Question My Beliefs, But Be Prepared To Answer For Yours :)


Well-Known Member
i have nothing to ask you because i already know your stance and what you will say to counter what i say... i have noticed that everything i say is none existence and non important to you cause all you all do is "dissect" what i say in a way where it makes me seem like im dumb...

-your beliefs aren't a problem to me. I don't know you personally, how would anything you believe personally affect me? The mindset does, but that's because it does affect me.

-What bothers me the most is your unwillingness to delve deeper into yourself to search for the answers to the questions that have been asked. I feel like you don't want to do it because there's an element of fear, we've both admitted it's there, but I promise you, the questions that you might be afraid to ask right now will lead you to answers that quell the fear and substitute it for a feeling of pure awe, amazement and wonder that existence is explainable... you just have to use the right set of tools.

Give it a chance man. Don't give up.


Well-Known Member
i have no fear of anything, why would i fear a question?
I find it hard to believe you aren't afraid of anything. Everybody is afraid of something.

I didn't say you feared a question. I said the questions that we ask or perhaps you've asked yourself lead to answers that can be very scary to a religious person... at first. But later, you realize the fear you held was, just like the belief, irrational.

I feel that you will never agree with me because of my beliefs and your hatred towards it.
I don't hate you or any other Christians for their beliefs. This is a misinterpretation on your part. My entire famly is Christian, do you think I hate my entire family? It's simply a disagreement, a disagreement I feel is due to the lack of critical thought and logical reasoning.

I believe you and anyone else who says they "dont hate" my beliefs are liars.
I understand why you would feel this way, but again, this is a misinterpretation on your part. All I can tell you is I don't hate people for the things they believe, I enjoy talking about why people believe what they do and how they got there. It frustrates me when someone can't defend their beliefs, especially if it's being used in such a selfish manner at the cost the rest of us pay.

what else would motivate you or anyone else so much to belittle others beliefs?
How have I, or anyone else, "belittled" anyones beliefs? Give me some examples please.

My beliefs are concrete no matter what, im not a coward to back out of them.
You have already decided to take the cowardly route. Questioning ones beliefs, discovering where they're flawed and changing them accordingly to fit with reality and not what we want reality to be is the only true way to, as Socrates put it, genuine self-mastery.

You can't enter into a debate with the stipulation "my beliefs will never be changed". It kind of defeats the whole purpose.

I feel comfortable in my life and have no need to change anything... how does the old saying go, if aint broke dont fix it!
That's a very selfish statement to make.

Take a look around the world, it would seem it's a consequence of nationalism which usually corresponds with high levels of belief, but that's just a personal theory of mine, but the majority of people living in the world are not afforded the luxury of comfort like you are. Does this not matter to you? Do you at least get a little glimpse into the reasoning behind why belief can be so selfish?

and tell me, how does MY mindset affect you personally? Please let me know
Well, I don't know YOU personally, so I can't answer that. But you are a believer, and I can tell you how the believers mindset affects me personally.

-it enables governments to implement policy based on religious ideologies simply because a majority of the population believes it's the right thing to do, this leads to increased poverty, increased taxes, increased debt, increased military spending, decreased education and medical spending, decreases in NASA, decreases in innovation and R&D

-it allows a platform for prejudice to exist

-it produces people ignorant of basic fundamentals of science, reality, existence

I could go on and on and on... but will you try to counter any of these points? Of course you wont, because I don't think you can, if you could, you would. Instead you'll just make another post saying we hate you, saying we belittle believers.. I mean come on man, that's getting old.. If you have something to say, that's how you say it, point by point reply, just like the rest of us are doing. If you are so concrete in your beliefs, and aren't afraid of anything, what's to stop you?

and the red text says it all... you say that your beliefs do not affect no one, yet you promote them like it is the next big thing! why would that not make some weak minded person go out and shoot themselves or go out and kill a lot of people cause you told them their life was an entire lie and that they need to re think everything
I promote proper education, science, logic and reason.

I am a little confused by that second statement. I'm not sure why someone would decide to go out and shoot people or kill themselves because of anything I had to say, like I mentioned before, if that were to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

this thread is extremely bias, i cannot stress that enough...
Yet you fail to point out any examples of bias. You read the rules, anyone can make a claim and if it gets 5 votes, you just earned a point for your side.

