"Purity tests"

I point out the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only thing, because it really is the reality of who the people are make up that party.

see that is exactly the problem. you still see only white men. I see many businessmen, maybe that is why they have more money. They work for it. Do you have a problem with the people that make this country run and make it wealthy and provide jobs?

If you look at every bit of legislation that they support if it doesn't benefit that demographic, they dismiss it as some kind of -ism.

I see every party and race supporting what they feel is good for them so don't act like they are alone in protecting their own asses.

I do not think that they are all racists, just they have a pretty narrow understanding of our country.

why because they don't agree with you and your narrow view.

I try to understand all of the propaganda that I can that is out there. It is important in understanding how the Russians are amplifying this manufactured divide in our country. Nothing is simple, and if people would actually take the time to understand each other and not just put their partisan blinders up we could get a lot done.

But since the Tea Party (at the very latest) one party has done everything they can to keep power by doing nothing but trolling the other side.

no different than anybody you support just you don't agree with what they want. So you dismiss them. talk about blind

Generalizing me by saying I am generalizing because of your generalizing where I get my information is too many generalizations.

Heh I didn't skip down memory lane leaving out most history and only pulling out what I wanted too. Try reading the whole history story and not just a few bit and pieces pulled out that back your opinion. Oh you probably actually didn't even do that. Somebody else pulled those pieces put their slanted view on it and you read it someplace and since it went along with your agenda you accept it.

I put a lot of time in knowing what I know, and don't pretend to know everything. I try to listen without trolling (unless I start getting trolled too much/find out someone is a paid propaganda troll). But that doesn't mean that I will fall for the everything you said is bullshit line too many times before I realize you are not actually trying to do anything but troll me.

But where are you getting your information from. The internet, the left? a professor, books? How old are you? does that not matter too?

I didn't say I am black, because I am not black. It really shouldn't matter what my race is.

surprising you spend so much time talking about white racists. And how can I ever look at your ideas from your perspective if I have no idea where you are coming from. personally I want to know the other guys perspective for I will never understand him until I know it. perspective is huge we will always misunderstand each other until we have the same perspective. So if you wish to remain mysterious and not provide perspective then I will probably never write again because I am wasting my time for I will never understand you and your ideas. so yes race , age, country of origin, religion and more show your perspective.

And while I am not saying you are racist, one thing I have noticed about white people who are really fast to say they are not racist

maybe they are just sick of people calling them that and assuming all are. people are way to quick scream racist. Its something most people abhor. And many jerks know that and use it to try and make people feel guilty so they can get a payday somehow.

that's right get rid of anybody if they are old and don't agree with your views. Enjoy your petty views, I try not to limit myself to my own views I never learn jack that way. But you must already know everything so go ahead and kick anything new into the trash. If you were somebody else I would feel sorry for you.
Funny my mind doesn't immediately go to the toilet as I picture the job, you on the other hand took to the toilet like you belonged there. Your personal fantasy is much stickier than mine and always will be. I always have problems with dirty little bugs. I can't step on them enough times.
I guess I should excuse you I only recently found out that you have been out protecting the transgender people (yeah people is safe )from all those people they say want to kill them. Are their stories of murder and mayhem all true? Isn't this one of the big party platforms for the dems?

Aren't you all inclusive to max. The only reason I ask yView attachment 4454635ou mr democrat is because their numbers say they are being murdered at a rate of 1.8 per hundred thousand. Yikes its too much. what are you going do about it? what should they do about it. Is this another example of republicans hating all they don't own we need to know. next time you are down at the chop and swap shop shopping for a penis be sure to ask them why everybody hates them.
bulletin just in , the average american is murdered at a 4.9 per hundred thousand rate. Oh I hope we don't have trouble here. I know how many here need all those big numbers explained to them. This means somebody is trying to pull the wool over somebody else's eyes. democrats looking for another freeby and some sympathy. just what we don't need but always receive.

