Random Jabber Jibber thread

It stops your exhaled droplets from reaching someone else. They stay in your mask.

If the virus was completely aerosolized (in other words the virus rides in the airstream purely by exhalation) it would not help. But even though we believe that some of it is emitted into the airstream the largest exposure is in droplets you create when you talk or to a lesser degree exhale.

So your wearing a mask stops others from being exposed to the majority of virus you might be emitting if you are carrying it.

Finally any droplets that escape a mask can be caught on the outside of yours. So your mask also protects you but to a lesser degree since most people handle the outside of their mask, then itch around their eyes etc...

I hope that helps EB. I want you to stay safe out there hun.
Kinda, i mean i get the science, ive heard this exact explanation plenty, and let me disclaim, im very aware that i see things in black n white, wifey kills me for it on a daily basis, but ijs i dont see the point when it says flat out on the packaging that the mask wont prevent you from catching certain viruses. And the fact that half my route is hospitals and clinics and dental offices..find it odd that its so mandatory to be masked up buts as soon as im upstairs in the admin offices of these places, NOone is wearing masks, makes me feel like they may know somethin i dont. But to save argument and concern just know i am required and i do wear a mask while at work and everywhere its required in public so im pretty confident im not spreading my particles to the world. Thanks for lookin out C2!!
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La Nina is here, threatening even bigger blazes and storms

"We're already in a bad position, and La Nina puts us in a situation where fire-weather conditions persist into November and possibly even December," said Ryan Truchelut, president of Weather Tiger LLC. "It is exacerbating existing heat and drought issues."
I've seen you post about this a bunch but if you don't mind me asking....How did you do that?
Oh yeah
I tripped in the parking garage of the university of Florida medical complex. Took wife for an appointment and went to pick up the vehicle.
Ended up spending 6 nights in the hospital there, Shands.
I tripped 01/30 and had my first surgery 02/02/2020. Uh huh...
Second surgery 7/15 to remove protruding screw. Uh huh...
Uh huh
Oh yeah
I tripped in the parking garage of the university of Florida medical complex. Took wife for an appointment and went to pick up the vehicle.
Ended up spending 6 nights in the hospital there, Shands.
I tripped 01/30 and had my first surgery 02/02/2020. Uh huh...
Second surgery 7/15 to remove protruding screw. Uh huh...
Uh huh

Shit! Did you see the banana peel! Fuck that sucks! I had broke a few vert and ruptured some disks......took 8 months of me in pain at PT before they gave me a MRI or even a x-ray.....then they said "oh there is more" after I was saying that for the 8 months. Changed my life....