So if you're making the claim someone has been biased, point out the post # and the rest of us will see for ourselves.

i believe any type of communication with a person you have a problem or issue with and especially if it is religion, there will always be arguments cause it is you agains me, no matter what or how you or anyone else says it on here, it is like that...
That's why it's even more important to stay calm and collected when you talk about it. Think of it as a challenge for yourself. See if you can keep calm and make your points clearly without getting upset. Personally, I take it as a sign of weakness when someone starts throwing out insults or attacks. It just means that's all they've got, I've intellectually defeated them into submission and all they can do is walk away tail tucked between their legs. It's a much more satisfying feeling than calling someone a bunch of names.

You guys think you are better then us cause we believe in something you dont, so makes us inferior cause our "mental" capabilities are obsolete.
No, we think believers use inconsistent logic to get to a conclusion that isn't substantiated by any evidence that hurts other people around the world.

Can't really make it much more simple than that..

...and the sick twist that tops it all off - even if the shit WERE true and it hurt people around the world like I feel it does, I'd be just as against it as I am with no evidence.

i hate how you guys make it seem that I made this into a "you against me thing." that is the tactic i have seen all along, deflection
Actually, it seems to be "you vs. you" at this point, the rest of us are having a pretty good discussion. I'd like you to join in and start answering some of these questions the right way, as directed in the OP, to kind of get things moving along in the right direction and give you some practice at keeping cool when we talk.

Don't pass up this opportunity man, how often do you come across a board full of atheists open and willing to talk to you about beliefs?


Well-Known Member
i agree with things you say, but i dont suck up to up cause that aint me... just cause i dont acknowledge what you say does not mean i do not agree with it.
Hey, Olylifter420. I'm not sure if I understand your post here. If I understand you correctly, you are stating that you do agree with what I/we are saying despite the fact that you are not acknowledging what was said. It seems you also called me a suck up for congratulating Pada for coming up with a productive set of rules, in an attempt to keep negativity and the wasting of time to a minimum, on a thread idea that's been done to death. Giving kudos where we feel they are due is a large part of what these forums are about, after all, you wouldn't consider yourself a suck up when you +rep or send a 'like' someone's way, right?


Well-Known Member
you see, you all only understand things that make me seem wrong or like a bad guy.

Hey, Olylifter420. I'm not sure if I understand your post here. If I understand you correctly, you are stating that you do agree with what I/we are saying despite the fact that you are not acknowledging what was said. It seems you also called me a suck up for congratulating Pada for coming up with a productive set of rules, in an attempt to keep negativity and the wasting of time to a minimum, on a thread idea that's been done to death. Giving kudos where we feel they are due is a large part of what these forums are about, after all, you wouldn't consider yourself a suck up when you +rep or send a 'like' someone's way, right?


Well-Known Member
cool, i understand what you are saying. That im basically some douche for believing in the things i believe in. thats cool bro, i dont mind it. Im extremely medicated right now with some kk... how is this thread not bias? Everything asked is in favor for atheists' to pray on believers', thats all. It is funny how you dont see it that way, just as it is funny to you that i dont see things your way..

I find it hard to believe you aren't afraid of anything. Everybody is afraid of something.

I didn't say you feared a question. I said the questions that we ask or perhaps you've asked yourself lead to answers that can be very scary to a religious person... at first. But later, you realize the fear you held was, just like the belief, irrational.

I don't hate you or any other Christians for their beliefs. This is a misinterpretation on your part. My entire famly is Christian, do you think I hate my entire family? It's simply a disagreement, a disagreement I feel is due to the lack of critical thought and logical reasoning.

I understand why you would feel this way, but again, this is a misinterpretation on your part. All I can tell you is I don't hate people for the things they believe, I enjoy talking about why people believe what they do and how they got there. It frustrates me when someone can't defend their beliefs, especially if it's being used in such a selfish manner at the cost the rest of us pay.

How have I, or anyone else, "belittled" anyones beliefs? Give me some examples please.

You have already decided to take the cowardly route. Questioning ones beliefs, discovering where they're flawed and changing them accordingly to fit with reality and not what we want reality to be is the only true way to, as Socrates put it, genuine self-mastery.

You can't enter into a debate with the stipulation "my beliefs will never be changed". It kind of defeats the whole purpose.

