"Purity tests"

no need to list his accomplishments and waste my time on you, use google and see what he has done. but you won't because that doesn't agree with your precious opinion. why learn something new

aint laughing stock in Iran they just gave in , did you miss it ? I guess you would use appeasement murderous bastards didn't you learn in school to kick the bully in the nuts and he will run from you. or were you the bully?
Did iran give up their nuclear program like they did for Obama?

or are they going nuclear while they control Iraq now?

you won’t answer this
Did iran give up their nuclear program like they did for Obama?

or are they going nuclear while they control Iraq now?

you won’t answer this
Trump had to kill that man because he was a bad person... *he says after shaking hands with little Kimmy of north korea*
why do people feel free to speak like animals online. maybe its because you are such a puss in your own life and have been afraid of your shadow in your real life. do you live in the park and the cold has turned your brain to slush. did the guy porkin your woman beat your ass when you caught them. how are the vittles (look it up moron) in the trash bin behind jack in box. bye little turd
Hey everyone

the trump cocksucker is opposed to insults

he’s so precious and fragile
why do people feel free to speak like animals online. maybe its because you are such a puss in your own life and have been afraid of your shadow in your real life. do you live in the park and the cold has turned your brain to slush. did the guy porkin your woman beat your ass when you caught them. how are the vittles (look it up moron) in the trash bin behind jack in box. bye little turd
Tangerine living it up. He did it right and retired comfortably. You go on week long meth binges and support trump.
guess what boys, Parnas is under indictment for lying and making false documents :-) jesus

and Trumps* lawyer, campaign manager (Trump Presidential 2016) and National Security Advisor are in jail.

you see, Sonderland and Parnas? they're NOT going to take a bullet for Trump*.

Trump's* going to jail will be murdered or both.


Thug Life!
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Did iran give up their nuclear program like they did for Obama?

or are they going nuclear while they control Iraq now?

you won’t answer this
Trump did not like the deal. He thought obama giving them 150 billion was not a good idea, As it turns out much of that money went into supporting iran's little proxie armies that are running around Iraq and elsewhere stirring up trouble. trump didn't do anything until they killed an american. His missile just sent them a message to back off or else. And they got the message and won't screw with us for awhile.

now as for iran going nuclear it will never happen. Didn't you see the speech where he said Iran will never get a nuclear bomb. My guess is that even obama would never let them go nuclear either. Nobody wants them to actually have one and we would have to prevent it or destroy it.
Fortunately our technology is superior enough to destroy most threats.. if they bought a suitcase nuke from the russians or somebody they could cause some trouble but Iran would be back in the stone ages the next day.
Trump did not like the deal. He thought obama giving them 150 billion was not a good idea, As it turns out much of that money went into supporting iran's little proxie armies that are running around Iraq and elsewhere stirring up trouble. trump didn't do anything until they killed an american. His missile just sent them a message to back off or else. And they got the message and won't screw with us for awhile.

now as for iran going nuclear it will never happen. Didn't you see the speech where he said Iran will never get a nuclear bomb. My guess is that even obama would never let them go nuclear either. Nobody wants them to actually have one and we would have to prevent it or destroy it.
Fortunately our technology is superior enough to destroy most threats.. if they bought a suitcase nuke from the russians or somebody they could cause some trouble but Iran would be back in the stone ages the next day.
So iran is going nuclear and controls Iraq now. Got it

we wasted $5 trillion in Iraq and just gave it to them. 6000 dead American soldiers too

god what a dumbass you support

I liked it better when Obama stopped their nuclear program without firing a shot.

their nuclear program is up and running again
Trump did not like the deal. He thought obama giving them 150 billion was not a good idea,

It was Iran's money in the first place, and it was not $150 billion. Stop believing everything out of Trump's mouth.

The fucking Presidunce **STILL** doesn't even understand how tariffs work:

"I was able to take massive incoming Tariff money and use it to help them get through tough times" -Donald Trump, today, speaking about farmers

He should be thrown out if for nothing more, a complete non-understanding of basic financial knowledge. Tariffs are NOT "incoming". They are paid out by US companies, and those extra costs are passed on to you, the US citizen.

You're being raped and repeatedly lied to, yet you continue to bend over, take it, and then defend the abuser.
It was Iran's money in the first place. Stop believing everything out of Trump's mouth.

The fucking Presidunce **STILL** doesn't even understand how tariffs work:

"I was able to take massive incoming Tariff money and use it to help them get through tough times" -Donald Trump, today, speaking about farmers

He should be thrown out if for nothing more, a complete non-understanding of basic financial knowledge. Tariffs are NOT "incoming". They are paid out by US companies, and those extra costs are passed on to you, the US citizen.

The drag queen is just trolling you.