Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Sanding drywall mud sucks. I actually enjoy taping/finishing drywall just not sanding the shit. I smoke a joint and just groove with the mud, it's relaxing to apply it, trying to smooth it out and make sure there aren't any edges...but then if you pay someone else to sand it they fuck it all up so you have to sand your own work, but goddamn I had to sand a ceiling this morning so the fucking painters could start.

I used to have a crew of guys from mexico, but they all moved home when the housing market collapsed. I've done bondo work on ships before as well, similar idea to drywall finishing. I worked with an electrician who liked my work patching all his big ass holes so he throws my name to everyone he works for which works out well.


Well-Known Member
how can i change my settings so i dont automatically log out every 5 minutes
I have it set to keep me logged in for, well forever I thought. And it just logged me out a few minutes ago I was like "wut?..." thought I was hacked or something lol.


Well-Known Member
double post.

I am so bored! Don't want to play any video games, tv sucks donkey dick, can't find anything on youtube and for some reason riu is really dead and the topics going are too serious atm. Everyone I know is busy too so going out would be just as lame. Just one of those nights...


Well-Known Member
double post.

I am so bored! Don't want to play any video games, tv sucks donkey dick, can't find anything on youtube and for some reason riu is really dead and the topics going are too serious atm. Everyone I know is busy too so going out would be just as lame. Just one of those nights...
I don't wanna go and party
I don't wanna shoot the pier
I don't wanna take the doggie for a walk
I don't wanna look at naked chicks and drink beer
I don't wanna do a bong load
Or go wrench on the car
I don't wanna hose the dog shit down
'Cause I aint even gonna get out of bed


Well-Known Member
double post.

I am so bored! Don't want to play any video games, tv sucks donkey dick, can't find anything on youtube and for some reason riu is really dead and the topics going are too serious atm. Everyone I know is busy too so going out would be just as lame. Just one of those nights...
Masturbation is always an option.

"masturbation is self-improvement." - Tyler Durden


Well-Known Member
My buddy and I from my past job went to taco bell. It was awesome catching up and not sure I laughed so hard or had that much fun in a long time. Was awesome and of course turned my boring night around lol, good night everyone :D


Well-Known Member
Cant sleep. Again. Been a problem for a while now. Ill be tired as hell but for some reason as soon as i hit the bed im wide awake. Im lucky if i get more than 5 hours sleep.


Well-Known Member
We ordered four number nines what ever the hell those were and covered everything in their fire sauce, it was really friggin good but damn I was full. Well anyway I think I just shit something radioactive and I'm pretty sure my ass is bleeding so I'm going back to bed.

No regrets.


Well-Known Member
We ordered four number nines what ever the hell those were and covered everything in their fire sauce, it was really friggin good but damn I was full. Well anyway I think I just shit something radioactive and I'm pretty sure my ass is bleeding so I'm going back to bed.

No regrets.


Well-Known Member
man anyone else having weird weather? It's been really nice lately and last night it snowed like crazy, we easily got an inch. Just went out for a walk and it's high 30's low 40's now and almost all the snow is melted again. I'm not complaining though because it means spring is coming and I'm ready for it, bring the warm weather! Just strange how it was gorgeous all day yesterday, snowed hard, and is now warm again and this has happened a couple times now in the past month or so


Well-Known Member
Sanding drywall mud sucks. I actually enjoy taping/finishing drywall just not sanding the shit. I smoke a joint and just groove with the mud, it's relaxing to apply it, trying to smooth it out and make sure there aren't any edges...but then if you pay someone else to sand it they fuck it all up so you have to sand your own work, but goddamn I had to sand a ceiling this morning so the fucking painters could start.

I used to have a crew of guys from mexico, but they all moved home when the housing market collapsed. I've done bondo work on ships before as well, similar idea to drywall finishing. I worked with an electrician who liked my work patching all his big ass holes so he throws my name to everyone he works for which works out well.
Hahaha... you said "big ass holes"
Stay high