That's a very selfish statement to make.

Take a look around the world, it would seem it's a consequence of nationalism which usually corresponds with high levels of belief, but that's just a personal theory of mine, but the majority of people living in the world are not afforded the luxury of comfort like you are. Does this not matter to you? Do you at least get a little glimpse into the reasoning behind why belief can be so selfish?

Well, I don't know YOU personally, so I can't answer that. But you are a believer, and I can tell you how the believers mindset affects me personally.

-it enables governments to implement policy based on religious ideologies simply because a majority of the population believes it's the right thing to do, this leads to increased poverty, increased taxes, increased debt, increased military spending, decreased education and medical spending, decreases in NASA, decreases in innovation and R&D

-it allows a platform for prejudice to exist

-it produces people ignorant of basic fundamentals of science, reality, existence

I could go on and on and on... but will you try to counter any of these points? Of course you wont, because I don't think you can, if you could, you would. Instead you'll just make another post saying we hate you, saying we belittle believers.. I mean come on man, that's getting old.. If you have something to say, that's how you say it, point by point reply, just like the rest of us are doing. If you are so concrete in your beliefs, and aren't afraid of anything, what's to stop you?

I promote proper education, science, logic and reason.

I am a little confused by that second statement. I'm not sure why someone would decide to go out and shoot people or kill themselves because of anything I had to say, like I mentioned before, if that were to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

Yet you fail to point out any examples of bias. You read the rules, anyone can make a claim and if it gets 5 votes, you just earned a point for your side.

So if you're making the claim someone has been biased, point out the post # and the rest of us will see for ourselves.

That's why it's even more important to stay calm and collected when you talk about it. Think of it as a challenge for yourself. See if you can keep calm and make your points clearly without getting upset. Personally, I take it as a sign of weakness when someone starts throwing out insults or attacks. It just means that's all they've got, I've intellectually defeated them into submission and all they can do is walk away tail tucked between their legs. It's a much more satisfying feeling than calling someone a bunch of names.

No, we think believers use inconsistent logic to get to a conclusion that isn't substantiated by any evidence that hurts other people around the world.

Can't really make it much more simple than that..

...and the sick twist that tops it all off - even if the shit WERE true and it hurt people around the world like I feel it does, I'd be just as against it as I am with no evidence.

Actually, it seems to be "you vs. you" at this point, the rest of us are having a pretty good discussion. I'd like you to join in and start answering some of these questions the right way, as directed in the OP, to kind of get things moving along in the right direction and give you some practice at keeping cool when we talk.

Don't pass up this opportunity man, how often do you come across a board full of atheists open and willing to talk to you about beliefs?


Well-Known Member
just go to this thread and go through it,

or any other recent thread about the subject

I find it hard to believe you aren't afraid of anything. Everybody is afraid of something.

I didn't say you feared a question. I said the questions that we ask or perhaps you've asked yourself lead to answers that can be very scary to a religious person... at first. But later, you realize the fear you held was, just like the belief, irrational.

I don't hate you or any other Christians for their beliefs. This is a misinterpretation on your part. My entire famly is Christian, do you think I hate my entire family? It's simply a disagreement, a disagreement I feel is due to the lack of critical thought and logical reasoning.

I understand why you would feel this way, but again, this is a misinterpretation on your part. All I can tell you is I don't hate people for the things they believe, I enjoy talking about why people believe what they do and how they got there. It frustrates me when someone can't defend their beliefs, especially if it's being used in such a selfish manner at the cost the rest of us pay.

How have I, or anyone else, "belittled" anyones beliefs? Give me some examples please.

You have already decided to take the cowardly route. Questioning ones beliefs, discovering where they're flawed and changing them accordingly to fit with reality and not what we want reality to be is the only true way to, as Socrates put it, genuine self-mastery.

You can't enter into a debate with the stipulation "my beliefs will never be changed". It kind of defeats the whole purpose.

That's a very selfish statement to make.

Take a look around the world, it would seem it's a consequence of nationalism which usually corresponds with high levels of belief, but that's just a personal theory of mine, but the majority of people living in the world are not afforded the luxury of comfort like you are. Does this not matter to you? Do you at least get a little glimpse into the reasoning behind why belief can be so selfish?

