should say I don't believe you have done that personally but the people you are getting info from sure have.
If you wish to understand what is really going on you will have a much better chance if you sit on the fence and watch what both sides do. Become an impartial judge not a willing dupe of either side. Reread what you have written and you will see it is totally one sided. Why is it that way ? Its because you have swallowed the hook line and sinker . And no its not because you are 100% correct.
Generalizing me by saying I am generalizing because of your generalizing where I get my information is too many generalizations.

I put a lot of time in knowing what I know, and don't pretend to know everything. I try to listen without trolling (unless I start getting trolled too much/find out someone is a paid propaganda troll). But that doesn't mean that I will fall for the everything you said is bullshit line too many times before I realize you are not actually trying to do anything but troll me.
Don't tell me your motivation hasn't become personal, your writing seethes with it. why do you think I guess you were black. If you aren't you are somebody totally taking their side. But you are black because you would would have said no other wise. Instead you pretend that is doesn't matter. Why so it doesn't look like you have an agenda? But you do have an agenda to push, because you are one sided. grow up

I hope you aren't too old to change some of your ideas , otherwise you will always be misinformed.
I didn't say I am black, because I am not black. It really shouldn't matter what my race is. And while I am not saying you are racist, one thing I have noticed about white people who are really fast to say they are not racist, is they always assume I mean black people. There are a lot of races out there, which is why the whole 'build that wall' bullshit is so effective.
As long as you write in stereotypes like "Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only politicians " you will never understand people. People have far more flavors than this. But it sure makes for someone you can identify and hate or blame easy enough. this is a flavor of racism. Racism won't end until the idiots on both sides leave out the colors of people. When will that happen? In time, maybe never, it seems like people of every generation seem to rediscover it. I can say that in my 70 years I have seen it reduced at least 70-80 % but it clearly has a ways to go because there are plenty of racists still around. Now you may not believe the drop in percentage but you were probably not alive during much of the time you mention so you have no idea how bad it really was. It was far worse than you can imagine. I heard a lot about ropes and hangings in the sixties but that has reduced a whole lot. Things are far better but you wouldn't know that by all the complaints.

Racism is attractive to all those insecure people who need to feel superior to others. These same people also laugh about the stupid or the inept. They are crippled inside and most likely will stay that way and no laws, no government will ever change that. Its just a sad fact. All you can do is step around them and hope they don't bite. Sure education could at least change their children but currently our education system is in decline and I don't see any politicians making a big deal out of the need to be educated. People are learning from television , their phone , their computer and real life not from education. People not taught how to reason and really learn have no chance to get of their ignorance.
But the situation is not being made any better by many of the black race. The gangster lifestyle so many have chosen only gives those that want to hate more ammunition. The people of any race that do not have much of an education are going to be the majority of the racists because they don't have any money and they live in the poor parts of town where the other uneducated races live. So we got unhappy uneducated racists who will most likely be able to re affirm their hatred over and over.
And no the poor are not the only racists but all the makings for the racist bomb are more available there.
back to the football game

Correct, but what I was talking about was the era that the civil rights were in existence, prior to the 70's it was the fight to be able to get a seat at the table that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only politicians refused to let any other demographic build power in.

No I am not racist, it shouldn't matter what my ethnicity/race is. You are maybe not understanding what the Southern Strategy was, the Republicans decided that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male who was the dominant voter would not be able to gain more power (since 100% > 100-whatever % other demographics would start winning office), so they retreated to the Republicans party (not that they still did not dominate the Democratic party for as long as possible, but that they would tactically retreat into the Republican party).

Since then they have systematically bent the system to keep the Republican party through legislation, funding, gerrymandering, stuffing the courts, changing the laws on news broadcasting so that they could lie, kept the internet rules vague so that they can lie online using racism and religion as tools to create hate towards the Democrats, etc.

Slowly but surely the Democratic party has gotten to the point where it is today with a solid representation of all of America, while the Republicans have stayed firmly in the Wealthy White Heterosexual (or at least pretending) Male Only with few exceptions. They have also co-opted the racist and evangelical online communities, which is how the Russians were able to steal their voters right out from under them.

You got sidetracked trying to troll everyone else and forgot to get back to this:
that's right get rid of anybody if they are old and don't agree with your views. Enjoy your petty views, I try not to limit myself to my own views I never learn jack that way. But you must already know everything so go ahead and kick anything new into the trash. If you were somebody else I would feel sorry for you.
that's right get rid of anybody if they are old and don't agree with your views. Enjoy your petty views, I try not to limit myself to my own views I never learn jack that way. But you must already know everything so go ahead and kick anything new into the trash. If you were somebody else I would feel sorry for you.