QAnon & the Republican Party

I guess I would talk like you people on this forum if I were going nowhere, angry losers, not getting their way, expected to get a job, carry your own water, just to name a few. Trump wins and we all win including you. If Biden wins we all lose including you. It will be tangible and real regardless of words and labels you stupid people use. Just so you know, you all took the cheese! Think your so clever checking my age and believing what it says. I have worked for 1099 or straight commission income my whole life and I am 63, no debt, retired, and really do think it sad that you people are wired the way you are with apparently no way to change you. Well if you come to my table while I'm having dinner with my wife? You will not see another sunrise!! I'm ready to go, how about you?
I’m a retired pharmaceutical engineer and this is my back yard sweetheart 5F751F9B-5DAA-4CE6-9765-2F0F4B0412BF.jpeg83BC2F99-6999-40C7-9996-934CC662A2BD.jpeg
I guess I would talk like you people on this forum if I were going nowhere, angry losers, not getting their way, expected to get a job, carry your own water, just to name a few. Trump wins and we all win including you. If Biden wins we all lose including you. It will be tangible and real regardless of words and labels you stupid people use. Just so you know, you all took the cheese! Think your so clever checking my age and believing what it says. I have worked for 1099 or straight commission income my whole life and I am 63, no debt, retired, and really do think it sad that you people are wired the way you are with apparently no way to change you. Well if you come to my table while I'm having dinner with my wife? You will not see another sunrise!! I'm ready to go, how about you?
And I’m only 54

People are starting to make choices in the DOJ, Joe's lead in the polls has given many in the government heart and hope. These folks are gonna have to roll the dice on the outcome before it's over, they probably know they will end up prosecuting Barr too, so does Barr.
I think the democrats will impeach Bill Barr post election or force him to resign. Of course covid could get him too, but Donald will order treatments for him, another desperate lab rat on the lose. Anybody useful to Donald will get the special treatments, people he would like to get rid of like Rudy, Manafort, Flynn, or other potential witnesses will be left to die of covid.
Looks like when they take the guns away from the proud boys and other losers for being part of a terrorist organization or affiliated with one, there will be no one to stand in the way. The good old boys will only be wearing their body armor, maybe a musket, we'll see. :D

Guns usually brings em out of the wood work, imagine all the regulations on calibers and automatic weapons that are perfectly constitutional. If the government can ban automatic weapons it stands to reason they can ban semi automatic firearms too, as the founding fathers envisioned, conservative federalist judges are big on the original intentions of the founders...
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More criminal tRUmptards.

Fucking Trump nutbags are dangerous.
I’ve been saying this all along.
He’s been whipping them up into frenzies. They been waiting on someone like him to push them in to action.
And do you notice how they all communicate? Through GD Facebook. I’m of the impression Zuckerburg has been aided along the way by Russians.
We’ll know one day. If we make it that long.