Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My dad has never, to this day, physically punished me. Mom slapped me silly on many occasions. She had a mean right hook. When we were not the intended target she would yell, "That's for next time!" I was stupid enough to tell her I had credit for LAST time and she really tore into me. I never tried that again.



Active Member
does anyone wanna play xbox with me?
i totally would, but my wireless adapter shit the bed... i'm packaging it up and sending it to microsoft tomorrow:wall:

i just got borderlands2 and haven't even opened the package yet... gonna be probably a month before i get it back.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any dolphins !! All I see is a dude holding a pair of tits haha

Is this some kinda gay test ?


Well-Known Member
home sweet home. had the roads nearly all to myself today and didn't feel the need to slice anyone's throat for doing the 3 over in the left lane and not moving over.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I went over to my friends house last night, just to hang out and drink some beer. I don't know why, but he likes those god awful Resident Evil movies and he went out and bought the new one on Blu-ray.

That was one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune to sit through, I didn't think that POS would ever end. He was all like, "so what did you think of the movie" I straight up told him it was shit, he has the worst taste in movies and TV.


Staff member

nsfw AND not somethin you should watch if youre easily disturbed or eating dinner...it makes you think i never thought it was this bad or they did any of this.
and this is just regular daily factory farming, not even the horrible things peta posts..
I always got upset when peta freaked out on things and showed the worst but maybe if we looked at it from just being knowledgeable instead of attacked we could do something