Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

I know its crazy imagine how many people have been busted or even ripped off by people using it even if the view is a year or two old chance are if the guy was growing that year he's probably growing this year. I think it should be shut down
I was gonna post that exact same article void :)

Waiting on a special visitor who's gonna be watching over my garden.. details later tonight
Like your LED sidelighting :) I think it's the unfortunate destiny of my LEDs to become side lighting for my HPS :)

I wasnt trying to insult you with ur lights over on my thread... I am amazed at the results u are getting with ur blackstars because my blackstar really is my shittiest lamp besides the first UFOs I ordered a couple years back. Anyway, I have never grown super big plants yet to know for sure about the penetration with my new set of LEDs. I hope u endup getting a decent powerful LED and do side by side with ur 1000 watters coze I have never grown with 1000 watts HPS and not that many competent growers have done side by side with positive end results for LEDs either... seems most people are givin up on the LEDs.
I use leds because of the heat issue. I grow in a fairly small cab. In a closed off room. So in my situation the led is the only way to go. Even turning my lamp to 200w was getting too hot.
Not sure what you're referring to greensanta I didn't take anything you said to me as an insult :) Posting this while visiting RIU through TOR browser for the first time... just spent some time checking out the darknet... pretty damn dark :) i'm afraid to go to half the sites out of worry that they're set up by leo :) some pretty useful stuff in there though.
DEA using NSA dataThe DEA reportedly uses NSA surveillance data to prosecute Americans, and is covering it up


There is actually a secret govt. organization that now utilizes nsa info to prosecute Americans. It is called SOD.

...and when they start talking about "Parallel Construction" in this article, things start to get very creepy.
No Void I didn't get any PM from you And you know some cops would do something like this, but it's pretty shocking to see it is pretty much official policy.
Mighty mighty that is a rad injury! Drop the fan grooves on ya?

Here is my 2 cents on the NSA/DEA....

It sucks and we all know that. Constant violation of our rights that do not seem to make a difference to them. Make sure you computers use HardDrive encryption with Truecrypt or built in linux harddrive encryption. Even using Tor is becoming dangerous with the NSA(supposedly) released malware.
Remove all exim data
And really be careful as to what is all discussed on the interwebz.
That's why I use Solis Tek ballasts. They are much more docile and don't attack their owners very often. Not like those Lumateks.
I'm worried now that it's tasted human blood will it be out for more?

I had a subcool moment in the dark except falling forward instead of backward... indirectly caused by preparing for the directv visit. Still hurts.
Another plate full of timewreck -- she was bigger, but I think maybe not quite as dense... right now she's weighing out at 1z,17g. we'll see how she weighs out when she goes into the jars tomorrow.
I got 3 palm sized grenades

Our special guest gave his approval. Heisenweed: Balls deep in bud
My life among the trees