Random Jabber Jibber thread

my friend and his lady, have been using my room for well over an hour. \

I feel very confused on what to say when they come downstairs. they best change my sheets,

i love my friends and their stupid selves

I dropped my dose by 20mg in one fucking day, my doc left my extra 20mg at the pharmacy with a note that if I am there before 4pm i am allowed the 20mg.

consensus is my sickness will be horrible but I know this and it will not stop me. I just don't want to shit myself over and over again while never getting a wink of sleep. the no sleep is a doable for me as I am a coca head riht?
no I am holding back the coca for over 5 days, thank you vurry much.

something i wrote

Taking steps
edging closer and closer to the end\
the girls all want to know why I cry but the life

it is better but The rest I cannot think of yet, I will let yall see some writing, because im using you as my outlet,

thanks for playing along
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sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me?

gimme a fucking break bruises and breaks heal but the truth is a well formed and executed argument will last as long as it remains true.


lmao I stirred up the shit today

sorry mods
the only pic ill pribably ever load and its because I dont grow I found this behind my local daycare
thanks please play again.

I am here all night smoking dabs,

well to tell ya the truth I am off to stare at my phone and text like a little girl while discussing things such as soap and our fav movies. I am content with that and maybe asking him to marry me once or twice, I will marry him before this year ends I believe, hes my nig nig and like girls hurt
drugs are highly illegal so kids becareful out there, i myself abstain from it all because I seen gares mom once and shbe was twisted on meth, we had sex but under the guise I woukld never do drugs

then gare made me a taco

it was tre sexy
The only chemical in cannabis that transfers from mother to child is the THC that is stored in fats, and only 1℅ at that,however the infant will test positive for THC in urine or blood tests. The biggest concern if any would be thc 's effects on a still forming brain. No studies of long term effects from cannabis smoking mother's breastfeeding have been done as of yet. But in my wife's professional opinion (certified lactation consultant) the only effects she has seen from women on cannabis breastfeeding are sleepy babies. Depending on babies age she should smoke after a feeding, ideally when the baby will sleep the longest to allow as much time for the effects to wear off before a feed.(for God's sake they allow nursing mothers to take aderol)They do recommend that mothers who smoke cigarettes continue to breastfeed because the benefits of breastfeeding far outway the risk of problems caused by the residual smoke toxins on the mother(sids, athsma, slow weight gain etc.)

Also an amazing article on how all this came about(big controversy in the lactation world), never just agree with the establishment when they tell you anything that doesn't make sense(or anything else really)

The only chemical in cannabis that transfers from mother to child is the THC that is stored in fats, and only 1℅ at that,however the infant will test positive for THC in urine or blood tests. The biggest concern if any would be thc 's effects on a still forming brain. No studies of long term effects from cannabis smoking mother's breastfeeding have been done as of yet. But in my wife's professional opinion (certified lactation consultant) the only effects she has seen from women on cannabis breastfeeding are sleepy babies. Depending on babies age she should smoke after a feeding, ideally when the baby will sleep the longest to allow as much time for the effects to wear off before a feed.(for God's sake they allow nursing mothers to take aderol)They do recommend that mothers who smoke cigarettes continue to breastfeed because the benefits of breastfeeding far outway the risk of problems caused by the residual smoke toxins on the mother(sids, athsma, slow weight gain etc.)

Also an amazing article on how all this came about(big controversy in the lactation world), never just agree with the establishment when they tell you anything that doesn't make sense(or anything else really)

Thanks alot for this helpful information I actually researched that as well it's scary seeing moms smoke cigarettes while pregnant or breastfeeding I took a screenshot of this and other information and sent it to my cousin thanks bro