really slow seedling?

Thank you guys for trying to help me out. I think I need to make sure to wet the mix before planting as I have only been wetting the area where I am placing the seed. Also I need to stop spraying right on top of the seed and around it instead as I have been spraying exactly where the seed is and around it and also planting the seeds a little bit too deep I am thinking.
decided to tear up the plants today as they didn't move anywhere again. Here is a pictures of the roots after 2 weeks. WTF. Also
had to check to see what was happening with the germinating seeds. Somehow the one moved way down into the medium more than 1 1/2 inches don't know how that happened when all I was doing was spraying it with water every once in a while. It seemed to be growing a small root but didn't mess with it in hopes that something will happen. I planted it in a small divot when it was planted in the first place. The other one I cannot even find the seed although it was an extremely tiny freebie from mephisto so I am sure I just am not seeing it and it didn't even try to put out a root. I guess I will try paper towel germination as germinating in the medium sure as shit any doin me any favors.

I decided I should dig up the seed that just started germinating and shuffle the mix a bit so it isn't so moist and replanted it as if I were doing the paper towel method. There was a tiny root just starting to form so hopefully I got to it soon enough that somehow it will spring into action.
Only 15 more autoflower seeds left. I still got plenty of feminized seeds from bomb seeds and I am actually going to pop some of those (ice bomb) with the mephisto autos. This time I am going to water the entire medium and then let it sit for a few hours and then mix it up to make it nice and airy. Then I will squeeze out some of the mix to make sure it doesn't have much water and put that at the top with the seedling. I am hoping that having barely any water at the top of the mix and fluffing out the mix before planting will make it so the roots will actually move there way through the medium this time. If anyone has any more suggestions for this time round please let me know as I am starting to run out of seeds very quickly.
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Seedling popped its head up today after being transferred to her new home. Shell was stuck on so had to take it off. Was pretty hard even after dropping a couple drops of water on it so hopefully I wasn't too rough on the little one. Hoping for some better luck this time around.

LMFAO still can't shit to grow. Does anyone think that it is because the top of the soil is drying up too quickly and the roots are not able to spread at the top and are having trouble? That is the only thing I can think of cause when I pulled up this plant same thing. Tiny root system that is barely developed after 2 weeks. The roots seem to go 1/4 way down the pot and barely spread to the sides. I don't know what else could be causing this as with humidity domes on the humidity is decent %45 and the temperature is 25 celsius. It seemed to start growing a little more once I put the dome on top so I think it is that the top is drying out too quick because with the dome on it doesn't dry as fast. WTF.
I know that but you think I should just grow those autoflowers out? They don't seem to be getting better by me not watering and when I did water they got slightly better. I really believe it is that the top of the soil is drying out too fast from the CMH due to the watering causing it to grow a bit. The thing though is when I watered it drooped and showed signs of overwatering but the next day was the biggest and most noticeable growth spurt. The funny thing is that only the mephisto's are not growing but the ice bomb seeds that I have are. I thought that autoflowers were supposed to be easier to grow as they are more resilient due to ruderalis genes?
I know that but you think I should just grow those autoflowers out? They don't seem to be getting better by me not watering and when I did water they got slightly better. I really believe it is that the top of the soil is drying out too fast from the CMH due to the watering causing it to grow a bit. The thing though is when I watered it drooped and showed signs of overwatering but the next day was the biggest and most noticeable growth spurt. The funny thing is that only the mephisto's are not growing but the ice bomb seeds that I have are. I thought that autoflowers were supposed to be easier to grow as they are more resilient due to ruderalis genes?
This is the mistruth spread to new growers somehow. Autoflowers are not easier to grow, if anything they are harder to grow because if you make a mistake they will flower whether they are healthy or not. With photoperiods you have time to correct mistakes before making them flower.
adding pictures of the ice bomb.IMG_0506.jpgIMG_0500.jpgIMG_0498.jpgIMG_0499.jpg

Picture 1 day after watering
Picture 2 day before watering
picture 3 plant before watering
Picture 4 plant after watering
This is the mistruth spread to new growers somehow. Autoflowers are not easier to grow, if anything they are harder to grow because if you make a mistake they will flower whether they are healthy or not. With photoperiods you have time to correct mistakes before making them flower.

