Sorry to hear that your wife has MS .... my wife has to do infusions also , she tried several before finding the right one for her. But now she can really tell the difference between when she has had three months straight vs having to skip a month or so ( because of surgery or something ) . Her's are like 27k a month but we have good insurance through my job, sometimes I really hate the place I work but when I look at the big picture I'm very blessed to have it.
I hope her quality of life improves as the meds start working
my insurance is tuff since i have to pay for it out of my own pocket....i pay $980 a month for it. After this next round it's gonna go up again to almost $1200 a month. They way i look at it, it helps her and gets her to her dr appt and all her medical, but it driving me into the poor house as it were. We are looking for new way to off set it currently, and this is the hard part for us. I keep up her pain management, her anxiety, and depression for the most part. But she needs the rest....time will tell i guess.......i just try to keep upbeat as possible and look all i can do. I've already told her if we have to move, then we do it for her sake....
coffee is ready btw if anyone wants some......
birds are chirping...........
gonna make some oatmeal before i hit work....where is that butter