Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

Yeah I think I was just waiting to respond til I went and checked the box... haven't done that. I wouldn't know how to rewire to the breaker though with a better gauge. replacing the breaker is probably about all that's within my skill level.
OK well I got a problem... I have several 'wilty' plants that look exactly like they're wilting from going too long without water... but they have water. I almost watered one because I thought it was too dry but luckily I checked the moisture/weight... what makes a plant look like it's wilting from lack of water even if it has water? The only other thing I can think of is being rootbound, but even then it's usually that the roots suck up all the water.. I suppose it's theoretically possible for them to be rootbound... but guessing there is probably another explanation.
^^^^Fungus gnats? A pest in the soil eating at the roots maybe? Don't think you could get root rot in air pots unless you go THAT HARD w/ watering.
Didn't think you'd get root bound in air pots either!

But...Moving to Cali at the end of Dec :) Choices are Oakland, San Fran or Sacremento. All had PA grad schools :D
So when you get out there, of make your plans, keep that in mind, cause I'm going hard when I get out there haha.

Day 29 for the Ace! No longer smells like lemons at all! So weird haha. It's 100% mixed berries now :D

Better & Better


  • TGA Subcool Seeds Ace Of Spades.jpg
    TGA Subcool Seeds Ace Of Spades.jpg
    113.4 KB · Views: 11
As you now I am no soil expert... not under watered, but droopy... overwatered? PH?

I can think of a couple of pests that do the same thing... I pray to God that you don't have any of them.
yeah the good thing about the automatic capture is it leaves things open to faking things.. for example it's probably a good time to "shut down" my grow and go offline ;)

got tor on my system now and redphone (voice encryption) and textsecure (text encryption) on my phone... sure those won't stop the nsa if they actively target you but from what I can tell it's about the best chance you've got of avoiding being caught in the 'dragnet'. The only question is whether they save the encrypted stuff to decrypt later (they definitely can). From what I hear it's most definitely within their capability to record and store every voice phone call and text sent in the country. No evidence of that yet but there weren't evidence of a lot of things til recently...

Just get a burner under fake name that uses a cloup ip ( ip addy in different area ). They can have fun trying to track that. When shit gets hot toss the burner, purchase pre paid card and get another burner. Fuck the fuzz!!!!
I thought you had to register all prepaid phones to cut down crime

Prepaid 4g. Im not gonna say which carrirer. But mine i just got to walmart buy phone and load
Card ( cash of course ) when u call to activate use whateva fucking name...its that simple. I would never use a home compufer with a fixed ip addy to post on any forum. Thats just my parinoid ass thpugh... to each his own..
By the way i think i creamed my pants with that bcs bitch lookinng at me like that. Shes all purple and shit.... myyyy godddddd
By the way i think i creamed my pants with that bcs bitch lookinng at me like that. Shes all purple and shit.... myyyy godddddd

Yes, those ladies are verrrrry beautiful!!! It is amazing what a good grower, some supersoil, and some massive lighting can do. Those look sooooo pretty! Been following the past few grows on here and each one just gets more dialed in each time!

GoodJob Reef!
Yeah I'm gonna have to check into those prepaids... for some reason I thought they made you show an id or something but if they don't that works for me :)
Oh and you definitely can rootbound a plant in an airpot it just takes longer. I've never had it happen in larger than a 1.5 gallon pot though, that's what makes me doubt it'd happen this time.
that's some nasty purple,frosty ass buds,someones gonna be happy.good job REEF.;-) many damn ppl do you have to give rep to before givin it to the same person again.sorry.
Well done, Reef...those are some sexy ladies you got going on.
I can almost smell 'em. MMmmmm.
All anyone really has to do is buy the version of google maps and you can see real time satellite views of any where the unpaid version you see a couple years back but its amazing what you cane see