Random Jabber Jibber thread

Going big for their last game of the season? :cool:
Post season, get it right! Oh I forgot, y'all don't know what the post season is.
as of 20 min ago I started methadone again, didn't take long as I am a former patient at the clinic so all I had to do was piss for them and talk to the doc via skype.

I am at the max dose of 160mg and feel slightly sick still, but go back tomorrow and we will hammer out the plans fully. I cannot stay on it for longer then a month well I can if I wanted but methadone is the worst thing I have ever had the displeasure of quitting.

help sf find new things to do

I already masturbate excessively so no need to suggest that one
Run, trust me, just run, run until you are so exhausted you puke, run until you can't take another step, then RUN
I have a track near me at the high school, will definitely give it a try later this week once I adjust.

I should look at joining a gym as well, that has never been my type of thing though. I feel so confused
Yeah I know all the science about why it's the thing to do but you had to hold a gun to my head earlier in life. But coming off opiates it was salvation. Now that I'm accustomed to it I miss not doing it. It does make you feel better for a long time afterwards but honestly it feels crappy doing it.
Yeah I know all the science about why it's the thing to do but you had to hold a gun to my head earlier in life. But coming off opiates it was salvation. Now that I'm accustomed to it I miss not doing it. It does make you feel better for a long time afterwards but honestly it feels crappy doing it.
ya, I think it has more to do with social anxiety stopping me from going to the gym, running is more down my alley as no people. I only go into situations that are easy for me to comprehend or I can easily escape from. I can easily pinpoint the majority of my issues it is solving them that is an issue, which is why I haven't told anyone that I quit yet. well 3 people irl know only because they are a saftey net of sorts.

In retrospect writing this all on paper and reading it back in my head would be sufficient but I enjoy hearing others points of view and I know people here have gone through similar. the goal is to get off done as quickly as possible while minimizing my sickness.
blah last time I did cold turkey but that was hell and the time before that I kicked done in jail when I was not given my script, time before that was again done and before that was also methadone in a diff jail. fucking opiates