Random Jibber Jabber Thread

nope they got yours
me and donny going to bed
well I guess I'm making my move then annie ;-)

You notice I'm still talking to you ;) hmmmmmmm that's the beauty of talking to someone you make great friends too! I would never have said that just a couple years ago. I've learned a lot on marijuana.

same here bruh, but i dunno if im shy or just retarded, i never knew what to say to girls and when i just went for it, i failed every time, never successfully went for a chick and got her

Nope.. that's life, success is always just beyond splat. Get up and get out there and talk. That's the problem with us shy ones. We just retreat to our comfort zones (books/school for me). So yesterday after I splatted so horribly the boys did jog back reach out a hand to help me and we laughed about it. They jogged a little further with me and then took off again. I had not realized I'd gotten wet enough for a wet t-shirt contest. Let's just say I stopped traffic on the way home :) I have an acceptable rack when it's in it's jog bra.

So not only did I go splat but I got applause for it :) Just sayin'! So get out there and SPLAT!! The secret is we are loved for our imperfections. Being perfection personified is off-putting to everyone.
hahaha C2C.....lookit you stopping traffic and all.....like when I sprinkle catnip on a cats back, she don't know why all the other cats want to be her friend...haha

MR Garden must be a happy boi
lots of post since i last visited, i see donny isn't sticking to his donny thread.. oh well. You gotta be fucking kidding me you're single that's insane man.

sunni, 1000 Nos and one Yes is still a YES! trust me i get shot down all the time, its not how hard you fall its how fast you get back up *insert one more inspirational quote*

I got the engineering job also figured id let you in on that, going to be working in the prosthetic and orthopedics field in the lab.. good jumping off point for my career. Ill leave yah with some nice tunes girls and boys

Just got back from court, got the best possible outcome. 72 hours in minimum security to be served starting next tuesday morning and it counts as my penalty if a probation violation is filed so I may have to appear again for it but won't have 2 seperate sentences
Too much power on that bad motor scooter? I would have come visit you though if you did get banged up lol

well thanks! HAHA , lol at the power thing nah just slippery roads on a turn i fucked up it was me, but i handled it well. lol

meta if it was a moose i wouldve turned around and went right back the other way you REALLY dont wanna run into those things, they kill people in their cars im on an ebike i would shit myself in fear.
well thanks! HAHA , lol at the power thing nah just slippery roads on a turn i fucked up it was me, but i handled it well. lol

meta if it was a moose i wouldve turned around and went right back the other way you REALLY dont wanna run into those things, they kill people in their cars im on an ebike i would shit myself in fear.

I should get me an e bike I see them all over I'd cruise that thing around everywhere in the night time. Maybe even go look for a moose