Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Only if you help....
You would NOT want my help in this particular situation.

If someone asks me, for sexy help, when I don't want to - it then becomes my mission to make sure they do not have the ability to get an erection without first thinking of whatever nasty-ass shit from interweb I decide to send them.

Think like Blue Waffle meets Goatsee.

Hahaha - you have interweb - stop being a lazy fucker and fine your own porn!!! hahahaha
You would NOT want my help in this particular situation.

If someone asks me, for sexy help, when I don't want to - it then becomes my mission to make sure they do not have the ability to get an erection without first thinking of whatever nasty-ass shit from interweb I decide to send them.

Think like Blue Waffle meets Goatsee.

Hahaha - you have interweb - stop being a lazy fucker and fine your own porn!!! hahahaha

Why would I look for porn? I'm trying to make one with you....
If someone asks me, for sexy help, when I don't want to - it then becomes my mission to make sure they do not have the ability to get an erection without first thinking of whatever nasty-ass shit from interweb I decide to send them.

but but.....he's asking for your help....SO as a friend you are obligated to help him ;)

come now, be nice........spread the love ;)
but but.....he's asking for your help....SO as a friend you are obligated to help him ;)

come now, be nice........spread the love ;)
As soon as YOU spread your ass, and take a picture - I will consider, possibly, thinking about maybe spreading some small amount of love...hahaha

NOT any part of mine own body though - that's for one lucky man only...

He won, sorry!
tsk tsk....stingy over here :(

sorry but it's not MY ass he's thinkin of
Oh, I am not a shy person - I have a lovely ass. But just because I was lucky enough to be gifted by genetics with this AMAZING body - doesn't mean I HAVE to just show it to ery little boy that asks...

I'm sure, if you ask enough people @giggles26 - someone will play show and tell.

My father loved me very much though, so I don't need to seek love and attention from strangers to feel good about me.

hahahahahahaha - yeah, I'm a bit of a cunt....hahahaha
Oh, I am not a shy person - I have a lovely ass. But just because I was lucky enough to be gifted by genetics with this AMAZING body - doesn't mean I HAVE to just show it to ery little boy that asks...

I'm sure, if you ask enough people @giggles26 - someone will play show and tell.

My father loved me very much though, so I don't need to seek love and attention from strangers to feel good about me.

hahahahahahaha - yeah, I'm a bit of a cunt....hahahaha

Well for starters I'm not a lil boy and secondly your father loved me very much to....
I enjoy the attention of strangers on occasion, no shame there... forum life, that's what we do.
Oh, I like attention.

Just never unwanted sexual attention.

Sure, you can tell me you think I'm pretty - compliments are like CRACK to me...

But, no need for my body parts to entertain you...there are soooo many pretty ones on the interweb - and you don't even have to try to convince them to show ya first.

They're just THERE!!!



I am not sure what the policy on links to porn websites are. But - with the tastefully misleading "x", no one could really call that a proper link, could they?
Well for starters I'm not a lil boy and secondly your father loved me very much to....
You're NOT a little boy? Awww....you just see the world with childlike wonderment...cute.

I thought you seemed a little butt-hurt about it, so I implied a younger age than myself. No offence meant!