Your disjointed thoughts are just annoying
So do you think any of the denizens here will ever be able to talk about what is important like actual laws and policies and not the people that created them. Since the people are in office and there is nothing we can do about that for a while (impeachment has no chance since two thirds of the senators will never vote for it)and they will be there until the end of their term it doesn't seem like anything we say about them means a damn thing because only the policies and laws have any real effect not any people once bill has been passed.
so why is it 90% percent of the time is about talking people and not about results of laws and policies. It seems to me that people might understand a whole lot better if all the bitter fighting about personalities was left out. We could be spending time really getting into a law and understanding it and we wouldn't need the political hacks to tell us what are in them. That would eliminate the BS But does that make too much sense and are people willing to do a little work or is it just easier to be fed somebody's agenda by a political hack that wants to shape our thoughts.
My feeling on this that if we worked thru some of these bills and saw what was actually done we would all be so frustrated with the author's of these bills that eventually we would all run from politics for the rest of our lives. I am talking about how like the recent budget was passed. The republicans wanted their military money and the democrats wanted their special interest money and instead of a real fight over what was in the bills they just let the other side have what it wanted and as long as they got their own money. What happens the deficit rises big time. But its more important for congress to fight about insuring their power after the next election so who has time to make some good cuts in an important spending bill. Everybody is watching trump and pelosi over here while over there billions of dollars are wasted on many bad projects that many in congress have stuck their straws in. This is what magicians do to fool people. I remember seeing one story about the latest monster bill I think it was like 1.4 trillion and nothing was said about anybody fighting over it. It must be sweet to spend other peoples money on things you can invest in before anybody else knows what's coming down the line. I wouldn't even mind that so much if they did their damn jobs well.

I currently have not read a single detail on what was bought and spent. I would imagine few have. why is that. is this less important than calling Trump another name that he will never hear or care about. Should we let them always win and stay blind to where the money is going. We know all about the queens latest problems but have no idea where our money is going or what for. how can we be so blind
So do you think any of the denizens here will ever be able to talk about what is important like actual laws and policies and not the people that created them. Since the people are in office and there is nothing we can do about that for a while (impeachment has no chance since two thirds of the senators will never vote for it)and they will be there until the end of their term it doesn't seem like anything we say about them means a damn thing because only the policies and laws have any real effect not any people once bill has been passed.
so why is it 90% percent of the time is about talking people and not about results of laws and policies. It seems to me that people might understand a whole lot better if all the bitter fighting about personalities was left out. We could be spending time really getting into a law and understanding it and we wouldn't need the political hacks to tell us what are in them. That would eliminate the BS But does that make too much sense and are people willing to do a little work or is it just easier to be fed somebody's agenda by a political hack that wants to shape our thoughts.
My feeling on this that if we worked thru some of these bills and saw what was actually done we would all be so frustrated with the author's of these bills that eventually we would all run from politics for the rest of our lives. I am talking about how like the recent budget was passed. The republicans wanted their military money and the democrats wanted their special interest money and instead of a real fight over what was in the bills they just let the other side have what it wanted and as long as they got their own money. What happens the deficit rises big time. But its more important for congress to fight about insuring their power after the next election so who has time to make some good cuts in an important spending bill. Everybody is watching trump and pelosi over here while over there billions of dollars are wasted on many bad projects that many in congress have stuck their straws in. This is what magicians do to fool people. I remember seeing one story about the latest monster bill I think it was like 1.4 trillion and nothing was said about anybody fighting over it. It must be sweet to spend other peoples money on things you can invest in before anybody else knows what's coming down the line. I wouldn't even mind that so much if they did their damn jobs well.

I currently have not read a single detail on what was bought and spent. I would imagine few have. why is that. is this less important than calling Trump another name that he will never hear or care about. Should we let them always win and stay blind to where the money is going. We know all about the queens latest problems but have no idea where our money is going or what for. how can we be so blind
Let’s not call each other names, you blind sheep
Your disjointed thoughts are just annoying

