Random Jabber Jibber thread

Shit! Did you see the banana peel! Fuck that sucks! I had broke a few vert and ruptured some disks......took 8 months of me in pain at PT before they gave me a MRI or even a x-ray.....then they said "oh there is more" after I was saying that for the 8 months. Changed my life....
Sounds like the military and I. "Oh you're just having muscle spasms, here's some Motren and Flexeril, you'll be fine", until the day I couldn't walk. I was eating percoset like candy and it did nothing. The x ray tech on base said there was nothing wrong, but I looked at the x ray with the neurosurgeon and even I could see where the disk was smashed. A 2 hr surgery turned into 4 hrs once he got in there. He had to pick out pieces of my disk that were rubbing on my spine. I walked out of the damn place though.
Sounds like the military and I. "Oh you're just having muscle spasms, here's some Motren and Flexeril, you'll be fine", until the day I couldn't walk. I was eating percoset like candy and it did nothing. The x ray tech on base said there was nothing wrong, but I looked at the x ray with the neurosurgeon and even I could see where the disk was smashed. A 2 hr surgery turned into 4 hrs once he got in there. He had to pick out pieces of my disk that were rubbing on my spine. I walked out of the damn place though.

Yup pump you up with pills! Bullshit! I was very fit and very in tune with my body and the Dr told me it's something I've got to live with and here's a bunch of prescriptions. Then obviously I didn't know but someone followed me around and tried to prove it wrong for a while......got the vid sent to me as intimidation......picking up my kid at daycare!....how else do you put your baby in the car? I don't have family around I can't afford a nanny! Bullshit, simple bullshit! :cuss:
Bad times but also could have been much worse...I'm here and no one else got to hurt. It wasn't my fault :(
Shit! Did you see the banana peel! Fuck that sucks! I had broke a few vert and ruptured some disks......took 8 months of me in pain at PT before they gave me a MRI or even a x-ray.....then they said "oh there is more" after I was saying that for the 8 months. Changed my life....
lol there’s a concrete post and chain across the area now, I was the fifth person to trip that week.
I literally held my elbow together. Until they manage to get X-rays about 3 hours later.