Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I thought weed was supposed to make us less intelligent, but here, 2 people know who the greatest moralist of all times was, simply by seeing a bust of him!

Caligula set the bar for all politicians to follow!
He paid for it though. Thats why politicians should be full of shit. If they aren't their skulls get dashed on the sidewalk. Best not to get involved in the passion plays for the masses.


Well-Known Member
He paid for it though. Thats why politicians should be full of shit. If they aren't their skulls get dashed on the sidewalk. Best not to get involved in the passion plays for the masses.

If ya' ask me, a little politico curb stomping is just what this world needs to get us rolling on the right track again. (That was kinda' the "bar" I was talking about...)


Well-Known Member
If ya' ask me, a little politico curb stomping is just what this world needs to get us rolling on the right track again. (That was kinda' the "bar" I was talking about...)
I would settle for an economic meltdown. That'll separate a healthy dose of chaff from the field.


Well-Known Member
have been awake since 2 am.. tried to go to bed at 9:30pm.. having the jimmy legs something fierce for some reason..


Well-Known Member
having the jimmy legs something fierce for some reason..
Are you hydrated enough?
Drink a big glass of water, maybe eat a Banana for the K. (no joke, Potassium).
Old Japanese wives tale, if you feel you may have over exerted during the day, lick a good palm full of salt.
IDK just because the Sodium makes you retain water or what, but it's supposed to help prevent cramps while trying to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Are you hydrated enough?
Drink a big glass of water, maybe eat a Banana for the K. (no joke, Potassium).

Have a bite of this heroin bananananana, and a sip of h20. I have some candy for you too.


Well-Known Member
I used to wake up at night with leg cramps after taking my diuretic and have to pace for about 10 mins while drinking a Qt size Gatorade bottle of water, then go right back to sleep until I had to unhydrate.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Quinine = perfect after a long night of drinking


I used to wake up at night with leg cramps after taking my diuretic and have to pace for about 10 mins while drinking a Qt size Gatorade bottle of water, then go right back to sleep until I had to unhydrate.
Same. Gatorade and cigarettes are my hangover breakfast. Then protein. Steak and potatoes/breakfast food is awesome too....now i'm hungry......


Well-Known Member
Hey G. if this message finds you awake still, try drinking Tonic water. Probably won't help now, but it'll help in the long run (quinine. Helps with muscle cramps.) Unfortunately, you gotta drink about 24 ounces a day for any effect, Personally, I like the stuff... It was a major player in my quit smoking plan a few years back -- tonic water and OJ.