Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I use brown sugar in my caipirinhas, YUM

There's a place near me that makes bacon fat popcorn! Absolutely AMAZING

I was going to ask when you start opening pools back there. Out here we hit 90 yesterday and my pool hit 80!

I'll start doing inventory and prep at the end of the month. Depends a bit on the weather but some people are hot to trot first week of April.
Speaking of cock ...I better see a tiny one in the ultrasound today! !! I'm so nervous! !
Also I pretty much dropped my daughter on her face this weekend. .she participated in a baby crawl race ..so when dude said " go " I got excited and launched her like a mini rocket..omg she cried and I turned 50 shades of red...

lol damn
Any other rapist apologists in this section of the forum, besides Zobby Bamuda and srh88, just curious? No, ok good.
I really got you riled up.

I won't be on as much today,
It's no wonder I bring you up. You've extend an invitation to a known rapist to stay in your home, yet you have NOTHING to say about that. What a happy happy rapist apologist you are.
you keep calling me a rapist which is incorrect, I don't rape people. \

Please at least get the story straight being as I brought it up to help aide you in this web battle.

I am a 100% the whole story was already posted here at the time it occured.

yawn I spread the gas and handed you a lighter and you seemingly can't get this fire started.

When was the last time you got laid?
When did you last work?

woof woof
Abe came out swinging this morning! :cuss::dunce:
I wonder why...
What's got you down Abe? Eat some bad shellfish? :roll:

It is hard to spend the evening and night starting a firefight with someone at your own level while imbibing the necessary courage. Then the next morning, there is the awful chore of needing to go back in order to delete all those angry, revealing posts that get in the way of the main program: blaming all his ills on everyone around him except, of course, for the paragon of sober virtue in the mirror.
It is hard to spend the evening and night starting a firefight with someone at your own level while imbibing the necessary courage. Then the next morning, there is the awful chore of needing to go back in order to delete all those angry, revealing posts that get in the way of the main program: blaming all his ills on everyone around him except, of course, for the paragon of sober virtue in the mirror.
That would really suck if all of his problems really are caused by other people. It would mean he is 100% powerless to change his destiny.
...Then the next morning, there is the awful chore of needing to go back in order to delete all those angry, revealing posts that get in the way of the main program: blaming all his ills on everyone around him except, of course, for the paragon of sober virtue in the mirror.
There you are accusing me of deleting posts, where I have not. I'm onto you rapists supporters , there's four of you. "paragon of sober virtue" look in the mirror, yourself, while you line right up with the other rapist apologists bineer.

There you are accusing me of deleting posts, where I have not. I'm onto you rapists supporters , there's four of you. "paragon of sober virtue" look in the mirror, yourself, while you line right up with the other rapist apologists bineer.

Lighten up, Abe. You posted it twice, and deleted one of them.

The rest of you, stop teasing the mentally challenged.

That would really suck...
Chunky, I see you're at it again. And now you've become a rapist apologist, simply because the guy committing unapologetic violent crimes told you he didn't do it. Those meds got you all stupid. How do you feel about rape, big boy? Or, yah gonna enable like bineer and c2g? What do YOU stand for Chunky?

Remember how I had a girl raped after her boyfriend robbed me?
I had her boyfriend done and the nigs did his girl
I am not a psycho by any definition.
There you are accusing me of deleting posts, where I have not. I'm onto you rapists supporters , there's four of you. "paragon of sober virtue" look in the mirror, yourself, while you line right up with the other rapist apologists bineer.

Am I in your quad rape squad? Cuz I really don't like being left out of clubs and groups and stuff. And if I'm not, you should really think of adding me and we can think of a new name together since they'll be 5 of us and the quad rape squad doesn't jive anymore. Eww! Eww! The jive rape 5!
Am I in your quad rape squad?
Nope you're out. It was obvious when you said the rapist could stay at your family's home, that you were "totally" humoring him. Plus, I remember when you had someone with a substance prob staying in your duplex and you couldn't wait to get her out. I know you know better, regardless.

Cute, making jokes and all, but farmer has been bragging about being complicit in a rape for several years on forum. If you allow him now to play it off as a joke, then the jokes on you, but you're not that unitelligent. What you're saying and thinking are two very different things neo.
It is hard to spend the evening and night starting a firefight with someone at your own level while imbibing the necessary courage. Then the next morning, there is the awful chore of needing to go back in order to delete all those angry, revealing posts that get in the way of the main program: blaming all his ills on everyone around him except, of course, for the paragon of sober virtue in the mirror.





Am I in your quad rape squad? Cuz I really don't like being left out of clubs and groups and stuff. And if I'm not, you should really think of adding me and we can think of a new name together since they'll be 5 of us and the quad rape squad doesn't jive anymore. Eww! Eww! The jive rape 5!
Your boy has been bragging about that on forum for years.

true story.

You and he were best friends for years on the forum until he finally got fed up with you and dumped your ass, not the revisionist history you promote.

abe, this is a pathetic and lying attempt to bully Annie into deleting her sigs because you writhe under the visible proof of your bigotry and anti-semitism.