Most intelligent people I know realize that they are unhappy with what they are reading and stop reading. You on the other hand wish to blame your failings on the author for your inability to stop reading. Sorry the author can not close your eyes, turn your head or make you skip messages. So don't worry about it i am sure someday you will stop blaming your problems on others and will join the adults of this world. Other wise people might stop and slap you around some for being an ignorant little cretin. I have a feeling which way you will slide but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.
stop duck and cover up! Tell me they I am being lied to. How can it be that the all inclusive party of vast diversity has decided the non white candidates should be tossed like broken dolls off the stage. Your own leaders are whining about the fix being in again. :-) and you worry about the white men in the republican party. Maybe you should look closer to home.
Or will you say those with political talent should be the winners like a republican would. :-) are you going to put racial quotas in your next election process? :-) I bet somebody tries . :-)
sometimes the news is so fun
Still working on the news here, What is this, Trump's deterrent did not end the world. no more attacks and now the media's bull about how trump's action united the iranians against us is blown sky high. Just 3 days of riots calling for the death of the dictators so far. I know trump just keeps getting lucky. Funny How Pelosi and the dems aren't supporting the Iranian freedom try. They should but anything that might make trump look good they are against. Talk about pathological people , damn sick is what it is.
Oh god the tv is hammering me about lifelock and norton to the rescue. maybe I should just turn the power off. And then the scary voice of Angie Harmon says I must hurry or catastrophe will follow. kinda like trump and his missile :-) sorry, ok not really.
And now what do I see, a home title lock company. christ they are stealing my equity while I write this.
talk about scary salesmanship.
what's this california is going to give illegals free medical care. hell the citizens don't even have that. oh yeah this make sense. The clinics in san diego will be packed because nobody will even need to prove they aren't from mexico or aren't us citizens. Yep california is busted but they have money for this. the governor wants to be loved by somebody.
I left California about 6 years ago because I was disgusted by the government, I lived in Ramona ca in the foothills near san diego and it was a nice country town with nice green and open hills. When I left the hills behind my apartments there were several illegal encampments and they ripped the local enviroment to shreds. Areas that had been pristine were now filled with old, bed, old tables, plastic milk cartons piles trash and garbage and much had been washed by rain into the lower spots and all this stuff was covered in mud. Then the campers would move to a new area and do the same again. That is what the Mexicans have done. The regular homeless are moving into the bushes and everywhere you go somebody singing in a tree or crapping all over. At least the Mexicans must have buried their crap. I didn't smell it in their areas Not so the Americans. They just move on when an area gets really screwed up. But the people in the apartments can't even walk their dog in many formerly nice areas.
But its all ok in cally, California has really lost its senses
As long as you write in stereotypes like "Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only politicians " you will never understand people.
It is not a stereotype, it is the Republican demographic, the one that they legislate towards. They have also co-opted the Racist and Evangelical communities, but only because the things they care about don't actually affect their demographic. I am willing to listen if you have examples of legislation that they have pushed that helps another demographic that is not beneficial to them.

People have far more flavors than this.
Of course they do, but the Republicans are not trying to legislate to help them out, anything not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda is considered some kind of -ism (socialism, reverse racism, populism, whatever they can to troll it).

But it sure makes for someone you can identify and hate or blame easy enough. this is a flavor of racism. Racism won't end until the idiots on both sides leave out the colors of people. When will that happen? In time, maybe never, it seems like people of every generation seem to rediscover it.
No, again I am not saying that the Republicans are all racist. They just have a very narrow understanding of the communities in our country is all, and because of that fact, the legislation that could most help our communities (that happen to have the lowest price tag to enact) cannot be passed because they continually block it.

I can say that in my 70 years I have seen it reduced at least 70-80 % but it clearly has a ways to go because there are plenty of racists still around. Now you may not believe the drop in percentage but you were probably not alive during much of the time you mention so you have no idea how bad it really was. It was far worse than you can imagine. I heard a lot about ropes and hangings in the sixties but that has reduced a whole lot. Things are far better but you wouldn't know that by all the complaints.
Quit listening to what the Right wing propaganda machine and online trolls tell you what the 'other' thinks. I agree things are far better, they are, but the reason you think what you do is that everything negative is being so amplified by the online Russian trolling. This is the most important thing to understand with this upcoming election. We cannot actually even talk with one another often because of the fact that the Russian military (and Saudi, and traitors like Brad Parscale) have our citizens personalities fully mapped out and are hitting them with very personalized disinformation campaigns.

Racism is attractive to all those insecure people who need to feel superior to others. These same people also laugh about the stupid or the inept. They are crippled inside and most likely will stay that way and no laws, no government will ever change that. Its just a sad fact. All you can do is step around them and hope they don't bite. Sure education could at least change their children but currently our education system is in decline and I don't see any politicians making a big deal out of the need to be educated. People are learning from television , their phone , their computer and real life not from education. People not taught how to reason and really learn have no chance to get of their ignorance.
I agree racism is bad. But disagree about education being on the decline, this is a long term trolling, are there problems within it, of course, that is what happens when you have the Republicans (ill leave out my description, but it really is obvious the case here too) actively trying to dumb down the education system for decades.

But the situation is not being made any better by many of the black race. The gangster lifestyle so many have chosen only gives those that want to hate more ammunition.

