Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Also, was eating breakfast this morning and CNN was on.

A woman reporter was talking with correspondants about the younger brother of the boston bombings. (brainwashing, death penalty etc)

Then I overhear her ask one of the stupidest questions I have ever heard a reporter utter.

"What about the older brother? Will they carry out a trial for him as well?"

The correspondant, "No. He's dead." Then the other correspondant starts talking and the first is obviously holding back chuckles.

SERIOUSLY? How do they not check the intelligence of these people before they are put on air?

Reminds me of this.

i was driving on the interstate today to get some bud, and on the way home i saw a really bad accident. a convertible was on the guardrail facing the wrong direction, all mangled up and the the other car was in the ditch, also mangled up. i dunno what the outcome was of this accident. i got home and saw my kid running around with his friends and it hit me super hard. i just felt lucky to be alive and happy, like my kid playing with his friends, who doesnt understand "life" yet. i think weed is a good thing because i was high as fuck through this entire event, and i was in one of those stoner space out moments when i got home, thinking about that shit. i gave my kid a big hug (he was like wtf? im trying to play with my friends daddy, lol). thats why i think weed is beneficial because, at least in my case, i like to get high and think about shit, and in the end i feel like i have a better appreciation of that idea. in this case it was protecting/educating my son.
Last week, I was bitching about the snow.

This week ... it's hot, bright, kinda' humid ... I LOVE IT! Worked 12 hours in the sun yesterday, 70's -- 90's on the asphalt. Walked about 10 miles repairing the damage that winter did. It's a rare treat, I'm a dinosaur, they retired me from field work an put me in charge of the shop last fall. I get to work crew, when one of the guys can't make it.

This is a picture of Earth as seen from the surface of Mars, it was taken by Curiosity
Why aren't there a lot of hookers hanging out in the supermarket? It seems like common sense, and like a good business plan for all parties involved, I don't know about you but I know when i'm in the market I might be buying meat loaf but Im checking out some broads ass and thinking I'd rather eat that. Maybe if more hookers knew this they would be hanging around the frozen food isle and I could pick one up along with the meat loaf and take them both with me.
Wow, I don't remember ever seeing Random Jibber on the second page.

im going to see him at festival pier august 10th with a bunch of friends, good rap is hard to find but he is one of the few I like and one of the few performers outside the electronic scene im making a point to see
im going to see him at festival pier august 10th with a bunch of friends, good rap is hard to find but he is one of the few I like and one of the few performers outside the electronic scene im making a point to see
I lived in Minneapolis for a couple of years, and I became a pretty big fan during that time. I'm not a huge rap fan, but Atmosphere is legit.
That was pretty good, brother. I quit rap 20 yrs ago. Thought I would throw up some old school, and Morcheeba (one of my favs)

what is it th emonth of Ex boyfriends LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
no i dont want to go for coffee with you
no i dont care youre sorry
no i dont wanna suck your dick jesus christ.
im sorry for stealing your dog...NO YOURE NOT FUCK.
what is it th emonth of Ex boyfriends LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
no i dont want to go for coffee with you
no i dont care youre sorry
no i dont wanna suck your dick jesus christ.
im sorry for stealing your dog...NO YOURE NOT FUCK.
Isn't it weird how that happens? It's like they all have radar for each other... I never seem to get bothered by my exes, but when I do, it's all of them at once. And then, just like that, they all go again. I have no idea how they coordinate like that. But they do.
Isn't it weird how that happens? It's like they all have radar for each other... I never seem to get bothered by my exes, but when I do, it's all of them at once. And then, just like that, they all go again. I have no idea how they coordinate like that. But they do.

Hormones. Mating time.
what is it th emonth of Ex boyfriends LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
no i dont want to go for coffee with you
no i dont care youre sorry
no i dont wanna suck your dick jesus christ.
im sorry for stealing your dog...NO YOURE NOT FUCK.
One of them stole your dog? That is unforgivable. I would totally fuck someone up over my dog.