Recommendations For An AC Unit In A 4’x4’ Tent


Well-Known Member
looking to buy an AC unit for my 4’x4’ tent. I have one for my 8’x4’ tent that is a good unit but is a little big for a 4x4 and I would prefer to not spend $350 on another AC unit if it can be avoided.
I would take a window AC apart, bend the evaporator coil out and away from the unit, carefully enough you don't crack the small copper hvac line and lose all the refrigerant, and set it nright up against the tent on a platform/end table/etc..

Then cut a slit in the tent, stick the exchanger coil inside through the cut, and seal it back up, so no air is lost like it would if installed normally. Add another fan that blows through the coil, Just to circulate the cold air around in the tent. Its like installing a mini split for tents, which you can then seal up and run co2, but no one ever listens to me lol. No one wants a 6-8k+ btu DIY mini split for there tent that only cost a few hundred to make, and a few hours work.. You can install the unit into a window as normal (with the tent up againgst it too) , or even duct mod it with some ducting and an extra fan to remove the heat, like a portable AC. DOn't get a portable AC unit, they all suck and aren't no where near as efficient as a window unit thats less than half the price usually. I don't know why you guys still buy those kind, or that people still recommend them.

You could just make a big window sized opening without taking the unit apart, but it will suck in air through the baffles inside the ac that seprate the 2 halves, and leak out all the co2. If your not sealing off the tent, then its not a big deal I guess..

They make camping tents with window ac hatches, not sure why they don't do that with grow tents yet. I been waiting years to see one of the companies make one like that, designed to be sealed up...
Are your tents in the same room? Just cool the room, close the passive intake flaps and run an intake fan pulling or pushing air through a filter box. One room two tents one air conditioner. Putting an air conditioner directly in my tents has never occurred to me.