Random Jabber Jibber thread

Having aloe Vera in the garden that is so healthy you fillet it like a bitch assed trout is mandatory !

Leaving the organic growing benefits out of it. Top 35 feeling in the world is when it’s soothing/slimming healing properties are needed and you can spin around and schwack a fillet off too ease busters pain .

BBQ ing like getting old ain’t for PUSSIES ;)
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I hate when I go to take a piss and realize, as the urine is about to leave my body, that I have to shit too lol. Especially at a public urinal. Can’t just pinch the piss off and walk to the shitter. Just gotta clinch those cheeks and hope it’s a quick piss.
Shit. I never had that happen yet. I'm only 45, but this is something else I can look foward to, eh?