Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I can pick these up for less than 100 bucks...275 gallons, 2" ball valve at the bottom and an 8 inch screw-on opening.
After Church yesterday am. I was taking some members home in the van and backed up right into another members car... (very slowly..but.. I did still hit her car..)
This happened while I had 6 people inside the van.. and about the same outside watching..

No damage.. but I felt so embarrassed.. hit our newest members car too.. man she was a trooper about the whole thing too.. no damage and she had a great sense of humor about it too..

by the time we had our 2nd service everyone had heard about the "accident" and boy did everyone including Pastor razz me about it..

comments like R is for reverse... Let me leave b4 he gets on the road... Go SLOW... etc..

I may never hear the end of that.
Neo ate a bunch of the "Chinese Gov Welcome Cookies" and he hasn't been normal since...coulda been the Gov Cigs they handed him too..
oh and I would have a couple of solar panels and batteries for charging cell phones and laptops for late night riu surfing while on ripper stakeout. ;)
there are some diy solar panel kits for about 5 grand. 1000watts, I have the green light when we get our house to install them.
there are some diy solar panel kits for about 5 grand. 1000watts, I have the green light when we get our house to install them.

Wait for 5 years.... The Solar Tech will be 100% better... Gigi Factory to build batteries...Elon Musk...With Apple...
The upgrades to existing tech will be 1000% more effective...

However, if you need help on the install...

BTW.... Aren't you about ready to be a dad again... real soon?
Sand, I used to work in datacom construction with 1200 amp fusebays. The only help will be the heavy lifting! :-)

Yea man 9 days to go but I dont think she is going to make it that long. We're super excited! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
Temp change will be nice but all the work I couldn't find in the snow is going to start melting out. And the mud, so much mud.
Ur never too old to drive straight thru a giant puddle.....windows up;)..lol fucker got me good yesterday..but it was worth it! I forgot how good mud taste..mmmm taste like the summer of 2003 :)