Random Jibber Jabber Thread

yeah 9000 or so dollars later, gotta love american justice, 5k to lawyer 2.2k in fines and court costs 550 for dui classes and evaluations and 1200 in private counseling to show I'm being "proactive"

I've been to like 7 courthouses within a 30 mile radius of my house...several times...Here, a 200 dollar ticket ends up costing you 1000 in court assessment fees.
yeah 9000 or so dollars later, gotta love american justice, 5k to lawyer 2.2k in fines and court costs 550 for dui classes and evaluations and 1200 in private counseling to show I'm being "proactive"

jfc man! That is horrendous. Refuse that test next time. Take the suspended lisc for a year. FUCK 9k gd crooks anyways.
I've been to like 7 courthouses within a 30 mile radius of my house...several times...Here, a 200 dollar ticket ends up costing you 1000 in court assessment fees.

thats the way it works, they don't give a shit about non violent offenders or their crimes they just hold out their hands and basically say pay up or get fucked, part of the requirement for me to get the leniency I did today was that I could pay my fines and costs outright. I watched someone else get shipped off to jail because he didnt have the money with him right there
thats the way it works, they don't give a shit about non violent offenders or their crimes they just hold out their hands and basically say pay up or get fucked, part of the requirement for me to get the leniency I did today was that I could pay my fines and costs outright. I watched someone else get shipped off to jail because he didnt have the money with him right there
Yeah, I've seen more than one person put into the "cage" when they didn't have the money to bribe the court system with either.
Nature is brutal..just finished watching a spider {killer} wasp bite the head off a huge garden spider and fly over to my deck and proceed to have dinner...she is a beauty though, iridescent metallic blue/purple.
Nature is brutal..just finished watching a spider {killer} wasp bite the head off a huge garden spider and fly over to my deck and proceed to have dinner...she is a beauty though, iridescent metallic blue/purple.

Solid Black, friend to Jack, Black and Yellow, kill a fellow....lol


ouff what a busy bee day, but im donework had a split shift today...i like em! LOL , than i went down to the summer festival and bought myself some guitar strings that i needed, LOL than i grabbed a beer ;)
no. do not refuse a blood or breathalyzer. your license will be gone by morning.


the best you can hope for is to refuse the breathalyzer in favor of a blood test, gives you slightly more time to sober up since they have the breathalyzer right there but need to take you to a hospital for a blood test.

I got a dui a few years ago and my lawyer told me the ONLY thing i did wrong was NOT refusing a breathalizer.
Had it not been for blowing three times legal limit she could have got me off with nothing but a small fine.

Edit.....and because of state law i cant refuse one again since ive been convicted of dui already. I fucked myself good by not refusing.
i picked up my guitar for the first time since the death of my ex, its a been a long long time hopefully he can help me get better in spirit. rip buddy you knew how to fucking whail dude