The people of any race that do not have much of an education are going to be the majority of the racists because they don't have any money and they live in the poor parts of town where the other uneducated races live. So we got unhappy uneducated racists who will most likely be able to re affirm their hatred over and over.
And no the poor are not the only racists but all the makings for the racist bomb are more available there.
back to the football game
You are old enough to remember work discrimination, redlining, and white flight to the suburbs. What do you think happened at that point when you combine depressing the ability to earn money (reducing the taxes paid into those communities), forcing people to not be able to move into better neighborhoods, and removing the majority of the tax base for those communities when they move to the suburbs? Our government actively harmed these communities and tried to keep them contained, then over-policed them and underfunded any programs aimed at helping things like the school systems.

see that is exactly the problem. you still see only white men. I see many businessmen, maybe that is why they have more money. They work for it. Do you have a problem with the people that make this country run and make it wealthy and provide jobs?
That is why I point to the 'Wealthy' as well, landowners (see minority redlining), business owners (Destroying black/minority businesses), and education have not been a level playing field, and because of this we have generational gaps that we need to overcome.

Heh I didn't skip down memory lane leaving out most history and only pulling out what I wanted too. Try reading the whole history story and not just a few bit and pieces pulled out that back your opinion. Oh you probably actually didn't even do that. Somebody else pulled those pieces put their slanted view on it and you read it someplace and since it went along with your agenda you accept it.

I put a lot of time in knowing what I know, and don't pretend to know everything. I try to listen without trolling (unless I start getting trolled too much/find out someone is a paid propaganda troll). But that doesn't mean that I will fall for the everything you said is bullshit line too many times before I realize you are not actually trying to do anything but troll me.

But where are you getting your information from. The internet, the left? a professor, books? How old are you? does that not matter too?
All of the above, and life. I am over 40, age does matter (otherwise Facebook analytics wouldn't worry about allowing politicians/businesses to target people based on it). I am the last generation to not have grown up with internet/computers in school. Our generations were not ready for the sophistication of attack that the Russians used on us to get Trump elected.

surprising you spend so much time talking about white racists. And how can I ever look at your ideas from your perspective if I have no idea where you are coming from. personally I want to know the other guys perspective for I will never understand him until I know it. perspective is huge we will always misunderstand each other until we have the same perspective. So if you wish to remain mysterious and not provide perspective then I will probably never write again because I am wasting my time for I will never understand you and your ideas. so yes race , age, country of origin, religion and more show your perspective.

And while I am not saying you are racist, one thing I have noticed about white people who are really fast to say they are not racist

maybe they are just sick of people calling them that and assuming all are. people are way to quick scream racist. Its something most people abhor. And many jerks know that and use it to try and make people feel guilty so they can get a payday somehow.
You are the one confusing what I am saying with racism. Pointing out the power structure of our country since the founding and how it has tried to continue to keep power in it's hands since the Civil Rights era is not racism, it's reality.

You are the one that is being too quick to cry racism. Pointing out the facts of how our government has actively harmed these communities is not racist.

But the racists that are using these very real problems by amplifying them and propagandizing them so that they can micro target you online and in hate radio/TV to sell their agenda, want you to feel the way you do. This is why it is so important to understand the disinformation and propaganda that is being used to attack our citizens. All of our citizens regardless of how they identify.
So do you think any of the denizens here will ever be able to talk about what is important like actual laws and policies and not the people that created them. Since the people are in office and there is nothing we can do about that for a while (impeachment has no chance since two thirds of the senators will never vote for it)and they will be there until the end of their term it doesn't seem like anything we say about them means a damn thing because only the policies and laws have any real effect not any people once bill has been passed.
so why is it 90% percent of the time is about talking people and not about results of laws and policies. It seems to me that people might understand a whole lot better if all the bitter fighting about personalities was left out. We could be spending time really getting into a law and understanding it and we wouldn't need the political hacks to tell us what are in them. That would eliminate the BS But does that make too much sense and are people willing to do a little work or is it just easier to be fed somebody's agenda by a political hack that wants to shape our thoughts.
My feeling on this that if we worked thru some of these bills and saw what was actually done we would all be so frustrated with the author's of these bills that eventually we would all run from politics for the rest of our lives. I am talking about how like the recent budget was passed. The republicans wanted their military money and the democrats wanted their special interest money and instead of a real fight over what was in the bills they just let the other side have what it wanted and as long as they got their own money. What happens the deficit rises big time. But its more important for congress to fight about insuring their power after the next election so who has time to make some good cuts in an important spending bill. Everybody is watching trump and pelosi over here while over there billions of dollars are wasted on many bad projects that many in congress have stuck their straws in. This is what magicians do to fool people. I remember seeing one story about the latest monster bill I think it was like 1.4 trillion and nothing was said about anybody fighting over it. It must be sweet to spend other peoples money on things you can invest in before anybody else knows what's coming down the line. I wouldn't even mind that so much if they did their damn jobs well.

