Do you know why? Gang/drug related?
What did it sound like? Where were you when it happened? Does that change the way you feel about your living situation?
i have no idea what it was about. on a saturday night it could really be about anything and because it's winter any commotion is harder to hear because everyone's windows are shut. the shots were definitely fired outside, though, probably 3 houses up from me. there were two shots, then some dude yelling angrily, then 5 more shots. i was in my living room. i waited for about a minute after the shots then i went to the window to be nosy.
it's a fairly regular occurrence around here. it's a lot quieter than it used to be but the fact that not a soul called the cops speaks volumes. no ambulance came, so either no one was hit or they drove someone to the hospital. i won't lie, though. when a strange vehicle parks outside my house when there's parking in front of their own place i get a little paranoid. a lot of people with enemies will park in front of someone else's house so people don't shoot their place up. happened to the house next door a couple years ago.
it's really not that bad. more of a "few bad apples" attracting riffraff sort of situation. it's not like it's detroit.