Random Jibber Jabber Thread

This will be the first time in my life I am not with my family on Christmas. My wife is over 8 months pregnant and we have strict orders from the Dr. not to change elevation (I'm at 8,000 ft and the family is at 62 ft. LOL)

So we are gonna start our own Christmas traditions. We're thinking of ordering a pizza and saying "to hell with it". :)
I'm jelly. (of the pizza, not being 8 mos pre)

Give Mrs. Z a smooch from us. Hope she's not too uncomfortable. Do you know what you're having? (not on your pizza, the baby)
Im going to pick up apizza tomorrow for dinner, it has been decided!

Havent had one in a long time. But I wemt through a drunk phase qhere i made a amall one almost daily trying to perfect them .

My fav was pickled garlic/ apicy pepper sauce/ bit of cheese n pickled peppers.

Also the infuaed olive oil.

Simplicity is usually best
This one time I decised to go pop acid at a studio my buddy owns. I get there and its just getting lit people in the upatairs living area sittong everywhere holding baloons ready to burst/sniffing lines of multiple thinga and just getting rowdy all out including sexual shit.

Well I ate a ten on thw way over brought another 10 with me incase redose or someone wasnt tripping.

Well I take a balloon and so the whole thing. Pass out cut my eyebrow seconds later

Pointless story but it seemed funny to my lame self
I had to wrap gifts for my xousin amd her kids and thwy got progressively better as I emptied the glasses of beer.

Problem is I keep wandering off to pat ly cat laying by thw heater.

My kittiea and me have the best talms over a plate of salmon
I was able to sneak two lone star beers in while we were dropping shit off at the house. Then back out again with all the holiday assholes all over the place.
3 houra im still
I was able to sneak two lone star beers in while we were dropping shit off at the house. Then back out again with all the holiday assholes all over the place.
I decided to get a few beers in me. No coke tho im sticking to that.

Ive been damcing alone to music all day while cleaning and smoking weed. LoL I was just so happy!

Burgers sound prime right now. Yayaya
I knew it was a red sauce, but I never knew the whore thing. Thats awesome.

Italian and spanish do sound a like on some shits. like A la plancha means the same thing in both languages. "On the Iron" as in a cast iron pan or skillet. but you already knew that lol