Well, I don't know YOU personally, so I can't answer that. But you are a believer, and I can tell you how the believers mindset affects me personally.

-it enables governments to implement policy based on religious ideologies simply because a majority of the population believes it's the right thing to do, this leads to increased poverty, increased taxes, increased debt, increased military spending, decreased education and medical spending, decreases in NASA, decreases in innovation and R&D

-it allows a platform for prejudice to exist

-it produces people ignorant of basic fundamentals of science, reality, existence

I could go on and on and on... but will you try to counter any of these points? Of course you wont, because I don't think you can, if you could, you would. Instead you'll just make another post saying we hate you, saying we belittle believers.. I mean come on man, that's getting old.. If you have something to say, that's how you say it, point by point reply, just like the rest of us are doing. If you are so concrete in your beliefs, and aren't afraid of anything, what's to stop you?

I promote proper education, science, logic and reason.

I am a little confused by that second statement. I'm not sure why someone would decide to go out and shoot people or kill themselves because of anything I had to say, like I mentioned before, if that were to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

Yet you fail to point out any examples of bias. You read the rules, anyone can make a claim and if it gets 5 votes, you just earned a point for your side.

So if you're making the claim someone has been biased, point out the post # and the rest of us will see for ourselves.

That's why it's even more important to stay calm and collected when you talk about it. Think of it as a challenge for yourself. See if you can keep calm and make your points clearly without getting upset. Personally, I take it as a sign of weakness when someone starts throwing out insults or attacks. It just means that's all they've got, I've intellectually defeated them into submission and all they can do is walk away tail tucked between their legs. It's a much more satisfying feeling than calling someone a bunch of names.

No, we think believers use inconsistent logic to get to a conclusion that isn't substantiated by any evidence that hurts other people around the world.

Can't really make it much more simple than that..

...and the sick twist that tops it all off - even if the shit WERE true and it hurt people around the world like I feel it does, I'd be just as against it as I am with no evidence.

Actually, it seems to be "you vs. you" at this point, the rest of us are having a pretty good discussion. I'd like you to join in and start answering some of these questions the right way, as directed in the OP, to kind of get things moving along in the right direction and give you some practice at keeping cool when we talk.

Don't pass up this opportunity man, how often do you come across a board full of atheists open and willing to talk to you about beliefs?


Well-Known Member
Saying that this thread is biased against religionists is like saying schools are biased against stupid people.


Well-Known Member
schools are biased against stupid people, GPA. most schools wont accept you if you got under a 2.0 GPA, logic tells me that anyone under a 2.0 GPA is quite stupid

Saying that this thread is biased against religionists is like saying schools are biased against stupid people.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Heisenberg! I enjoy reading your posts, and really dig your epistemology. I am lucky enough to have a circle of friends that are skeptics, atheists, and critical thinkers (not to mention hilarious and great musicians). We bounce our thoughts, ideas and epistemologies off each other each week, and they are merciless in pointing out each others’ errors and erroneous ideas and beliefs. This has allowed me to grow much more rapidly than if I had to rely solely on my own insight and methodology to find the errors in my thinking. I find inconsistencies in my thinking from time to time, and it’s no big deal to give them up immediately. But the cherished (comforting) beliefs that I have held for a long time, THOSE are painful, sometimes earth-shaking, things to give up in light of the new, indisputable facts that come to light. I don’t hold any superstitions, either, and wholeheartedly agree that logic should carry the most weight when judging claims of reality.
You mention that your position is that it is illogical to pretentiously attempt to approve your appearance, to keep objects for sentimental value, and to do things merely for expression (the flying spaghetti t-shirt example). When I thought about this for a while, it seems to me that these things are logical in the following contexts:
a. It is often asked, ‘what is my meaning/purpose in this life?’ Of course, the answer is whatever meaning we choose to give it, but in a harsher, Darwinian sense we are vehicles for passing on our genes (Dawkins, the Selfish Gene and others). In order to do this most effectively, we need to be sexually attractive, as it is the most sexually attractive people who have the most sex, thus the greatest chances of procreating. So in this context, it seems logical to give in to the sex drive and make ourselves as attractive as possible. I personally don’t put much effort into my appearance, not to say I’m a slob but the only reason that I’ve ever put any stock into fashion (not wearing a brown belt with black shoes, getting this haircut over that one, etc. ) is because women that I was fucking , or wanted to fuck, wanted it that way. Some go as far to say that the main (usually unconscious) reason males achieve almost anything is to gain a mate and have sex, and you can see this when you look at the trend that most major accomplishments of a lot prolific artists/scientists/industrialists happen before they get married, and sometimes precious little afterward (they’ve already won a mate, the drive diminishes). But I digress…
b. We are apes, social primates. It seems that in nature higher mammals are hardwired to some degree of sentimentality. We see elephants carry the corpses of their fallen brethren long distances In order to bury them in an agreed upon cemetery of sorts, then seem to grieve for some time afterward. Similarly, we see bonobo and chimp mothers carry around the corpse of their dead children for weeks. It seems again we also share this sentimentality, and it seems that this is not learned behavior, but instinctual. Most of us don’t keep the corpses, instead we hold onto keepsakes of the corpses of our near and dear. Also, I find pleasure in keeping the crappy artwork and stories from my son and pulling them out for pleasurable nostalgic sessions every few years. It seems logical to satisfy this innate drive for sentiment.
c. Higher mammals also seem hardwired (I’m not liking this word, just using it for lack of a more accurate one) for expression. This may be more of a learned behavior, but it seems we have a real aptitude for expression. It seems to be an inner drive for most people (even young children), so again it seems logical to satisfy this drive, as well.