I currently have not read a single detail on what was bought and spent. I would imagine few have. why is that. is this less important than calling Trump another name that he will never hear or care about. Should we let them always win and stay blind to where the money is going. We know all about the queens latest problems but have no idea where our money is going or what for. how can we be so blind
Trump is impeached, he just won't be removed.

I agree if you took the time to look at what was in the spending bill that it took to write all of that or listened to whatever you did to determine that 'billions were wasted', we could have a better conversation about it.

BTW you saying that you saw a story on the bill, and that nobody is saying about it are contradictory. I have seen it brought up on every actual news provider that I have looked at. Quit just assuming that you know whats up because Dear Leader/his trolls say it so often it becomes a mantra.

Most intelligent people I know realize that they are unhappy with what they are reading and stop reading. You on the other hand wish to blame your failings on the author for your inability to stop reading. Sorry the author can not close your eyes, turn your head or make you skip messages. So don't worry about it i am sure someday you will stop blaming your problems on others and will join the adults of this world. Other wise people might stop and slap you around some for being an ignorant little cretin. I have a feeling which way you will slide but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.
No it just sucks reading a wall of text to realize at the end nothing was actually said.
Oh god the tv is hammering me about lifelock and norton to the rescue. maybe I should just turn the power off. And then the scary voice of Angie Harmon says I must hurry or catastrophe will follow. kinda like trump and his missile :-) sorry, ok not really.
And now what do I see, a home title lock company. christ they are stealing my equity while I write this.
talk about scary salesmanship.
what's this california is going to give illegals free medical care. hell the citizens don't even have that. oh yeah this make sense. The clinics in san diego will be packed because nobody will even need to prove they aren't from mexico or aren't us citizens. Yep california is busted but they have money for this. the governor wants to be loved by somebody.
I left California about 6 years ago because I was disgusted by the government, I lived in Ramona ca in the foothills near san diego and it was a nice country town with nice green and open hills. When I left the hills behind my apartments there were several illegal encampments and they ripped the local enviroment to shreds. Areas that had been pristine were now filled with old, bed, old tables, plastic milk cartons piles trash and garbage and much had been washed by rain into the lower spots and all this stuff was covered in mud. Then the campers would move to a new area and do the same again. That is what the Mexicans have done. The regular homeless are moving into the bushes and everywhere you go somebody singing in a tree or crapping all over. At least the Mexicans must have buried their crap. I didn't smell it in their areas Not so the Americans. They just move on when an area gets really screwed up. But the people in the apartments can't even walk their dog in many formerly nice areas.
But its all ok in cally, California has really lost its senses
Tell the rural communities to quit being hypocrites by forcing the cities to subsidize their homeless problems and hiring undocumented workers.
Let’s not call each other names, you blind sheep
Sorry this message was for those that could understand it. I can't be held responsible if mummy paid somebody to fake your school records. Nor can I be blamed if Daddy slapped you upside of the head with a tire iron. Everybody has problems not just those with brain matter coming out their ears. Take it like a man and just ask the rest of us what is going before creating embarrassing ideas that undermine your credibility. Sorry I was the one that had to set you straight.
It is not a stereotype, it is the Republican demographic, the one that they legislate towards. They have also co-opted the Racist and Evangelical communities, but only because the things they care about don't actually affect their demographic. I am willing to listen if you have examples of legislation that they have pushed that helps another demographic that is not beneficial to them.

Of course they do, but the Republicans are not trying to legislate to help them out, anything not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda is considered some kind of -ism (socialism, reverse racism, populism, whatever they can to troll it).

No, again I am not saying that the Republicans are all racist. They just have a very narrow understanding of the communities in our country is all, and because of that fact, the legislation that could most help our communities (that happen to have the lowest price tag to enact) cannot be passed because they continually block it.

