Random Jibber Jabber Thread

One time in 8th grade I liked this really hot girl named Jade and I asked my older brother to help me out because I never really dated anyone before and he said draw attention to your dick when your around her well next day I walked in front of her and kept on scratching my balls and she was like QUIT FUCKING TOUCHING YOUR DICK IN FRONT OF ME ASSHOLE THERES A GODAMN REASON THEY MADE BATHROOMS and I was like da fuck and I ran out of school like a little bitch and I never look at her even to this day :/
One time in 8th grade I liked this really hot girl named Jade and I asked my older brother to help me out because I never really dated anyone before and he said draw attention to your dick when your around her well next day I walked in front of her and kept on scratching my balls and she was like QUIT FUCKING TOUCHING YOUR DICK IN FRONT OF ME ASSHOLE THERES A GODAMN REASON THEY MADE BATHROOMS and I was like da fuck and I ran out of school like a little bitch and I never look at her even to this day :/

LOL, great share, thanks.

Young uns, the lesson here is SHIFT it, don't scratch it. Hopefully we saved someone from the same embarrassment.
my chicken came back home. not sure where she went for almost two weeks, but she looks fine and dandy now.

that was the first double take i have done in a long time.
Birds are such cool people. We have a huge herd of turkey (almost 25 - mostly hens) barrell through the property every day. I've been feeding them cracked corn. They go crazy for it.