Yea thats the reason I threw in a few photos as I bought a bunch of bomb seeds before covid. I just can't understand why they are growing quicker though as they have the same conditions only thing is a germinated the seeds for mephisto with their technique on their guide (placing paper towel in dvd case and placing in grow tent) and the ice bomb I germinated by using a platic bag and paper towel. The dvd case one grew a bigger root (don't know if it is genetics or germ method) but the bag ones seem to be turning out better.
Small plants in large containers are very difficult to water/feed properly, especially for new growers. Makes it very easy to overwater. Small plants don't need a lot of water.

Yea that is my problem I am not sure if I am overwatering or under. I don't understand why it would shoot out a growth spurt after watering if it was overwatered though. The way I did this plant is wet soilless mix a bit than mix it around with the bone dry stuff causing moisture to wick into the bone dry stuff as I was mixing it up. The result was a light mix that held moisture but not too much. I could get some water to slightly come out if pressed hard but doesn't have enough that it will drip. I waited for 5 days before watering. The reason I watered is they showed no signs of growth at all and the top of the soil was dry and the pots were light and seemed similar to the dummy pot but a little bit heavier. The other problem that I have though is that after the watering I also put on humidity domes but before that they didn't have them so I am not sure if that helped the problem of if it was the watering.
Yea that is my problem I am not sure if I am overwatering or under. I don't understand why it would shoot out a growth spurt after watering if it was overwatered though. The way I did this plant is wet soilless mix a bit than mix it around with the bone dry stuff causing moisture to wick into the bone dry stuff as I was mixing it up. The result was a light mix that held moisture but not too much. I could get some water to slightly come out if pressed hard but doesn't have enough that it will drip. I waited for 5 days before watering. The reason I watered is they showed no signs of growth at all and the top of the soil was dry and the pots were light and seemed similar to the dummy pot but a little bit heavier. The other problem that I have though is that after the watering I also put on humidity domes but before that they didn't have them so I am not sure if that helped the problem of if it was the watering.
They don't need humidity domes.
I know people say that but it is growing better with them so far. With the dome on the top of the soil doesn't go bone dry in 1 or 2 days. I still don't know if that is the problem but it seems like it to me. The soil gets bone dry about 1/8 of the way down the pot in a couple of days but the stuff underneath stays kinda moist.
I don't know maybe I will try and just water a small circle and let the rest stay bone dry and keep watering a small circle for the first couple of watering's and than saturate the rest of the pot. I guess I will let one go without water for a really long time an just see what happens. I am going to try and grow a couple more times and than I believe it is better to get rid of this kit and give up as it seems like there is something really wrong. You see all these growers having no problems their first time round and most people don't seem to be having any issues. People say it is a weed and it is called that for a reason. Well obviously it is not fool proof.
I don't know maybe I will try and just water a small circle and let the rest stay bone dry and keep watering a small circle for the first couple of watering's and than saturate the rest of the pot. I guess I will let one go without water for a really long time an just see what happens. I am going to try and grow a couple more times and than I believe it is better to get rid of this kit and give up as it seems like there is something really wrong. You see all these growers having no problems their first time round and most people don't seem to be having any issues. People say it is a weed and it is called that for a reason. Well obviously it is not fool proof.
It's not fool proof but proper watering is probably the most common issue for new growers.
well here we go the last of my 3 bears og. I hope mephisto doesn't fail me again this time. I am going to try 3 different methods. 1 pot will be completely dry with a very small amount of water being dropped around the seed every 2-5 days and see how it reacts than start watering more once it seems to be growing. 1 pot being watered only in the center where the seed will be planted and until a tiny bit of runoff comes out and wait to water for 4 days to a week or so. Lastly one pot that is fully saturated and than dig out the center of the pot where the seed will be placed. I will wring out the soilless mix that I removed and make sure it is light and not much water at all and than replace and plant the seed without giving any more water and than wait to water for a week or more.
I don't know maybe I will try and just water a small circle and let the rest stay bone dry and keep watering a small circle for the first couple of watering's and than saturate the rest of the pot. I guess I will let one go without water for a really long time an just see what happens. I am going to try and grow a couple more times and than I believe it is better to get rid of this kit and give up as it seems like there is something really wrong. You see all these growers having no problems their first time round and most people don't seem to be having any issues. People say it is a weed and it is called that for a reason. Well obviously it is not fool proof.

What do you consider a "really long time" ? I let my shit go a week and more without water and they survive it easily. Especially if humidity is right. I'm not saying do that but you'd be safer letting it go bone dry thirsty than overwatering. It might also be that you got a bad batch of seed if you're saying your other strains are growing fine.