The only alternative seems to be to repress these drives, but I think that would be to our mental/emotional/spiritual detriment, thus not logical. Let me know your take…
I actually did regret using the t-shirt example because after I thought about it, I didn't want to suggest all expression is pretense. It can be pretentious of course, but most of the time it is just a message indicating what we find important or attractive. Even hair style can have a lot to do with expression. I question though whether we can fully attribute this to sexual appeal. I have noticed that women will often take extra special care to make themselves attractive if they are going to a female only event. I know guys who wear cologne even if they are just drinking with their buds. And even I run a comb through my hair before I go to dinner with my parents. Seeking the approval of your peers and elders is logical, but doing it by pretense seems far less so.

Sentiment serves a purpose as you point out, so it is understandable, but it often drives irrational behavior. One study showed that including a face or even just a pair of eyes on a tip jar will increase the number of people who tip, and increase the amount of individual tips. Logically we know the jar isn't alive, but our sentiment causes us to feel more of a connection, so we are more generous. The fact that sentiment is illogical while still serving a purpose was my very point. The examples you cite in the animal kingdom are examples of dealing with grief. Grief is a process by which we learn to accept a hard truth. Once we come to terms with that truth, the grief process is over, which is why animals eventually discard the corpse. Why then, do humans keep objects long after they have accepted the truth of a loved ones death? At this point there is no value in grief mitigation, but simply comfort. Sentiment helps strengthen the bonds in family and community, and that is a logical thing for evolution to have preserved. But my point was that even the most logical minded people are still very susceptible to irrational behavior in the name of sentiment.

Just because something makes sense in the context that it's understandable, doesn't mean it is a logical reflection of the truth. I do not want to undermine the value of truth, but there are some margins of our lives in which suppressing the truth is beneficial, which is why I wasn't suggesting we avoid this behavior. I think the problems come when our behavior or mindsets completely blind us from truth, or give us a sense of false truth, and of course, these are minor points in the context of understanding the fabric of our universe.


Well-Known Member
cool, i understand what you are saying. That im basically some douche for believing in the things i believe in. thats cool bro, i dont mind it. Im extremely medicated right now with some kk... how is this thread not bias? Everything asked is in favor for atheists' to pray on believers', thats all. It is funny how you dont see it that way, just as it is funny to you that i dont see things your way..
It's not funny to me. It's confusing. I must not be explaining things correctly, if that's the case, I'll try again, what will it cost? 15 minutes to type it up, less?

It's difficult to have any kind of conversation with a person with the attitude you have. All I'm doing is asking you questions, you automatically view that as an attack against you personally or against your faith. I've tried to explain to you this isn't the case.

What is more likely to be true, something claiming absolute certainty without question, or something claiming we can never be absolutely certain about anything and invites you to see for yourself?

just go to this thread and go through it,

or any other recent thread about the subject
No, I don't have time for that. You made the claim, it's your responsibilty to provide specific examples. Start paying more attention to how this stuff works. Rules and guidelines, remember that..


