Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
When i used to work at stop and shop I would see kids come in and buy these 30 dollar cards so they could play xbox online. I dont know how much online time they get from 30 bucks....but dammnnn Hell to the no. My cheap ass wouldnt be paying that...unless i had the money...even then, I would have to have more than enough. Xbox probably makes a killing selling those online cards. I bet millions.
it's $60 for a YEARS membership.

you are thinking of "microsoft points" which are used to purchase everything from add-ons to movie rentals. there is a HUGE difference between the 2.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I used to hide any shit I thought my mom would beat my ass with when I knew I was gonna get some dirty lickin's. lol true story

dad was never around to beat my ass.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I used to hide any shit I thought my mom would beat my ass with when I knew I was gonna get some dirty lickin's. lol true story

dad was never around to beat my ass.
My dad has never, to this day, physically punished me. Mom slapped me silly on many occasions. She had a mean right hook. When we were not the intended target she would yell, "That's for next time!" I was stupid enough to tell her I had credit for LAST time and she really tore into me. I never tried that again.