Random Jabber Jibber thread

Dinner last night.
I had the impulse to open a bottle of wine. I chose this Ferraton Hermitage '89 "Cuvée des Miaux", a wine
aged 31. The cork was in great shape. The bottle tasted quite good, considering the hard life it had in my care.
Dessert was some of Annie's brilliant Snow Temple. It tastes really good, and it also has a really nice high.


A bit hung this am.

Miaux is properly pronounced "me-oh", but my mind won't allow that. It's off the rails and over this cliff.

This short film is awesome and inspiring. These Point Break mofos are totally radical. This is def on the bucket list. If I found out I had a terminal disease, I may drop everything and just live a life of jump after jump until my luck ran out. Cool music, cinematography and even a little philosophy thrown in. Enjoy...