Quit listening to what the Right wing propaganda machine and online trolls tell you what the 'other' thinks. I agree things are far better, they are, but the reason you think what you do is that everything negative is being so amplified by the online Russian trolling. This is the most important thing to understand with this upcoming election. We cannot actually even talk with one another often because of the fact that the Russian military (and Saudi, and traitors like Brad Parscale) have our citizens personalities fully mapped out and are hitting them with very personalized disinformation campaigns.

I agree racism is bad. But disagree about education being on the decline, this is a long term trolling, are there problems within it, of course, that is what happens when you have the Republicans (ill leave out my description, but it really is obvious the case here too) actively trying to dumb down the education system for decades.


You are old enough to remember work discrimination, redlining, and white flight to the suburbs. What do you think happened at that point when you combine depressing the ability to earn money (reducing the taxes paid into those communities), forcing people to not be able to move into better neighborhoods, and removing the majority of the tax base for those communities when they move to the suburbs? Our government actively harmed these communities and tried to keep them contained, then over-policed them and underfunded any programs aimed at helping things like the school systems.

So what do you think the government should do about the white flight? How would you like to keep the people and the tax money from leaving when they want. So who in our government did these things? Of course to you it was those bad republicans. See the problem with all of these simpleton statements is you provide no proof of anything. No names, no places, no dates , no documents, just bad history lessons.
If 40 you were born around 1980. If like most you were at least twenty before you had enough education to start making smarter choices.
So most likely the earliest you started following politics was around 2000 if you were lucky. So you have no first hand info about 1960 to nearly 2000.
You have the same problems as others who didn't live in this time. You have barely scratched the surface of this history and have the gall to tell others who lived in that time what really happened. how can I make that any simpler. this is the obvious truth.

That is why I point to the 'Wealthy' as well, landowners (see minority redlining), business owners (Destroying black/minority businesses), and education have not been a level playing field, and because of this we have generational gaps that we need to overcome.

again the simpleton ideas about the wealthy men and history.

All of the above, and life. I am over 40, age does matter (otherwise Facebook analytics wouldn't worry about allowing politicians/businesses to target people based on it). I am the last generation to not have grown up with internet/computers in school. Our generations were not ready for the sophistication of attack that the Russians used on us to get Trump elected.

well I will say you are consistent. always ready to charge in with no facts. Oh yeah that is right. because you didn't have computers nobody else must have had them either until 2016. Why is that no government agency has come out with exactly how the russians actually did this. Lumping trump in with the russians is ludicrous at best. There is no proof of this. just wishful thinking from the dems . you fell for it again.

You are the one confusing what I am saying with racism. Pointing out the power structure of our country since the founding and how it has tried to continue to keep power in it's hands since the Civil Rights era is not racism, it's reality.

But the racists that are using these very real problems by amplifying them and propagandizing them so that they can micro target you online and in hate radio/TV to sell their agenda, want you to feel the way you do. This is why it is so important to understand the disinformation and propaganda that is being used to attack our citizens. All of our citizens regardless of how they identify.

the last i checked the media is amplifying problems and using propaganda and they sure fooled you.

Let me say that I have finished wasting time on you. You don't answer questions , you just pick and choose what you wish to answer and then give me some crap you heard about and never provide proof on jack. Next time don't pretend you know more than somebody who lived in some time period. You couldn't possibly but you can't even see that.
I realize that you read and listen to people who also give no facts and have their distorted view of history. Its up to you to see through their nonsense and it is your fault you haven't done that. you will remain ignorant until you start listening to people who know far more than you on particular subjects. Listen and learn, don't let your ego make a fool out of you.
the last i checked the media is amplifying problems and using propaganda and they sure fooled you.

Let me say that I have finished wasting time on you. You don't answer questions , you just pick and choose what you wish to answer and then give me some crap you heard about and never provide proof on jack. Next time don't pretend you know more than somebody who lived in some time period. You couldn't possibly but you can't even see that.
I realize that you read and listen to people who also give no facts and have their distorted view of history. Its up to you to see through their nonsense and it is your fault you haven't done that. you will remain ignorant until you start listening to people who know far more than you on particular subjects. Listen and learn, don't let your ego make a fool out of you.

Edit: You haven't done anything but rant bullshit walls of text and ignore anything but one or two lines here and there of anything I have said. Now you project your problems onto me.

You have earned meme responses, congratulations.
relax guys, I have a registered medical grow and can grow up to 15 plants. Jealous? :-)

Jealous about having your personal information registered in a state database where it can be sold, pilfered and used against you? LOL, not in the slightest.