Recovering fraudulent or abused unemployment insurance?

As a tax payer, I'm concerned about corporate billionaires that make their fortunes off the back off government subsidies because they refuse to pay a living wage.

What you faux conservatives fail to realize is if people at the lower end of the scale had more disposable income the economy would be roaring.
I've never collected in my life and I'm not mad at my friend getting a big lump check. He's 60yo and he's paid 6 quarters in his whole life although he's always worked. You need 6 quarters for SSI. You don't need 6 quarters to get Mass health, EBT card and no referrals for Drs, Dentist and two pairs of glasses a year and lives with girlfriend who is on section 8. That not fair and the money could go to those more needy. Anyone who pays taxes should object.
I've no Al's never missed a day of work since the pandemic started.
6 quarters. That’s only a buck fifty.
I've never collected in my life and I'm not mad at my friend getting a big lump check. He's 60yo and he's paid 6 quarters in his whole life although he's always worked. You need 6 quarters for SSI. You don't need 6 quarters to get Mass health, EBT card and no referrals for Drs, Dentist and two pairs of glasses a year and lives with girlfriend who is on section 8. That not fair and the money could go to those more needy. Anyone who pays taxes should object.
I've no Al's never missed a day of work since the pandemic started.
You really seem to know a lot of intimate details about this friend.

Here's an idea - instead of trying to be the alpha of the trailer park by taking your "friends" financial inventory, get some better weed to smoke and mind your own business. comfort.gif
I've never collected in my life and t need 6 quarters to gI'm not mad at my friend getting a big lump check. He's 60yo and he's paid 6 quarters in his whole life although he's always worked. You need 6 quarters for SSI. You don'et Mass health, EBT card and no referrals for Drs, Dentist and two pairs of glasses a year and lives with girlfriend who is on section 8. That not fair and the money could go to those more needy. Anyone who pays taxes should object.
I've no Al's never missed a day of work since the pandemic started.

but that's what your post was the title..then read the post.
The unemployment rate is at 5%. People either live where there aren't jobs or they got better ones. That is why these crappy employers can't find workers
I'm surprised that you do not believe fraudulent unemployment claims are not rampant. So we should continue to give it to everyone who applied without regard. That's not liberal, that's stupid.
I'm sure you guys are all for a living wage. How much is that an hour? $25? $50 ???

According to research from MIT, the living wage in the United States was $16.54 per hour, or $68,808 per year in 2019, before taxes for a family of four (two working adults with two children) up from $16.14 in 2018.Sep 6, 2021
The unemployment rate is at 5%. People either live where there aren't jobs or they got better ones. That is why these crappy employers can't find workers
nine-day-old account, and post 4 of 4 is in Politix
The unemployment rate is at 5%. People either live where there aren't jobs or they got better ones. That is why these crappy employers can't find workers

it's been explored and it's due to logistics; people not living where those jobs are and vice versa. white collar isn't going blue collar either.
According to research from MIT, the living wage in the United States was $16.54 per hour, or $68,808 per year in 2019, before taxes for a family of four (two working adults with two children) up from $16.14 in 2018.Sep 6, 2021
Is that for a family of 2? It comes out to be 80 hour work weeks to make that much at that rate. I hadn't seen that before but it does seem reasonable if 2. Would mean that $32 is a living wage for one person earning for their family.
Is that for a family of 2? It comes out to be 80 hour work weeks to make that much at that rate. I hadn't seen that before but it does seem reasonable if 2. Would mean that $32 is a living wage for one person earning for their family.
$33.08 if we trust the math.
I was just looking for input but as usual most of you can't provide insight and are limited to insults. Fast food is not the point here. The point is that people are still collecting in unemployment simply because the can. Gas stations are paying $18 dollars per hour.
Being frightened is NOT a reason to collect. You input sucks and conversation is non-existent. I've never collected in my life and I've worked since day one.
So why shouldn't people return to work? Why shouldn't we pursue money from people whose claims were positive. Sure as shit I don't think much of my pal who 25k and wasn't entitled to anything.
Frankly I think people who need unemployment insurance should get the support they need. I also believe people who have compromised health have a reason not in to work. Are there not available jobs where you are? You guys are jerks using any using any opportunity to prove it. At the very least support your insults. You guys are just what we need to make sure that Trump gets elected again. Don't try to convince anyone who likes Trump to change their views. Just bust their balls so they're sure to vote for the peckerhead. Yeah you guys are shallow so please provide some info along with your insults.
Shut up you dumb bitch
On the bright side, bartering will be a thing again.
yep, just as soon as they start executing people for obamacare

hey remember when you blamed me for forcing you to call obama by racial slurs even though i wasnt even a member of this site yet you stupid pedophile
According to research from MIT, the living wage in the United States was $16.54 per hour, or $68,808 per year in 2019, before taxes for a family of four (two working adults with two children) up from $16.14 in 2018.Sep 6, 2021
Depends on what state you are in. That $16.24/hr is great pay in Mississippi, and terrible in California.