Well-Known Member
schools are biased against stupid people, GPA. most schools wont accept you if you got under a 2.0 GPA, logic tells me that anyone under a 2.0 GPA is quite stupid
LOL. That's the exact point I'm making however you are misusing the term bias in both situations. Schools and this thread offer equal opportunity. The fact is that the rules are set up ahead of time, there is no bias involved.

I think you better look up the word

"Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives."

By definition bias is unfair and inhibits impartiality.


Well-Known Member
what more proof do you want then that thread? Are you choosing to ignore facts which are within that thread that back the claim of belittling one's beliefs.

It's not funny to me. It's confusing. I must not be explaining things correctly, if that's the case, I'll try again, what will it cost? 15 minutes to type it up, less?

It's difficult to have any kind of conversation with a person with the attitude you have. All I'm doing is asking you questions, you automatically view that as an attack against you personally or against your faith. I've tried to explain to you this isn't the case.

What is more likely to be true, something claiming absolute certainty without question, or something claiming we can never be absolutely certain about anything and invites you to see for yourself?

No, I don't have time for that. You made the claim, it's your responsibilty to provide specific examples. Start paying more attention to how this stuff works. Rules and guidelines, remember that..


Well-Known Member
i know what bias is and this thread is bias... It might not seem to you because you are part of the favored group and on the other hand i am on the unfair side getting unfairly judged for my beliefs.

schools still are "unfair" to stupid people by making them get or maintain a 2.0 or better in order to get accepted.

i rest my case. how many points did i get?

i believe i have gotten zero points only because of my beliefs which makes this bias. i bet other atheists have gotten plenty of points....

LOL. That's the exact point I'm making however you are misusing the term bias in both situations. Schools and this thread offer equal opportunity. The fact is that the rules are set up ahead of time, there is no bias involved.

I think you better look up the word

"Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives."

By definition bias is unfair and inhibits impartiality.


Well-Known Member
dont need any. everyone's beliefs are different
Would you agree that some beliefs are valid and some are not? The belief that the earth is flat is not valid, but without asking questions we would have never known that. What if I believe the moon is made of cheese? Would you say it is important to distinguish between true and false beliefs?


Well-Known Member
i know what bias is and this thread is bias... It might not seem to you because you are part of the favored group and on the other hand i am on the unfair side getting unfairly judged for my beliefs.

schools still are "unfair" to stupid people by making them get or maintain a 2.0 or better in order to get accepted.

i rest my case. how many points did i get?

i believe i have gotten zero points only because of my beliefs which makes this bias. i bet other atheists have gotten plenty of points....
You have a very distorted view of fairness. If I give different tests to different students that's unfair. If every student has an equal chance to learn the material, no favoritism, they all get the same tests and they still don't pass, how is that unfair? Don't forget the other adjectives, not impartial, holds perspectives at the expense of alternatives.

Is it unfair I don't have the physique to play football and make $millions? How about my lack of ability to play chess, or golf, or the fact that my doctoral dissertation was initially rejected and I had to try again? The way you seem to view the world is that life is wholly unfair. I guess I can see why you look forward to an afterlife.


Well-Known Member
no i do not agree that some are valid and others are not... again, misinterpretation of my statement. I do not expect others to chime in on my posts if they do not relate it to or are not partaking in this bias game..

if you believed the cheese was made out of the moon, i would laugh and cheerfully agree with in a sarcastic manner.

what about the dude that killed those people in the sweat box? you and i know what they were told was false but it made no difference to you if they lived or died does it? It does not affect me in any way, much less influence others to follow in their foot steps. No matter what those people were told about their beliefs it did not matter, their parents told them, their wives, husbands, sons and daughters, but they were "hell bent" on reaching their goal, whatever it was.

I could distinguish that what that dude was doing was entirely false and a scheme and steer away from it, while others are less fortunate and give into those lies and end up doing stupid things like that.

now tell me, were you affected by that outcome?

Are you affected by beliefs personally?

Would you agree that some beliefs are valid and some are not? The belief that the earth is flat is not valid, but without asking questions we would have never known that. What if I believe the moon is made of cheese? Would you say it is important to distinguish between true and false beliefs?