Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Isn't it weird how that happens? It's like they all have radar for each other... I never seem to get bothered by my exes, but when I do, it's all of them at once. And then, just like that, they all go again. I have no idea how they coordinate like that. But they do.

they deff coordinate it , fucking bastards!
what is it th emonth of Ex boyfriends LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
no i dont want to go for coffee with you
no i dont care youre sorry
no i dont wanna suck your dick jesus christ.
im sorry for stealing your dog...NO YOURE NOT FUCK.

sounds like somebody needs a e-hug:hug:
finally getting off my lazy ass and getting the new yard into working conditions..

week+ ago..

sunk the tub into the yard about a foot or so for the bubba k scrog grow


working on the pet fence.. granted they can all (even the fat Roxy dog) could jump over the fence.. they accept it as a huge wall I guess.. gonna have the son add some more posts and string..


saw my grow mentor yesterday.. he gave me a bunch of pansies that popped up in his yard.. wifey has been wanting to clean up a corner area of the front yard and plant some flowers...

dug them up and will let em root for about 2 weeks maybe then transplant em..

We had been best friends since the day we met, 13 years ago.
When I saw you today, I could see in your eyes what had to be done as you struggled to lift your own weight to greet me, as was our daily ritual.
The car ride was relatively short in reality, but every centimeter my tires rolled felt like a life time in itself.
The way your head hanged and your whimpers told me you knew what was to come.
You were lied on a metallic table, and as that ironically sterilized icy needle of death was pressed into your leg I hugged you and looked into your eyes one last time, and could read clear as day, it was you, who was trying to console me.
The phrase, "Man's best friend." has never been so true.

Just posted about this in the car thread but I can't hold it back I'm fucking ecstatic I just took out a g37s for a joy ride down to the beach and beat the piss out of it traction control off all over the road. Went out needing tires now its down to the threads haha
We had been best friends since the day we met, 13 years ago.
When I saw you today, I could see in your eyes what had to be done as you struggled to lift your own weight to greet me, as was our daily ritual.
The car ride was relatively short in reality, but every centimeter my tires rolled felt like a life time in itself.
The way your head hanged and your whimpers told me you knew what was to come.
You were lied on a metallic table, and as that ironically sterilized icy needle of death was pressed into your leg I hugged you and looked into your eyes one last time, and could read clear as day, it was you, who was trying to console me.
The phrase, "Man's best friend." has never been so true.


That's a hard one green but you did what was best for the dog.