Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Pineapples contain an plant protease enzyme called bromelain. Because it readily breaks down protein, bromelain is frequently used as a natural meat tenderizer. In addition, bromelain may also induce a prickly sensation in the mouth when consumed.
What about walnuts? They hurt my mouf


Staff member
Pineapples contain an plant protease enzyme called bromelain. Because it readily breaks down protein, bromelain is frequently used as a natural meat tenderizer. In addition, bromelain may also induce a prickly sensation in the mouth when consumed.
Neat I don't have s problem if the pineapple is frozen
I like to freeze fruit and eat it as a treat lol
I'm lame I know


Well-Known Member
Nice nice
Hey I forgot to tell you bro or maybe I did already but my application for a legal grow in New Mexico was revoked this last year, the picked 5 out of 856 and I was not one, the opportunity to petition does not start again till October I will try again still got all the cards in place.


Well-Known Member
Neat I don't have s problem if the pineapple is frozen
I like to freeze fruit and eat it as a treat lol
I'm lame I know
I water down store bought juice. Despite the fact that I get the 100% juice stuff, it's all way too sweet.

Matter of fact, I don't really buy juice. We do a lot of unsweetened herbal iced tea here.


Staff member
I water down store bought juice. Despite the fact that I get the 100% juice stuff, it's all way too sweet.

Matter of fact, I don't really buy juice. We do a lot of unsweetened herbal iced tea here.
I don't buy juice
Maybe like once in a blue moon to make a vodka cranberry and oj lol


Well-Known Member
Hey I forgot to tell you bro or maybe I did already but my application for a legal grow in New Mexico was revoked this last year, the picked 5 out of 856 and I was not one, the opportunity to petition does not start again till October I will try again still got all the cards in place.
Righteous, sorry they only picked 5, hopefully they open it up a little more next year and we can put something together. Thanks for keeping me in the loop! :)


Well-Known Member
I don't buy juice
Maybe like once in a blue moon to make a vodka cranberry and oj lol
Every now and then in the middle of summer I'll buy some juice and mix it with sparkling water for a refresher. But yeah, we rarely buy it at all.


Virtually Unknown Member
full access, issue 1

Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Editor-in-Chief: Daniele Piomelli, PhD, PharmD

Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
is the only peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to the scientific, medical, and psychosocial exploration of clinical cannabis, cannabinoids, and the endocannabinoid system. The Journal publishes a broad range of human and animal studies including basic and translational research; clinical studies; behavioral, social, and epidemiological issues; and ethical, legal, and regulatory controversies


Well-Known Member
It's been super cold lately so I did a lot of food shopping before it hit so I wouldn't have to venture outside. I decided on finally getting around to making some hash, so I broke out my deluxe tumbler and one of my bags of frosty trim and got to work. I've got about 5 pounds of trim, so it will take a while to process it all as my tumbler only does 6 ozs at a time. I put one of my bags of dry trim between the back door and screen door, it was -11 out there with the wind chill, so that shit froze good and quick. Got through 4 runs so far: the first tumble is only 10 minutes, and produces the most beautiful blonde kief made up of mostly trichome heads. It's so gooey I can just press and shape it between my fingers. It's a combo of Trainwreck, og kush and heavy duty fruity trim/popcorn, so the kief is fragrant, spicy and potent. I then run the tumbler for about an hour to get the grade b stuff for baking. It's kind of a pain to keep removing the tumbler from the unit and scraping it out, but whatever, it's extra $ and something new to smoke.

Here's a puck I pressed and heated, I love tearing chunks off and watching in bubble away in my pipe -

Shitty phone pics, sorry. Here's a cool video of some kief tumbling -

@qwizoking, I remember you posting that you prefer using kief to make butter instead of trim, something about less sleepy effects and no green taste. How do a go about doing this for a butter that's fairly strong, but whose cookies won't send custies to the ER?
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Well-Known Member
well dosage will take some math, and your own taste
but first coconut is the best to use, hisghest bioavailability without doing anything crazy. . .and the flavor can compliment many dishes.. but you can still use actual butter

personally i like 300mg of hash/oil per serving. some with less tolerance may want 200. new med users that have no tolerance and not necessarily trying to get blasted may like 100...its personal preference
but whatever recipe you use, you know, figure how much coconut oil would be in each brownie or carrot cake slice whatever lol. this is all up to you.

how old is that trim?
it will decarboxylate at room temp in a few months.
hopefully youve limited light exposure.

i generally tell people to decarb in a double boiler, it keeps a pretty stable temp and just watch the bubbles slow like popcorn to know when its done.

if the grade your using for baking doesnt melt nicely, you can certainly add some oil during the decarb. you can decarb while in solution and will actually help prevent some oxidation with the heat.

once you have the "activated" hash. simply heat some of whatever carrier you choose to melting point and dissolve in the hash.

the steps to make traditional butter with trim use say a crockpot and much longer times, and causes the flavor to be leached and more sedative, not just from relatively more cbd but cbn being produced as well.

the baking process also does this to some extent.

if you want a high as close to the bud as possible... try capsules, no baking

but there is something nostalgic about a good weed brownie.

anyway good luck, if i didnt help or clear up enough ask away


Well-Known Member
worse than when it ends in your ass crack?

sometimes hair gets woven into my shirts during laundry, im like wtf? how does that even happen
think of it as a good thing, shes shedding and marking territory (yes im serious)