Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
The first picture with the double was at Borona MX just north of San Diego and the other picture is Kahuku Hawaii.
Got any picture inside Gillette?
But of course...

Outside in the pits...
I'm on the far inside just coming off the jump...


As you can see they had the crowd pretty far away.. The whole monster trucks doing backflips and whatnot thing may be the reason...

Oh here's a picture for you dyna....

Elbows up in the corners!



Well-Known Member
So...in the tree-world mouse-ears, multi-coloured flags, and half clothed saplings mean your tree is gay? Makes sense.

Lack of Nickel makes your tree gay...

And too much Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, or Copper will also turn your tree into a flaming homosexual...

SWEET! Awesome gay tree article....I FUCKING LOVE GAY TREES!!!