Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Ur never too old to drive straight thru a giant puddle.....windows up;)..lol fucker got me good yesterday..but it was worth it! I forgot how good mud taste..mmmm taste like the summer of 2003 :)
You happen to have some pictures and/or videos of said summer?
After Church yesterday am. I was taking some members home in the van and backed up right into another members car... (very slowly..but.. I did still hit her car..)
This happened while I had 6 people inside the van.. and about the same outside watching..

No damage.. but I felt so embarrassed.. hit our newest members car too.. man she was a trooper about the whole thing too.. no damage and she had a great sense of humor about it too..

by the time we had our 2nd service everyone had heard about the "accident" and boy did everyone including Pastor razz me about it..

comments like R is for reverse... Let me leave b4 he gets on the road... Go SLOW... etc..

I may never hear the end of that.

another reason not to go to church :joint:
Spring thaw is starting. :spew:
4-10" on wed :(
there are some diy solar panel kits for about 5 grand. 1000watts, I have the green light when we get our house to install them.
you can get into it a lot cheaper than that if you wanna grid tie. and not mess around with batteries
Nice to see you posting normally again. New you weren't going anywhere, you're a lifer like me. :razz:
like us ;)
Sand, I used to work in datacom construction with 1200 amp fusebays. The only help will be the heavy lifting! :-)

Yea man 9 days to go but I dont think she is going to make it that long. We're super excited! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
well congrats bro. I didn't know...or I forgot

either way, hope all goes well. gonna be a boy or girl?
Buddy came by to see the green house progress...hands me something called Lavender

it's pretty and smells great...



A Lavender cut is what brought mites to my once pest free room.
Nice buds though.

bummer.. had an Ice Berry clone have spider mites once... it was the only time I had dealt with them... it was not a big deal only hit a small plant about 2 weeks before harvest and I was able to salvage it..

cant wait to see what pops up this year have 2 silver jacks + used some random bag seed to see what kinda surprises I get
have to renew my MJ ref today.. all the cheaper Dr's have been run outta this town or shut down.. gonna cost me $200 for a new ref.. so pissed..
been so grateful for my low cost grows (each year under $500 with ref) and this year alone I have already spent $220 on a Greenhouse... 120$ dirt/amendments and now another $200 for a new MJ ref...

(still beats the shit outta my big pharma bills at $250/ mo.... so... )