Random Jibber Jabber Thread

lol but they're awesome dogs, really smart and known for protecting their owners and warning them when they get a sense of danger
Yeah they are great dogs.
We had one that couldnt resist porcupines or riding on the hood of your car.
He would walk off the property and great grandpa would drive him home on the hood.
Long story short he really fucked up a fresh paintjob at my gramps autobody shop.
Other than that he was a completly loveable dipshit.
my friend has a yellow one and every time i see him it puts a smile on my face, we'd be smokin weed and it would just come on in waging its tail breathing right hard and start sniffin me, i always get a kick out of it when im fried. one time he got him drunk (his decision not mine) put beer in a cut off 2 liter bottle and it started slurping it wit its big ol tongue and it looked away and stopped and the owner was like "see he doesn't like dat see" put some liquor n cola into it and drank every drop, the whole time he was drinkin it it was the center of attention and were laughing our god damn asses off omg it was so funny, dogs owner was like 'ooo! bita zang, he loves dat lol" refilled a few times and it went under the table and hit his head lol we cracked up laughin again and it sat up next to his owner on the seat and he was like "see, hes one of us now" hahaha, love those dogs.
Speaking of balls. Did I mention I bought a catbed.

Really changes the game up when all 4 cats are in play.

Really funny shooting with some cats catching balls, sticking their heads in the pockets and grabbing the stick.

It is my special training.